Chapter 4 Iron-Man Returns

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"All pair up with any one for this class." Mrs. Peterson said. "Not this kind'a class..." I said as I hung my head. When I looked up, I saw everyone calling 'dibs' to Jenny. "Jeez, can't anyone be a normal person in here?" I thought to myself. "Optimus hasn't arrived since we returned from our little excursion, I wonder what..." I was thinking when someone came up to me. "Yes, I'll be your partner." I said without looking up. Everyone gasped. "What?" I told everyone. "How come Jenny chose you and not one of us?" Some started to whisper and walk away.
"Today's theme is the year 2000-2014." Mrs. Peterson said. "You got any spider what happened between those years?" Jenny whispered as Mrs. Peterson went on with her instructions. "Yes, in fact there were a lot of improvements and historical events." I told her. "You have all day to deliver this essay. You can visit the school library, or go outside and ask people." Mrs. Peterson said. "Off you go." She moved her hands in a 'go away' motion. Everyone stood up and walked to the exit. "So, where do we start?" Jenny said once we were out. "There is more info in books than the Internet." I answered. "To the library then!" She exclaimed as she ran in the direction of the library. I followed slowly and took out my inter-com. "Tony, come in Tony." I said whispering. "What is it Rodolfo?" Tony said through the speakers. "If there is another incident in the city, I need you to go out and check it in the Iron-Man armor. I think Jenny is on to me..." I said answering his question. "Okay, Tony out." Tony turned off his inter-com and I chased Jenny down the hall.
After nearly two hours of reading, we both found information we needed. We started working on the essay. Time seemed to go by slowly, but we finished the essay in time. "Let's bring this in to Mrs. Peterson." I said as I picked up my stuff. "Yup, don't want to be late this time!" Jenny said as we walked to the classroom. " You are early. Did you finish the essay already?" She said while we placed our papers on her desk. "My my." She murmured as she read the papers. "I guess I'll let you go early." She said once she finished. We nodded and walked outside.
We arrived to the park and sat down. I leaned on the bench while Jenny listened to her music. Just then a light appeared in front of us. "The hell?" I said as I stood up. Jenny also stood up. From the light a mysterious creature appeared. It was big, it had a shield in its left arm, a cannon on its right, and it had some armor on it. "What is that?" Jenny said. The creature started shooting at us. We jumped away just in time. The creature growled. It then charged straight towards me. Just then someone landed in front of me. "Did ya' miss me?" Said the figure in front of me. The smoke dispersed and I saw the Iron-Man armor standing in front of me. "Great timing Tony." I thought as I went to help Jenny up. "I'm fine." Jenny said as she jumped up and started to hover.
The creature looked confused, but it seemed to make up its mind and it charged Tony. "Too slow." Tony said as he flew higher. He then started to shoot it with his Repulser's. Jenny also joined and shouted it as well. The creature backed away and the light re-appeared taking the creature away. "The hell was that?" I asked Tony. "I don't know, but it seemed it was targeting you. I call it a 'Hunter'." He said. "Thanks for the help Iron-Man." Jenny said as she approached Tony. "No problem citizen, just keeping the city safe." Tony answered as he flew away. "Hey, that's my job!" She yelled at Tony.
"Can you believe him?" She said to me when we started walking to our houses. "He saves me, then he claims my job!?" She kept telling me. "Maybe he is a vigilante. He must be guarding the place." I said while I shrugged. "Hmph." Jenny said after my response. "Well, that's the day. I have to get going." I told her as I took a left. "I guess. Well, see ya!" She said as she started to run to her house.
"Tony, where did the Hunter come from?" I said when I arrived to my house. "I think it came from outer space. But how come Jenny didn't sense it?" He said through the inter-com. "I don't know Tony, I don't know..."

Somewhere in outer space...
"The human seems to have some friends... I need to send more Hunters to bring him." A voice said. "No, we wait. For he will come to us..." Another voice said. "As you wish Velox."

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