Chapter 12 Sleepover

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"Time to wake up." I heard Optimus's voice as I opened my eyes. "We have to keep training." I heard as Optimus honked. "I'm going." I said as I put on some jeans and a black shirt. "Your Arc-Reactor can be seen through that shirt." Optimus said as he opened a door. "Doesn't matter." I said as hopped in and opened the automatic garage door. Optimus drove out and headed to his left as usual. "Something ain't right." I said as I looked into the path ahead. "This is strange." Optimus murmured as he drove slowly. "Wait up!" I heard Jenny's voice behind us. "Slow down." I said as I looked out. "I'm already driving slowly." Optimus said annoyed. "Where are you going to?" Jenny asked as she caught up. "Training grounds." I answered. "Cool. Can I come?" Jenny asked. "No." Optimus said harshly. "Of course you can." I said as I opened a door. "Humph." Optimus grunted as he closed the door once Jenny got in. "Where is the place?" Jenny asked. "It's supposed to be dead ahead. But I can't recognize anything..." I said as I turned around. "Why is your house in front of mine?" I asked as Optimus turned around. "Oh. I convinced the family that lives behind your house to swap places with yours." She said. "When and how?" I asked. "Midnight and I have super human strength. Remember?" She said. "Right." I answered as Optimus drove off.
"Great training grounds." Jenny said as we got off in a forest. "I see you trained there yesterday." Jenny said as she pointed to some burnt trees. "I forgot to re-grow those..." I said as I scratched my head. Optimus then started to transform. "Get ready." Optimus said once he fully transformed. "Yeah, yeah." I said as the grey particles flashed and I turned into my 'Transformer' form. "You can fly around to watch our every movement if you like." Optimus said as he looked at Jenny. "Sure!" Jenny said excitedly as her jets appeared on her hair. "You ready old man?" I asked Optimus and then laughed. "I now know why Megatron likes to laugh a lot." I thought as my arm turned into the canon. "Don't call me that." Optimus said and I heard Jenny laugh above us.
Optimus's swords unsheathed and we bowed. We then ran towards each other and started to train. Optimus tried to slash me, but my arm parried every blow. My cannon then unsheathed its sword and I tried to slash. Optimus jumped back and dodged. I then aimed at him and I shot. I hit Optimus in his chest. "Good one." Optimus said as he recovered. "Check this out." I said as my chest started to open revealing an expanded Arc-Reactor. "This form apparently has some of my 'Iron-Man' armor abilities." I said as my chest started to glow. Optimus covered his body. My Arc-Reactor then shot a beam. "I can use my Uni-Beam in this form." I said as the beam disappeared and my chest closed. "That might be useful." Optimus said. "What else can you do?" I heard Jenny asking from above. "I can do this!" I said as my back thrusters started to ignite. In a few seconds I was looking straight at Jenny. "Whoa!" Jenny said amazed. I laughed and I descended. "That's it for today." Optimus said as he transformed into his truck form and opened his doors. "Let's go." I said as the particles flashed again and I returned to normal. My aura then flashed and the burnt trees looked like new.
"Why did you come along?" I asked Jenny once we were heading back to Tremorton. "I wanted to invite you to a sleepover." Jenny answered. "Why?" I asked. "Because it's my first 'party'." She answered. "Ok." I said. "Brad and Sheldon are also coming." She added a bit later. "Why us?" I asked. "Because you are my only friends." Jenny said and Optimus suddenly stopped. "You only have three friends?!" Optimus said. "Four actually, Tuck is one of the four." Jenny said a little disappointed. "Consider your friends five." Optimus said. "Consider it seven." I said. "Who are the other two then? I know Optimus is one now." She said. "Velox and Tony." I said and I smiled. "Cool!" She added. "Any friend of mine is a friend of Tony." I said and Optimus started to drive again.
I slept for a while and I woke up at 7:00 P.M. "Must get going." I thought as I grabbed a gadget Tony and I created and put it in my pocket. I walked outside and I headed towards Jenny's house. When I arrived, I saw Brad and Sheldon come running. "She invited you too?" Brad asked. "Yup." I said. "Where's your gear?" Sheldon asked. "Right here." I said as I patted my pocket. The door opened and Nora Wakeman peeked out. "Oh! It's you. Come in!" She said as she stepped aside. Nora Wakeman is a short woman that has white spiky hair, and she wears red glasses and a lab coat. "XJ9 has been waiting impatiently for you." She said as she opened a door. Jenny was pacing around the room and looked up. She smiled and walked toward us to greet us. "Hi there!" Jenny said. "Hey there Jen!" Brad said as Jenny hugged him. "Hi Jenny!" Sheldon said as he blushed when she hugged him. "Hi!" I said as she hugged me. "Great timing! I have many things planned for today!" Jenny said excitedly. "I can't wait for it to start!" Brad said throwing his sleeping bag aside. "Me too!" Sheldon said doing the same thing Brad did. "Where's your gear Rodolfo?" Jenny asked. "Right here." I said once I took out the gadget. They looked at me bewildered and I dropped the gadget. I then pushed a button and I walked back. The symbol of 'Stark Industries' appeared and then a sleeping bag popped up with some chips and sodas. "Whoa!" They all said in unison. "How did you get this?!" Sheldon asked picking up a soda. "Rodolfo is a friend of Tony." Brad said as he picked a soda too. "Brought oil too." I said as I placed six oil cans in a table.
"So the boy said 'I was eating when my father went to the bathroom, he farted, and the neighbors' house blew up!'." I said as I finished the joke. They started to laugh. "Good one bro!" Brad said as he wiped his tears. "My turn!" Sheldon said. "There was a..." Sheldon was starting his joke when Tuck came in. "I got a story." Tuck said. "Tuck. What are you doing here?" Brad said as he stood up. "I am here to tell you guys something." Tuck said as he walked up to me. "He is a villain!" Tuck yelled as he pointed a finger at me. "Rodolfo would never do anything evil." Sheldon said as he stood up as well. "Then how do you explain this!" Tuck said as he took out a camera with a video of me fighting Whiplash. "That can't be true. Rodolfo was evacuating the people." Brad said as he pushed the camera away. "It looks real to me." Sheldon said nodding. "But he is fighting the 'real' villain." Sheldon then said. "I thought you convinced him of that being a dream." I whispered to Jenny. "I thought I convinced him too." Jenny whispered back. "What are you two whispering about?" Brad asked looking up. "Nothing!" Jenny and I both said simultaneously. "Sure." Sheldon said ironically. "What are you hiding 'Rodolfo'?" Tuck asked walking up to me. "Fine!" I said as I walked to the window. "What are you doing?" Brad asked. "Making sure no one in nearby." I said as I turned around. Then the particles started to surround me clamping my Iron-Man armor on. "What's all the racket?!" Nora said as she entered the room and gasped. "Rodolfo is 'Iron-Man'?!" She asked incredulously. "Mom! I can explain!" Jenny said as she walked over to her. "There is nothing in need of an explanation. I am a hero." I said as the particles took the armor off. "I've known you for so long. And you choose to tell me this now?!" Nora asked me. "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Back up a bit. Did Mrs. Wakeman just say 'I've known you for so long'?" Brad asked. "What's going on?" Sheldon asked sitting down. "I am an elder being. That means that I am older than the Universe itself." I said. "I'm here to make sure nothing threatens humanity." I said as I paced around. "After millions of years, I heard of this 'ravine' suddenly stopping in front of a little town. That meant to me that there was something special about this place." I said as I opened my arms. "I met Nora when she was a little girl. She visited me by 'Stark Tower' every weekend. That's why she loves to invent things." I said and Nora chuckled.
"That's pretty much it." I said as I finished my story. "You are here to protect humanity then?" Tuck asked. "Yup." I said. "That's awesome!" Tuck said as he jumped up and started to run around. "How come you attend 'Tremorton High' then?" Brad asked. "To keep an eye on you three." I said as I leaned on my cushion. "Ok. Why us?" Sheldon said. "Because I sense something great in all four of you." I said. "Can I stay?" Tuck asked. "No." Brad said sternly. "But I want to listen to more of Rodolfo's stories." Tuck said. We all laughed to Tuck's statement.

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