Chapter 18 The Lagia and The Hunter

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"Nuuuuuuu!" I yelled as I looked at the homework Mrs. Peterson left us. "Why!? Why!?" I yelled as I walked towards my locker. "I HATE essays!" I said as I banged my head on the locker. "It's an essay about a sci-fi book or movie. No big deal." Jenny said. "I hate writing. Unless I actually enjoy the topic." I muttered as I took out my backpack. "Well, I believe you..." Jenny said as her hair transformed into the "danger detecting" satellites. "What's the big emergency this time?" I laughed as I stared at her. "This is bad, very bad..." Jenny muttered. My whole mood changed. "What's wrong?" I asked. "A 'monster' of some sort is approaching Tremorton." Jenny said. "So?" I asked. "I don't have any information about this monster." Jenny said as her screen came out of her belly-button. "XJ9! There is a giant destructive monster approaching the city!" Nora said as she fizzled into the screen. "Nora, could you show me a picture about this 'monster'?" I asked. "Yes." Nora said as her image disappeared and a 'dragon' looking creature appeared. "No way!" I muttered as I looked at the blue scales, orange horns and yellow eyes. "It's a Lagiacrus!" I said astonished. "You know this creature?!" Nora and Jenny asked. "Yes, I had a vision about a hunter facing this thing. It has devastating power!" I said as I remembered the vision I had last night.
>A hunter is facing a dreaded creature, the Lagiacrus! "I must defeat this creature in order to save Moga Village!" The hunter thought as he saw the sleeping beast. "The Chief said that the Lagia's weak spot is it's back spikes." The hunter thought as he unsheathed his sword. "If I don't defeat him, the whole Village will disappear from all maps!" The hunter said.
It's been a long fight. "I think he is tired out!" The hunter said successfully as he saw the Lagia crouch. Then it's back spikes started glowing. "No way! The Chief was right!" The hunter thought as he saw the Lagia discharge a huge amount of electricity.<
"We need to take care of this immediately!" I said as I turned around to see a crowd of people running towards us. "It's him!" A girl yelled. "I want his autograph!" A boy said. "I want a picture of him with me!" Another girl yelled. "Oh crud." I muttered as I stepped back. "Rodolfo, RUN!" Brad yelled from nearby. "Aw man!" I said as I turned and ran. "TIFF, BRIT!!!! I told you not to tell anyone!!!" I yelled as I ran into the cafeteria. "Jarvis! I need a way out, ASAP!" I yelled as the Iron-Man armor clamped on. "Through the roof sir." Jarvis said annoyed. "Oh, right." I muttered as I flew upwards. "Get him!" A student yelled as he saw me hovering. They all started to jump aiming for my feet. "Don't want to burn 'em." I muttered as I looked down. "Activating back thrusters." Jarvis said.
"Thanks Jarvis." I said as I flew through the roof. "Took you long enough." Jenny said annoyed staring at me. "Sorry, the fans!" I muttered as the helmet clamped off. "Sure." Jenny said rolling her eyes. "We don't have time for this! We need to stop the Lagiacrus!" I said as my back thrusters started to charge. "It's headed towards the Western Coast. Why would it be headed towards an area with water?" Jenny said as her wing unfolded. "It lives in water." I said as I followed Jenny at high speed.
"Don't want that thing to kill me." A man said, he wore a grey hoodie and scarf that covered he's mouth and nose, he had 2 red pencil-width tubes in his arms were he's veins were, he wore black bike gloves and he wore a black microphone "I must stop him before he does any damage to anyone." The man said as he ran towards the Lagiacrus unsheathing from purple particles a Great Sword with a silver blade and a black handle.
"I'm getting a second energy reading." I said as we stop right above the Lagiacrus. "Where?" Jenny asked. "Bellow us?" I asked myself as I looked downwards. "There!" Jenny said triumphantly as she pointed to the misterious man. "Ah. He must've been tracking the beast." I said satisfied as the man looked upwards and waved.
"Hey!" The man yelled. "I can't take on this thing alone, you know?" The man said as he slashed at the Lagia's chest. "Why have the Lagia species evolved into having a sturdier skin?" The man asked himself. "Watch out!" I yelled as I shot my Repulsers towards the Lagia's back. It roared as it turned around. "Surprise!" Jenny said as she punched it in the nose. The Lagia grunted as it sneezed. "My turn." The man muttered as he ran towards the Lagia. "For Rudy!" The man yelled as he lowered his sword towards the Lagia's head. "Wait!" I yelled as the man stopped in front of the Lagia "Yeah?" The man asked as he lowered he's sword . "Don't kill it." I said as I pulled his sword from his hands. "Hey!" The man said as I threw his sword away. "It might mean no harm." I said as I turned to face the Lagia. "What are you doing here?" I yelled as the particles unclamped my helmet. The Lagia roared as it lowered it's head. "Why have you come here?" I asked the Lagia as I approached it's head. The Lagia groaned and snorted a bit. "Why are you confused Lagia?" I asked as I walked closer. "No way..." The man said. "He's soft from the inside." Jenny said turning towards the man. "Wow!" The man said as he jumped back. "What?!" Jenny asked startled as she turned around frantically. "Nothing. Sorry, I'm not used to seeing robots a lot." The man said as he raised his hand to the back of his hoodie.
"The Lagia apparently 'disappeared' from his dimension. He claims that one day he was sleeping in his lair, the other, he appeared in the middle of a forest." I explained as I walked towards Jenny and the man. "The Lagia is confused, he is afraid of something. I just explained that it has nothing to fear." I said as I turned around. "He just agreed that he would head to the ocean and make a new lair in there." I said as the Lagia lowered it's head towards us and sniffed. "He apparently seems to like you Jenny." I laughed as the Lagia's head got closer to Jenny. "Could you please tell it that I don't like to be 'sniffed'?" Jenny asked as she stepped backwards. "Of course I can." I said as I turned to look at the Lagia. "What is he doing?" The man asked Jenny. "Speaking to the Lagia, duh." Jenny said as she heard a little grumble coming from my throat. "That I have never heard from him." Jenny said as she heard some groans and roars from my throat. "I didn't mention that I could speak to dinosaurs, right?" I asked Jenny as I turned to face her. "No, no you didn't." Jenny said as she looked at me with a confused glance. "If you are going to live protecting humans, then why not learn every possible 'language' from Earth?" I asked as I chuckled. "Tell me 'bout it..." The man said as he walked towards his sword. "I'm sorry, but what's your name?" I asked as I walked towards the man. "The name's ShadowDarkflames." The man said as he unsheathed his sword. "Nice to meet a fellow hunter." I said as I extended my hand. The man sighed and he shook it. "No! Get away!" I heard Jenny yell as the Lagia chased her around. "I think he really likes you!" I yelled as I laughed. "I don't like to be chased by a giant dragon!" Jenny yelled. I laughed some more as I walked to the Lagiacrus. I told it to stop chasing her. The Lagia grunted and I muttered to it that it could stay nearby if he wanted to "hang out" with Jenny some more. The Lagia opened it's mouth once and closed it quickly. He nodded and he turned towards Jenny. He walked towards her and he lowered his head. "Uh..." Jenny muttered. "He wants you to pat him." I muttered as the Lagia moved it's tail sideways. "He acts like a dog!" ShadowDarkflames laughed as he got hit by a quick "tail-swipe". I laughed as he hit the floor. "He's actually cute!" Jenny said as she scratched at the Lagia's head. The Lagia closed his eyes and he started to growl. "He does like it, does he?" Jenny asked as she stopped and the Lagia opened his eyes and stopped growling as well. "Of course he does. He only growls like if it were a 'purr'." I said as the Lagia turned to face me.
"Don't forget our little deal." I whispered to the Lagia as we started to walk away. "I'll be seeing you later!" Jenny yelled as she turned around. The Lagia raised it's head and roared.
"Till then, heroes!" shadow yelled as he walked to the opposite way",
And I started to think.
"What's the matter?" Jenny asked.
"He seems...familiar" I said.

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