Chapter 20: Girls invite Boys

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"Now, we put this in slowly..." I muttered as I fitted my notebooks into my locker. "There we go! Ready for Christmas!" I said successfully as I closed the locker. "Rodolfo, could you be my date at the prom?!" A girl asked behind me. "What?" I said as I turned around. "NOT AGAIN!!!" I yelled as I started to run away from a crowd of girls. "Someone, anybody, HELP ME!!!" I yelled as I kept on running. "I will help you." Brit said as she walked in front of me. "What will the cost be?" I asked impatiently. "You will have to be my date on the prom." Brit said as she grinned. "Fine, you got a deal!" I said as I shook her hand. "Fellow friends." Brit said as the crowd stopped. "I am happy to announce that Rodolfo is going to be my date at the prom." Brit said and the crowd started to walk away disgusted. "Thanks!" I said as I walked away.
I spotted Jenny walking in the hall depressed. "Yo Jen!" I yelled as I ran up to her. "What?" Jenny asked a bit annoyed. "What seems to be the problem?" I asked. "Mom won't let me invite a boy to the prom." She said. "Oh, that thing." I muttered. "Someone already invited you?!" Jenny asked as she turned to face me. "Yes." I said. "Who is your date?" She asked impatiently. "Brit. We had a little deal." I muttered. "Darn! Now I will be the only one to go without a date!" Jenny said as she closed her eyes disappointedly. "Don't worry. You could do something else, go ask Sheldon or Brad for some ideas." I said as I patted her shoulder. "You're right, I guess." Jenny muttered. "Go on, go get a date!" I said as I walked towards the door.
"I need to use a tie, coat, some jeans..." I was muttering as I opened my closet and I started to look for the things I needed. "Now, I need to bring Optimus as well. How am I going to convince him?" I asked myself as I walked towards the garage. "Optimus! I want you to come to a prom with me, as my car." I said as I turned on the lights. "Fine. There haven't been many interesting occurrences lately..." Optimus muttered as he opened the door. "So, who's it going to be? Jenny again?" Optimus asked as he closed the door. "No. Brit asked me to the prom today." I said as Optimus started the engine. "Wait, Brit!? Isn't she the one that bothers Jenny a lot?" Optimus asked. "Yes, we had a little deal." I muttered. "Let's go then, she hates waiting." Optimus said.
"About time you got here." Brit said annoyed. "Tiff left an hour ago with her date." Brit continued as I opened the door. "Is this your vehicle? Looks like a tin can." Brit said as I got in and Optimus closed the doors. Optimus grunted as he turned on the engine. "I believe you need to repair this can." Brit said. "Oh no." I muttered as Optimus's engine roared. "Gah!" Brit yelled as the glove compartment opened and a water leak wet brit's face. "Why are you dressing so classy? The future is today's fashion." Brit said as she dried her face. "This is going to be a long night." I muttered as I drove to Tremorton High.
"I hope this doesn't take that long." I muttered as I shut the door. "Stay here just in case anything goes wrong, Ok?" I asked Optimus. "Sure." Optimus grunted. "See ya later then!" I said as I dashed to open the doors to the gym.
"Yo Jenny!" I yelled as I caught up to her. "I didn't expect to see you here tonight!" I said. "Oh, I found my date." Jenny said as she smiled. "So... Where is he?" I asked as I looked around. "It's the Silver Shell." Jenny said. "Oh, hope you have fun tonight!" I said as I ran to get some punch.
"So then I punched that nerd in the face!" A boy was saying as the rest laughed. "Puny bullies." I muttered as I passed by. "Are we going to dance or what?" Brit asked. "Oh, ah, yes sure." I said as I turned to face her. We danced for about an hour until everyone started running away screaming. "What is this!?" I muttered as I turned around. "Space bikers." Brit muttered as she pointed to a gang of "frog" like people. "This'll be easy." I said as I walked slowly towards the group. "You better get out, it might get a bit 'fishy' in here." I said as The blue particles started to surround me. "Who of you guys is up first!" I said as my armor clamped on. "Look, another useless robot!" One of them said. "How about we show him like the silver one, eh?" Another said. "Would you mind making your mind up, I got better stuff to do." I said as I walked right in front of them. "Well then, I'm first!" The leader of them said as she started punching my armor. "Have you started already?" I asked as I turned to look at the gym. "Why aren't you getting hurt?!" She said. "Oh sorry, did you say something?" I said as I turned around and shot her with a Repulser. "Gah!" She muttered as she hit the wall. "Who's up next?" I said as my face piece slipped off. "Thanks very much Iron-Man, I'll take it from here." The Silver Shell said as he walked up. "Look bub. You got a date here, I am doing my job." I said as I stared to the Silver Shell. "Well...umm..." The Shell started to stammer. "Just return to your..." I was saying as something heavy hit me from behind. "You're using melee weapons now? Why not use your bikes?" I yelled as I looked down. "We will use our bikes!" The leader yelled. "Let me help you with that." I said as Optimus drove through the wall pushing the bikes. "How in the world?" The Shell asked himself. "Get onto your bikes, cause this will get a little interesting." I muttered as I descended and my armor flashed before it clamped off.
"No way!" A boy said looking through the hole in the wall. "How did that truck drive in without a conductor?" Tiff asked her sister. "No idea." Brit said. "What is it doing!?" Another boy asked.
"Ladies, I'd like you to meet my friend. Optimus Prime." I said as Optimus fully transformed. "Are you ready to rumble?" Optimus said as his mouthpiece covered his mouth. "No way..." The Shell muttered as he looked at Optimus in disbelief. "Stand back child!" Optimus said as he unsheathed his swords. "So... Who wants to go first?" I asked as I walked towards the bikers. "You!" Jenny said outraged. "Oh, hi..." The Shell muttered. "Leave now!" Jenny yelled at the Space Bikers and at the Silver Shell. "This party was getting boring anyways." The leader of the bikers said as they hopped onto their bikes and rode away. "Well, that does that..." Optimus said as he sheathed his swords. "Cool! A giant talking robot!" A boy said as he ran up to Optimus. "You, me, private talk, NOW!" Jenny yelled at the Shell as she pulled him out. "Uh... Let me introduce you to Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots." I said as they all walked up to Optimus. "He looks cooler than Jenny!" A boy said. "He must be a real fighter!" Another boy said. "He's so tall!" A girl muttered. "Do that thing again." Brit told Optimus. "Do what?" Optimus asked. "The whole 'truck to robot' thing." Tiff said. "You mean the 'transforming' process?" Optimus asked. "Yes." Brit said. "Fine." Optimus muttered as he turned to a truck again. "Wow!" The crowd of teenagers muttered as Optimus returned to his robot mode. "He is amazing!" A boy said.
"Why are teenagers amazed of anything so easily?" I asked myself as I walked out. "Because they have never seen a giant transforming evil fighting robot before." Jenny said interrupting my thoughts. "Weren't they amazed when they saw you for the first time?" I asked her. "Nope, they thought I was, and still am a freak." Jenny said. "Times will change soon enough." I muttered as I looked at the sky. "Quite a night if you ask me." I muttered as I looked around. "Tell me about it." Jenny muttered. "How was your date Jen?" I asked. "Terrible, no dancing or anything at all. Yours?" Jenny asked. "We danced for a bit, but Brit annoyed Optimus on the way here." I said. "Mind if I have this dance?" Jenny asked. "Not at all." I said.

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