Chapter 7 Meteor Impact

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A rumbling noise can be heard from far away. "Must be a dream." I thought as I was still on my bed. The rumbling got closer and closer. Then it stoped and a honking noise could be heard. "Get up Rodolfo!" Said a voice outside. "They are here!" It repeated. "Optimus?" I said waking up a bit. "What's the big idea?" I said yelling from my window. "They're here!" Optimus said as he opened the cockpit door. "We need to leave now!"

Jenny's House:

"Jenny!" Nora Wakeman said. "What is it mother?" I asked a little annoyed. "There seems to be a meteor shower coming straight at Earth!" Mother continued. "Go out and destroy these meteors!" She added later. "Must be the Autobots Prime and Velox warned us about..." I thought as I flew to outer space once again.


"Here she comes right now." I told Optimus through the inter-com. "What's up fellas?" Jenny asked through the inter-com. "The Autobots have arrived!" Optimus said. "They must enter Earth's atmosphere to activate their tracking systems." Optimus told us both. "Mother wants me to destroy these. How can we let them in without her knowing?" She asked. "Leave that to me." I said as. I activated something on my wrist.

Nora's lab:

"The objects are disappearing!" Nora said as she watched the flashing lights fade. "Jenny has outdone herself this time!" She said as she walked towards her bed.


"Here they come!" Optimus said. "Move out of the way!" Jenny said as she flew away. "The Decepticons are still in there!" I said as I flew with Jenny. "Get out of the way!" Optimus said as he flew to the other side. "We are already away from the asteroids' path." I said annoyed. "Which ones are the Autobots?" Jenny asked. "They have the mark I have in my chest." Optimus said as he approached us showing his symbol.
We followed the meteors with the mark and saw them transform into their 'robot' form. "Now we wait." Optimus said transforming into his truck form. "Where?" Jenny asked. "Rodolfo's house. There is a Bunker in the lower levels." He said opening both doors. "There is a bunker in my house?!" I said as I sat in the pilot seat. "I forgot to mention this, but I was expecting something like this to happen." Optimus said once Jenny and I were inside.
We drove silently towards my house. No one said a word until Optimus ordered us to get out. "Where is the bunker then?" I asked. Optimus moved to the garage door and opened it. He then flipped a desk and pushed a button. The floor opened showing us a big hole. "Jump in here." Optimus said as he jumped in. I followed him and Jenny followed me.
We waited for what seemed like hours. I turned on the TV and put the News channel on. "There has been an asteroid collision on many parts of the globe. These objects disappeared after the collision." A man said. I switched the channel and saw Jenny's mom. "How could some asteroids land?! I saw them disappear from the radars!" Nora said. "What kind of tech did you use?" Jenny asked. "A cloaking device from the year 2020." I answered. Just then, cars started falling from the ceiling. Once they hit the ground they transformed. "Optimus, we received your signal." One said as it fully transformed. "Megatron found his way into the planet with some of his Decepticons." Another one said. "Calm down!" Optimus said. "I thought Megatron would have tried to follow you. That's why we are in this bunker." Optimus said as he walked around. "Quick, turn the News channel on!" One of the Autobots ordered me. I turned it on and gasped at what I saw. "Megatron is already on the loose!" Another one said with a radio signal. "Bumblebee, we will hunt them tomorrow." Optimus said to the one that spoke with the radio signal. "Ratchet, what do you think of this?" Optimus told one of the Autobots. "We have to find them now!" He answered. "We will wait outside." Jenny said as she pulled me away. "Whats all the fuss?" Jenny said once we were out of the bunker. "The Decepticons followed them." I said. "We have to find them now!" Jenny said as some tiny rockets appeared on her hair. "Nice upgrade." I said nodding to her hair. "It's easier than flying with wings." She answered.
We flew into the city and saw people running. "I think we found them..." I said as I descended. Suddenly a loud crashing sound was heard. "I am Megatron!" A voice said. "We have to evacuate the people!" I said. "Let's go!" Jenny said as she flew upwards. "Citizens of Tremorton." She said as she stopped in the air. "It's Jenny!" Someone said. "She will save us!" Another one said. They all started cheering. I flew up and hovered in the air. "You must all evacuate now!" I said as I turned to the source of the problem. I saw a bullet going straight at me. "Shoot!" I muttered as the bullet hit me. It sent me flying towards the skating park.

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