Chapter 2 "Optimus Calling All Autobots..."

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"Where am I!" I thought as I woke up. I turned around and saw my room as usual. "Jeez, what a nightmare..." I thought as I stood up. I dreamed of a burning city, there seemed to be a robot in the middle of the chaos and it wasn't Jenny. I started dressing up. My Arc-reactor glowed steadily. I went to the mirror and saw my reflection. "Lucy..." I thought as I saw my scar. "Haven't seen her the whole summer..."

I walked downstairs and looked at the time. "5:00 AM. Why am I getting up so early...?" I thought. I then heard the garage door opening. I ran to the door that leads to the garage. I saw Optimus starting to go out on his truck form. "Wait up Prime!" I yelled as I opened the pilot door. "I was going to go by myself. It's important business..." He said. "If it's so important, then I have to come with you." I answered him. "Very well. Just fasten your seat belt." And we were off.

He took me away from Tremorton. "Where are we going to?" I asked. "Somewhere where no human can see us..." He said slowly. "What are you going to do?" I asked again. "I am going to call the Autobots. Make sure Wakeman doesn't detect them when they arrive." He said seriously. I got out of the truck and Optimus transformed to his humanoid form. His chest then started lighting up and sent a beacon throughout the night sky.

He spent some time there. I sat waiting motionless. When he finished, he reverted to his truck form and I got in. "Let's Roll-Out." He said as he drove to the house. We arrived at 7:00 AM to my house. "I am surely going to leave for some time. I have to make sure the Autobots arrive safely..." He said as I got off. "Ok then, do whatever must be done." I told him.

I arrived early to school. I walked to the classroom and took a seat. I then put on my earphones and put my feet on my desk. I liked my tunes, from the year 2014, and I have others before that year. I almost dozed off, but regained my consciousness when the bell rang. The first one to come in was Jenny. "That's weird, she is usually the last one." I thought as I removed my earphones.

"What ya' listening to?" She said sarcastically. "Some old tunes..." I responded to her. "Hah, I got all of the year's albums stored in my house!" She smirked. "So, I have older songs than you do." I barked at her. She was just about to say something when I interrupted her. "This is a dumb discussion, I can't believe I am wasting my time on this..." I said as I lowered my feet and turned my attention to Mrs. Peterson.

Jenny kept scowling at me during the whole day. "Doesn't she know how to behave?" I asked myself as I started walking to my own house.

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