Chapter 13 Nightmare

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A city is burning in the distance. "Where am I?" I thought as I looked around. "Is that me?!" I asked myself as I saw a man that looked just like me. The only difference was that he was wearing a cloak. "Spidey! Come in Spidey!" The other me said. "Spidey?!" I thought. "What's up?" I heard a tired voice on the other me's inter-com. "New York is under siege!" The other me said. "What?!" The other voice said startled. "I'll be right there!" The other me said as the particles surrounded him and his Iron-Man armor appeared. "What's happening?" I thought as my armor clamped itself and I followed myself.
"I never imagined he was going to be the first one to fall asleep." Brad said looking over to my body. "Neither did I." Jenny murmured. "Something ain't right guys." Sheldon murmured as he pointed to my body, it was twitching.
"Oh no." I thought as I saw the destroyed city of New York. "What's this!?" I asked myself as the other me descended. "I came as quickly as possible." A man in a red and blue suit said. "Can't believe Ultron is the cause behind all of this." The man said. "Calm down Spider-Man." The other me said. "Calm down! Half of our team is dead!" Spidey said. "I know." The other me said as I saw a tear run down his cheek. "The hell?" I asked myself as I turned to look at the city. "What are those?" I asked myself as I saw some strange creatures followed by some robots and... Elites!? "Ultron took over the Covenant fleet and killed Velox." The other me said. "Can't believe the world has come to this..." Spidey said. "Let's go." The other me said as a strange sword appeared.
"What's wrong with him?" Tuck asked as he looked at my body. "I don't know." Jenny said. "Maybe you should ask your mom." Brad said. "Maybe." Jenny said.
I followed the Spidey and the other me to the center of the city. "I hear something." The other me said. "My 'Spider-sense' is tingling." Spidey said as he stepped back. Suddenly a rain of purple 'needle' like bullets started to fall on us. "It's a trap!" Spidey said as he made a little 'web' shield on top of us. "This can't be good." I said.
"What seems to be the problem?" Nora asked once she opened the door. "Something seems to be happening to him." Sheldon said as he pointed at me. "Take him to my 'Holocaster' room!" She said as she leaded the way.
"What's that rumbling noise!" I thought as I looked around. "He's here!" Spidey muttered. "Run Spidey! Run!" The other me said as he pushed Spidey away. "What's going on?!" I thought as I followed Spidey.
"What's happening to him?" Sheldon asked. "He seems to be experiencing a nightmare." Nora said. "Place this on his head." Nora said as she handed a 'helmet' to Brad. "Oh. A nightmare, that's a relief." Tuck said as he sat down. "Oh my!" Nora exclaimed as the scene of my dream surrounded them.
A light was un top of us. "No!" I heard the other me yell as I saw him running towards us in the distance. "Gah!" I heard Spidey's painful scream behind me. I turned around and saw something I didn't want to see. "The same robot!" I thought as I saw a robot holding Spidey by the neck. "You'll do nicely on my trophy room." The robot said. "Do your worst Ultron." Spidey said gasping for air. "Very well then." Ultron said as an 'Energy Sword' appeared from one of his arms. "No." I thought as Ultron pulled his arm back and stabbed Spidey. Spidey gasped for air. "No!" The other me yelled as he threw his Gunblade towards Ultron. "Puny human." Ultron said as he took out the sword from Spidey's limp body. "No. It can't be." I thought as I looked at Ultron. "This can't be happening!" I thought as I walked back.
"Spidey!" I yelled as I jolted up. I looked around and I saw everyone else. "Just a dream." I thought and then I looked at the terrified looks on everyone's faces. "You didn't need to see that." I said as I got up. I raised a hand and I felt something. I took off the 'helmet' and I walked towards Nora. "Take me to the surveillance room." I said and she nodded.
I checked all security tapes from the last month. "There!" I said as I paused the video. "How did you know?" Jenny asked a bit skeptical. "While I was in my dream, I could hear my other self's thoughts. He is apparently from another dimension. He is him." I said as I pointed at the other me in the screen. "Then that dream is something happening in 'his' dimension?" Tuck asked. "No. He is from another dimension. But there is a branch that leads to that 'apocalyptic' dimension." I said as I walked out of the room. "Just forget everything you saw." I said as I turned around. "Done." Both Tuck and Sheldon said in unison. "I'll try." Brad said. "That'll be hard for me..." Jenny murmured. "It will be gone before you know it." I said as I smiled. "How about some more jokes." I said as I sat down.

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