Chapter 10 Tuck

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My phone rang while I got up. "Hello?" I said through the microphone. "Yo Rodolfo. I need you to go pick Tuck up." I heard Brad's voice through the speakers. "Your little brother?" I asked. "Yes, I can't go get him. I promised Jenny I would hang out with her today." Brad said and I heard a little squeal. "I'm on my way." I said as I hung up.
I walked and breathed the fresh morning air. I sighed as I saw Sheldon running towards me. "I've done it!" He yelled as he caught up. "You've done what?" I asked as I kept on walking. "Jenny's gift is complete!" He said as he jumped. "But I don't know when to give it to her..." He muttered. "I'm sort of busy right now Sheldon. I need to go pick up Tuck." I said as I arrived to the school. "See you later then!" He said as he ran away. I leaned on the wall and waited for the last bell to ring. "What does Brad always say about his brother?" I asked myself as I looked up to watch the clouds. "He says he is annoying." I thought as I counted the clouds. Just then the kids came running out. And I found his brother. He is short, he has pointy black hair (sort of like his brother) and he has black eyes. "Hello Tuck." I said as I stopped him. "Hi, whoever you are." Tuck said as he stopped. "Your brother told me to come pick you up." I said as I walked along. "I don't know you." Tuck said as he started to trot. "I am your brother's best friend." I said as I followed. "No you're not, Jenny is." He said as he stopped. "What now?" I asked him as I stopped too. "I think I remember you now." He said slowly. "You are the one that always fights with Jenny!" He said as he looked at me amazed. "Oh. That was before school started. We are friends now." I said as I looked at him in the eye. "Yeesh!" Tuck said as he saw my scar. "What happened to you?" He said as he stared at my scar. "Oh, this? It was an accident." I said as I walked towards a nearby ice cream van. "Hey! Don't walk away from me!" He said as he caught up. "What flavor do you like?" I asked him. "Excuse me?" He said as he looked at me confused. "I am going to buy you an ice cream. What flavor do you like?" I said as I took out a five dollar bill. "I enjoy chocolate." He said. "One chocolate ice cream please." I told the man inside the van. "Only one?" He asked. "Yup." I said as I gave him the bill. "Keep the change." I told him as I gave Tuck the ice cream. "Thank you mister!" Tuck said as he started to eat. "No problem." I said as I walked with him for a while.
"You're not like I thought you were." Tuck said when he finished eating his ice cream. "What did you think about me?" I asked him. "I thought you were mean." Tuck answered. "There's more than meets the eye." I said as I thought about that phrase Optimus always says. "I guess..." Tuck said. "How about we race to your house?" I asked Tuck. "Ok. But if I win, you give me ten dollars!" Tuck said as he started to run. "Agreed." I said as I chased after him.

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