Chapter 19 Drive in Movie

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"Tony, don't mix those two!" I yelled as Tony pretended to mix sulfur with a strange substance. "Of course I'm not going to mix them. If I do, we can kiss 'Stark Industries Tower' away." Tony said as he separated them. "Do you always fool around Tony?" I asked as he walked towards a holographic screen. "Of course not! I only act this way when I am with friends, and by friends I mean you, Emilio, Carlos and Lucy." Tony said as my phone rang. "Hello?" I said as I took out the phone and I saw Tony grin.
"Tony, don't you dare!" I heard Rodolfo's voice yell. "What's going on?" I asked as I heard Tony yell something from the other side. "Oh, sorry Jenny." Rodolfo said as someone laughed on the other side of the phone. "I was wondering that you could maybe be my 'date' in the drive-in movie tonight? You could bring Optimus along." I said as I paced around. "Let me guess, last second decision?" Rodolfo asked as I sat on my bed. "Yeah. The other boys don't want to come with me..." I muttered as I recalled earlier attempts to get a date for the movie. "I could go with you, but I think I won't be getting out Stark Tower soon enough..." Rodolfo muttered as Tony hacked into the phone line. "He's mine, all mine!" Tony said as he laughed. "Tony! You'd better disconnect!" Rodolfo yelled as Tony stopped laughing. "Why? What could you possibly do to me buddy?" Tony asked. "I'll call you later." I said. "No, I'll take care of this quickly..." Rodolfo muttered as Tony kept laughing. "I swear I will twist your arm Tony!" Rodolfo yelled. "Then do it!" Tony yelled back. "Oh, I will" Rodolfo said. "I'd run if I were you." I told Tony as I laughed. "Oh no. I hear him coming!" Tony muttered. "Gottcha you little traitor." Rodolfo's voice could be heard on Tony's side. "Uncle, Uncle, UNCLE!!!" Tony yelled as he yelped. "So... Is it a date or not?" I asked. "Yes! Just call Brad to make sure you have someone if I don't show... AH!! TONY!!!!" Rodolfo yelled on the other side. "See ya later today!" I said as I ended the call.
"Haha! What are 'ya gonna do now buddy!?" Tony laughed as his Repulser's plasma sphere hit me. "Oh, I think you know what I'm going to do." I said as the particles surrounded me. "Jarvis, GET ME A WAY OUTTA HERE!!!" Tony yelled as he flew through the roof. "Come back here you little coward!" I yelled as I flew behind him with my Iron-Man armor. Tony turned around and he shot another plasma sphere. "Missed!" I said as I dodged the sphere. "My turn!" I yelled as I aimed Tony. "Have mercy!" Tony yelled. "You aren't Starscream!" I yelled as both my spheres hit him. "No!" Tony yelled as he fell through the mall's roof. "Come back here you!" I yelled as I descended into the mall.
"Where are you Tony?" I muttered as I looked around. "Over here!" Tony yelled as he punched me in the back of my helmet. "Gah!" I said as I fell to the ground. "Hey! You people!" I yelled as I got up. "Take out your phones and record the way I beat Tony Stark in his Iron-Man suit!" I yelled as I turned to face Tony. "Hey! Record Rodolfo's demise spectators!" Tony yelled as his "face" piece slipped off. "You talk too much!" I yelled as I punched Tony's chest. "Oof!" Tony muttered as he fell into the fountain.
"Nice punch, but can you best this?" Tony said as his foot thrusters pushed me off my balance. "Hey!" I yelled as I fell backwards. "And now for the Uni-Beam!" Tony yelled as his chest started to glow. "Oh no you don't!" I yelled as my chest started to glow as well. Both our Uni-Beams clashed in mid-air. "Surrender Tony!" I yelled as I flew to level our altitude. "Never!" Tony yelled as he shot at me with his Repulsers. "Hey! No cheating!" I yelled as I fell to the floor.
"Haha! Who's got the upper hand now?" Tony said as he approached me slowly. "Definitely not you!" I yelled as I shot him with my Repulser. "Gah!" Tony exclaimed as he fell backwards. "We are truly equal old friend." I said as my "face" piece opened. "Agreed." Tony said as his "face" piece also opened. We stood up and shook our hands. "Thank you ladies and gentlemen!" We both said as we bowed. The crowed clapped and some of them cheered. "Expect to see more at the annual 'Stark Convention'!" Tony said as he waved to the crowd. "Who do you think will win next time? Tony or the new improved Iron-Man!" I said as I pointed at myself. "I love you Tony!" A woman yelled. "And I love you too...whoever you are." Tony said as he looked around. "Let's head back to the Tower, shall we?" I said as the "face" piece closed on my face. "Yes." Tony said as the piece covered his face too. "See ya all later!" Tony said as we flew towards the Stark Industries Tower.
"Dude. You are all over the news!" Brad's voice said on the other side of the phone. "Oh, yeah... Tony fired at me with a Repulser when I was talking to Jenny on the phone, we then started fighting around the city." I explained as I hardwired a cable to the invention Tony was working with. "Count me in on the Stark Convention!" Brad said as I heard him walk somewhere. "Are you going to the movie tonight?" Brad asked. "Yes, probably..." I said as I patted Tony's back. "Who's your date?" I asked. "That's for me to know only." Brad said. "Who is 'your' date?" Brad asked. "I think I'll make it in time to pick up Jenny." I said as I wired another cable. "Jenny's your date!!" Brad asked incredulously. "Yeah, why are you so impressed?" I asked as I stopped working. "She said she couldn't get a date, so she had to manage with me." Brad explained. "I told her to ask you if I couldn't get there in time." I explained as I peeked at Tony's work. "Well, see ya at the movie!" Brad said as he hung up. "Teenagers." I said as I wired a couple of cables. "Tell me about it." Tony said as he sealed the battery pack. "I need to get in touch with the 'Three Musketeers'." I said. "You mean Emile, Carlos and Lucy?" Tony asked as he wiped the sweat off his face with his sleeve. "Yup. I want them to meet Brad, Sheldon and Jenny. Might end up being something funny..." I said as I chuckled. "Well, this gadget will be out in about a month, a week to be the minimum." Tony said as he held up a gadget he calls "Musique". "So... What does it do?" I asked as I turned to look at the item. "It's a Music Player with some other tools." Tony explained. "I like the 'French' like name." Tony said as he examined the Musique closely. "Hah! Where did you get the inspiration to build that?" I asked as I went into a dressing room. "I did a business trip to France, and everyone listened to their music players." Tony explained as I put on my coat. "I then thought of the idea of building a better music player. One that can do much more than connect to the radio and download songs." Tony explained as I walked out the dressing room. "Well, now to test this to make sure there are no problems with the machine." Tony said as a screen appeared in front of him. "See ya later Tony." I said as I put on my headset. "Optimus, I need you outside Stark Tower." I said through the inter-com as I walked towards the exit. "On my way. Excited for the movie?" Optimus asked. "Nah. I don't really like horror/action movies. I prefer Sci-Fi and plain action/adventure movies." I said as I walked into the elevator. I walked out the tower to see Optimus in his truck form. He opened the door as I approached. "Now, we go pick up Jenny." Optimus said as I climbed in. "Indeed my old friend." I said as he drove towards Jenny's house.
"Hello Nora." I said as she opened the door. "Oh, hello Rodolfo." Nora said. "I'm afraid Jenny already flew towards the movie." Nora said as she yawned a bit. "Thank you Nora. See you later." I said as she closed the door. "Where is Jenny?" Optimus asked as I sat in the conductor seat again. "She's at the movies. Well, now we use the 'Stark Friend' strategy to get in." I said as I took some shady glasses from Optimus's glove compartment. "So that's what has been bothering me lately." Optimus said as he groaned. "Sorry, I forgot those a few days back." I apologized. "Ah, there is no problem with that. There have been no Decepticon sitings lately." Optimus said as he drove to the Drive-in Movie lot. "That's what bothers me." I said as I put on the glasses. "What is Megatron up to now?" Optimus wondered as he drove on.
"One ticket please." I said as I rolled down the window. "You can't come in without a date." The woman in the counter said. "I don't need a date." I said as I took off the glasses. "Oh! You are Tony's friend! Sorry, come in!" The woman said as she opened the gate. I handed her a ten dollar bill. "Keep the change." I said as I drove in.
"Now where's Brad." I wondered as I looked for his car. "This'll be hard, because his father lent Brad the car." I muttered as I kept on looking. "Is that his little brother?" Optimus asked as he pointed a head-light towards a figure sneaking in. "Yes, yes it is!" I said. "Turn off the light, we don't want him to act all suspicious." I said as I leaned forward. "Ok. Now, why is he here?" Optimus muttered as he turned off the engine. "Not sure..." I muttered as I saw yet another familiar figure. "Optimus, check your radar in case something is wrong..." I muttered as I got a closer look at Tuck and the other figure. "There are no strange signals, except for that figure being Jenny." Optimus said as I peeked out. "Yo Jenny!" I yelled. "No response." I muttered as I got back in. "What are they both doing here? She was supposed to come with us, and Tuck isn't even old enough to come in." Optimus said as something seemed to happen at the foot of the screen.
"Optimus, we must evacuate the people from here immediately." I said as I jumped out. "Try not to make it obvious that you are my truck!" I yelled as I ran to a nearby car. "You must get out of here now!" I said as the woman inside rolled down her window. "Why?" The woman asked. "Because of that!" I said as a cable line started to fall. "Get out!" I yelled as my aura flashed and it surrounded the pair inside. The aura surrounding them opened the doors and they ran out. "Quick! Save other people!" I yelled as they nodded. "Who's missing?" I muttered as I looked around. "There!" I said as I spotted a pair struggling inside the car. "Brad!?" I said as I ran towards the car. The cable line fell on top of the car and Brad and his date flew out the roof. "Well, there he goes." I muttered as he landed inside a hole. "No!" I heard Tuck yell. "You heartless monster!" Tuck yelled as he started to punch Jenny. "What did I miss?" I said as I walked up to them. "Tuck, stop that!" Brad said from the hole. "He's alive!" Tuck yelled. "What happened here!?" I asked. "Oh, Brad and I had a little bet, he is fine, but I'm sure his date isn't..." Jenny said as she laughed. "My my." I said as I turned to look at Tuck. "He fainted." I muttered. "Want to go see another movie?" Brad asked. "Let's go to my place!" I said as the grey particles flashed and I turned into the black Lamborghini. "Bring Tuck along." I said as I opened the door. "Optimus will join us soon." I said as I closed the door once Brad, Jenny and Tuck were inside.

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