Chapter 3 School Showdown

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Another day at school... "Well, I can't just make the whole school disappear. I know I can, but I wouldn't..." I thought as I walked in. Everyone stopped talking and looked in my direction. "What?" I told them all. "RODOLFO!!!" I heard Jenny yell. "Great Scott! What did I do to outrage her?" I thought as I saw her walking to me.

"Well, Morning Jenny." I said sarcastically. "Don't try to convince me you didn't do that yesterday!" She said as she pushed me. Now this was confusing. "What did I do smarty pants?" I said as I chuckled. "You know what you did! And don't deny it!" She kept on yelling. I looked around and saw the scared faces of the students. "If you know what I did, then tell me." I told her calmly. "Fine then. You stole from my house some important blueprints!"

My back hit the lockers. "Stolen!? How?" I asked astonished. "You tell me, you were the one that stole them, and you can't lie to the cameras." Jenny yelled outraged. "I had absolutely nothing to do with this madness!!" I yelled back not caring about the students watching us. "Let me get this straight." She said pressing me harder every second. "You steal the blueprints, you lie about this, and now you sell these blueprints to someone that might use them against me?!" She kept on yelling.

"Sell them!? I never stopped by your house yesterday, I never came into your house, and what makes you think I would sell the blueprints?" I told her. "I still don't understand how you got past some of the security cameras." She pushed me even harder. Suddenly to my relief a bang was heard followed by the students screaming. "You're lucky I have to go see what's wrong thief." She extended her robot wings and flew away.

I got a glimpse of what was blowing things up. A man with energy whips and an Arc-Reactor like mine. "The hell?" I thought as the students started running around. Just then, a whip hit Jenny and threw her to the ground. "Well, I hate to do this in public, but I need to save the school..." I thought. Nobody would notice the blue particles, they are too scared to stop and think.

The blue particles started surrounding me while they clamped and adjusted my Iron-Man armor. "All students go to the exit. NOW!" I told them through my mask. Some stopped running and looked at me and nodded. "Stay as far away as you can from that man!" I said as I walked to the whipped man. "The hell are you bub?" I told the man as I turned him around just in time to save Jenny from another blow. "Ah, so it's you Tony." He said as he pushed me away. "There are only two people who can control the Iron-Man armor. Unless you count Rhodes..." He said as he slashed at me. "Rhodes?" I asked him as I dodged his whips. "So he isn't in this dimension..." He chuckled. "Another Dimension! Who are you?" I asked him. "The name's Whiplash, I am your DOOM!" He said as he slashed some more. I grabbed one of his whips and tore it apart.

"What?!" He yelled as I tore his other whip. "These whips are supposed to destroy your armor!" He said as he looked around. Jenny stood up and kicked him from behind. Whiplash gasped as he fell. He looked up horrified even though a mask covered his face. "This isn't the last you've seen of me!" He yelled as he stood up and ran away. "Thank you 'Iron-Man'." Jenny said almost whispering. I nodded and flew upwards. I repaired with my aura everything that we destroyed. I flew to the entrance and the particles took off the armor. I walked in like if nothing happened.

"Did you see that?" Some of the students were whispering. "That guy almost destroyed Jenny, if it weren't for Iron-Man..." Others said. "Well, at least everything is over, for now..." I thought as I kept walking. "I fear something is amiss..." I thought as I bumped into someone. "Sorry." I said as kept on walking. "No, I'm sorry." Jenny said when I walked for a bit more. "The hell?" I thought as I turned around. I gasped when I saw her. She was partially scratched, but the whip marks were clear. "What happened?" I told her when I finished looking at her scars. "You weren't here?!" She said astonished. "No, I evacuated with the rest." I lied. "Well, this guy called 'Whiplash' arrived and started destroying things. When I tried to fight him, he slashed at me with his whips and left me like this. If it weren't for Iron-Man, I would surely not be here..." She said. "You are welcome." I thought. I can't reveal to the world that I am an ancient hero.

The rest of the day went well. This time, Jenny was more respectful towards me. I think she wants to make up for her mistakes...

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