chapter one: Annabeth POV

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"I'm going to kill him! How could he leave for New York and not say goodbye!? Now I won't get to see my seaweed brain until Christmas..." At that last part my voice broke and piper rushed over to give me a hug. She's the best friend a girl can wish for. "Thanks pipes" Is all I managed to say before I started to cry.

Say hi to the stars for Bob... and this time skip that skipettys to just after supper at camp!

As the athena cabin is standing up to put our plates away chiron taps me on the shoulder. He tells me to go get the seven plus Nico and Will and meet him at the big house in 10 minutes. I immediately went to get the others. I knocked on the door of cabin 1 and LEO answered the door. I was so shocked. "what are you doing here?" Just slipped out but to my surprise he actually answered. Apparently him and the children of the big three that were at camp (A.N. the Roman campers are at camp half blood) plus there S.O.'s were having a meeting! Wow that was lucky so I told him "tell the rest of the seven plus Nico and Will that chiron wants to see us at the big house in five minutes."

I could now take my sweet time back to the big house. But I was stopped by "Just my luck." Drew. She waved at me and ran over like we were bff's (witch we aren't) and asked what chiron wanted to talk about.

"I Don't know."

Don't give me that! At least I told her the truth!


Is all she said back befor she walked away clearly unimpressed. Guess she was just looking for gossip. So I shrugged it off and looked at my watch. 'Run' is all I could think because I had 1 minute to get to the other side of camp.


As soon as I walked in chiron started,

"The gods have decided to send you all on vacation! Thay want you to have at least a year of mortal life so they decided to send you to Goode high, the same school Percy attends. They are sending you and 2 other demigods, twins actually, you leave first thing in the morning on half blood hill and will pick up the others on the way. Pack lightly because the gods have made and filled the house with all the necessities. Maybe just some keepsakes to remind you of things. Now go pack and have fun."

Then chiron rushes us out the door with the sound of the phone ringing.

"Holly Hephaestus that was a lot!"

"Yeah, no kidding repair boy"

"Oh, it's not like you weren't at least a little confused sparky"

"Good one beauty queen"

"Sunshine don't get in the middle of this"

"Now you're in it death breath"

"Well so are you Frank"

"Really Hazel! Do you guys even remember what we're supposed to be doing right now" I ask. At that thay thay all ran to there cabins to pack with me following up behind them. I'm kinda worried about going back to school but at least I'll get to see my seaweed brain again!

Demigods go To Goode high School (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now