Solisse Olympus

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I'm still worried about Lee he used a lot of his power yesterday making that big of a time bubble. He stayed the night but insisted on sleeping on the couch. Now it's 5 a.m. Tuesday morning and all 4 of us in the apartment have practice this morning and afternoon so we all get ready. We meet Percy downstairs and go to practice. I drive with Lee and percy goes with Fos. When we get there we get changed and do warmup. After warmup I went to check on Lee. I told Lee to leave because I could tell he was getting tired again. Lee ended up leaving at 10AM and Fos went with him to take care of him for me but they took the car so after afterschool practice we got into a car with Mike. Mike started to drive us to the mansion when I got a vision. There are 2 possible options let 2 cars driving full speed sandwich mike and Molly or ask percy to help.

"Percy, 2 cars are going to crash into both sides of the car and it can hit us if we use our powers to redirect them or it can hit our friends. We can survive the hit but Mike can't. " I told percy in a whisper so the others couldn't hear.

"Let's do it." He was sitting behind Mike and I was sitting behind Molly. I held up 5 fingers and put one down with every passing second. At 1 we used our powers to redirect the cars to us and when the cars hit the air bags open and everyone but myself was unconscious. I reached over to hold my older brothers hand and I could feel his pulse thread so I used the last of my energy to keep him alive. But only because I could sense the other 2 were ok other than a few cuts. I used my apollo and Poseidon power. One second I'm giving some healing powers to percy then I feel him titan his grip and the world goes black. I can't tell how long it's been but I can say that we're now at the emergency room and I can feel someone holding my hand tightly. I can also hear muffled voices but can't open my eyes. I tighten the grip on the hand and I hear percy but I can't understand him. After I heard percy I could feel the almost instant presence of lots of mortals, a child of apollo and Apollo. Then I hear percy again but this time telepathically.

'Solisse?' He sounds so concerned you'd think it was Annabeth beside him.

'Hey percy' gods even my telepathic voice sounds weak.

'Thank the gods'

'I'm going to black out again soon so I just have to tell you to not let us get separated. Neither of us needs surgery and they might try to separate us for scanning then bandaging and cast. Those are fine. Just if it's more than a 10 minute separation...'

'Ok, but how do you know this?'

'Child of ALL the gods, remember. Oh and once you calm down you'll slip into a small coma as well.' Then I black out again.

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