Magnus Chase

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Befor my dad dropped me off at the hospital he explained that the heirs of Asgard are in midgard. He also said that the princess is ingered and that it'll be a touchy subject for the prince and their head guard who barely leaves their side. When we enter the hospital my father exchanges greetings with a doctor who is also a God. The god doctor brings us upstairs and shows us to a room and I can hear lots of teens talking then a few gasps.

"Ugh!" Exclaims a Male voice. We enter the room and I instantly see my cousin then 2 guys move to stand and I can feel the power radiating from them and the girl in the bed. The 3 of them look very important in a Norse way. Then my father's voice fills my head. 'Neel then address them as Protectors of Asgard.' I do as my father instructs.

"Protectors of Asgard."

"I see our ranks have stayed the same." Says a boy, that looks similar to the girl on the bed but with a military cut that just shows black hair and they are both wearing black, as he shakes my father's hand. Then the boy with red hair and is wearing black armour shakes his hand as my father addresses the first boy.

"Yes they have. I have come to see the fallen warrior." My father pauses to look at the girl and waits for both boys to nod then says. "Come Magnus." He beckons me forward. I get up and follow him my hand going to the hilt of my sword, just in case. But it isn't there. I spin around to see the boy with the red hair examining it.

"Nice blade,the sword of summer has killed many, use it wisely." He says befor handing it back to me. How did he get it and when. He was never close enough to take it. Then my father's words snap me back to reality.

"I will return the information of her condition to the other gods. Magnus you are to stay here." He says before disappearing. As soon as he disappeared the two  boys and girls appearance changed back. How? What? I'm so confused.

"Molly, why don't you change your appearance when gods from different parthenons come?" My cousin says. To be honest I forgot there were others in the room.

"These 3 are the 3 most powerful beings on Olympus and are the only one that change." Another girl said matter of factly. It also made the Asgardien boys send a glare her way. But you could tell they weren't giving it there all.

"More importantly who are you, who was that and why did you change to different appearances then you're Greek and Roman ones?" Another girl asks. Annabeth being Annabeth and knowing all the answers replied.

"That's my cousin Magnus Chase, that was the Norse god of summer, also Magnus' dad and that, I'm guessing, was there Norse forms."

"So there are Norse gods too. I know of the Greek, Roman and Egyptian gods. But another?" A latino elf said like his brain was going to explode.

"Yes." I reply. Then I addressed the Asgardiens. "What are your names?"

"You know us as Sól ΙΙ, ljós and stjarna" the red haired boy who introduced himself as stjarna said and I instantly recall the tales of them. "But you can call us by our names in these forms Solisse, Fos and I'm Astrlee but everyone calls me Lee." He says the names as he points to the person as he did before.

"Nice to meet you..."

"You are dead." ljós the prince said.

"Yes I am your highness." I say with a small bow to the prince who has returned to his sister's side.

"Don't call me that. I left that life." He says almost angry and their guard stands between him and I. I noticed  that he change back to his Norse form.

"That means you're the head guard to the heirs?" I ask.

"Yes" he replied still standing between myself and the heirs. Then the princess took in a sharp breath and everyone turned to her but her breathing turned back to normal. The guard is now back in his Greek form looking at the hurt princess. The look in his and the prince's faces make me very worried.

"Fos, what's wrong with Sunny?" A vampire like boy asks.

"I'll tell you later." Then the guard whispered something in a language I didn't understand. No one seemed to Understand but the big one, the prince and the vampire who all pale.

"What language was that?"

"Titan." We all turned to see another god standing at the door. "Don't blame yourself little brother."

"He warned me..."

"He said the same to me. You were smart not to act on his wishes. My wife is in the same state. Can you come help?"

"Yes but I will not stay. I must return." The guard finishes then puffs away with the god. 2 minutes later he's back. "Nico, persephone wants to talk to you." 'Nico' steps into the shadows and disappears and we just sit there for a few minutes then 'Nico' comes back and walks over to the guard who gives him a hug and talks to him in that weird language. The blonde boy standing in the corner look's sad.

"Thank you." I hear the Nico boy say to the guard.

"No problem."

"Are you really the only one who can help in that situation?" Nico asks as he pulls away from the hug.


"I'm sorry, it must be difficult and confusing. They also told me yours and the twins situation. Let me know if you need anything." Then Nico walked over to the big guy. Leaving a slightly shocked guard and prince behind.

"Magnus, what are you doing here?" Percy asks. "And why did you call Fos 'your highness'."

"My dad brought me here to help watch the Asgardien heirs. He's one and she's the other."

"Like I said, we left and aren't planning on going back anytime soon." The prince says with anger in his voice.

"What does he mean by heirs? Aren't all gods immortal? " The question was directed at the prince by another blonde but this one has a scar by his lip.

"Norse gods are immortal but can't rule for over a thousand years. One of our fathers' rule is ending in 2 years and our oldest brother doesn't want to rule and our other brother is exiled." The prince says matter of factly.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your highness but I don't know everyone's names." The prince shot me a glare that made my stumble back a little.

"Sorry Magnus, you know percy and I. You also seem to know the twins and Astrlee. This is Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel, Rena, Leo, Will, Thalia, Nico, Molly and Bob. *meow*. Oh yes and small Bob." Annabeth explained. Then I heard a small shriek and look at the still unconscious princess who is now being comforted by the prince. I can't help but feel bad for the royals. "Maybe we should step outside?" Annabeth suggests so everyone but Thalia, Bob, Nico, Reana, percy, small Bob, Molly, the Asgardien Royals and their guard go outside.

"Why didn't the others follow us?" I ask Annabeth.

"They were all sent or told by someone to stay with her." She said almost sad. "Percy's a patient too so he has to stay and the others are family or pretty much."

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