chapter 8

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Leo's POV

After the lightning wake up yesterday I got up at 6 AM, showered, got changed into a orange tshirt and blue overalls then went downstairs with my bag and phone at 7:05 a.m. to see the 3 more-than-demigods already eating. Solisse is wearing her sexy cheerleading uniform, fos is wearing black jeans with a blue-gray tshirt and Molly is wearing a turquoise knit sweater and blue ripped jeans.

"Who made waffles?"

"If you don't want one you don't have to eat one. I was just up early." Solisse is so sweet.

"I just wanted to know who to thank. So thanks!"

"No problem"

I grabbed a waffle and everyone else started to trickle in. When we all finished breakfast it was 7:30 am so we dove to school. As soon as we got there Solisse went to talk to the other cheerleaders and Percy, Annabeth, Molly, Fos and Jason went to talk to the swim kids aka Molly and Percy's mortal friends. Piper went to talk to the glee kids (the music teacher made her percy, the twins and Molly join) and Frank and Hazel went to talk to some new friends of theirs the spelling bee kids. So I went to my locker, got my stuff then went to homeroom. On the way I saw all my friends with their new friends. Then I met the metal shop kids. They reminded me of my cabin. Big and strong but don't play sports and are always tinkering with something.

"Hey I'm Leo Valdes and I'm new here. Can you tell me where the industrial shop is?"

"It's in the basement. Why are you wondering? You don't look like an inventor. More like a prankster." I guess she's right.

"I have ADHD and am always moving. I've found that making something is a productive way to deal with it."

"Well I'm Sarah. This is Logan, Ben, Carter and Dillon. We're going down now for a few minutes before class. What to come?"

"Yeah, that would be great!" Then I was off with my new friends.


Solisse's POV

When we got to school I saw the other cheerleaders so I went to talk to them. Julianna, Anna, Katie, Brigitte, Ryan, Tanner and I were doing flips and cheers on the lawn for the others. Then the warning bell rang so we went inside. After we got our stuff Juli, Anna, Bridget, Xmenna, Saidy, Ryan and I were going to homeroom together. Then I saw Astrlee (we all call him Lee) and he's my boyfriend on Olympus. He's 6 foot 9 inches with brown hair green/red eyes and is the son of krios and Kronos (so he's not my partial brother. Gods not Titans, remember). Also he's wearing... is that a football jacket? He's talking to some of the football players.

"Solisse, she goes here?"

"Yeah, she's the head cheerleader and totally hot. And why did you miss the first day of school? Not a good reputation for our new quarterback."

"First of all, Solisse is my girlfriend and has been since before we came to this school. And I missed yesterday for family reasons." This was the perfect time for me to cut in. So I went over and gave Lee a hug.

"Awe, Lee your so protective." Then he gave me a kiss and we walked to class with our friends. He apparently had the same classes. During homeroom we talked and introduced our friends to each other. Lee saw my sister (that he knew) and twin brother so they had a little conversation and we told him about the others. Then before we knew it was time for Lunch. When we got to lunch we sat down at the longest table in the cafeteria with all the other cheerleaders and jocks. Fos is sitting with Molly on his left and me on his right. Molly, percy and the swim kids are sitting on the left end of the table with the cheerleaders and football team sitting next to them then lacrosse, soccer, basketball etc. I was sitting on Lee's left knee and talking to the cheerleaders around me that practice will be on Monday's and Friday's after school. No one had a problem so it was decided. For the rest of lunch I was talking with everyone with my head and back rested on Lee's chest. In music I had to sing but at least I was singing to lost boy by ruth B with Anna on piano, Lee on guitar, Ariana (another cheerleader) on drums, Felix (friend of Lee, football team) on base and Julie on tambourine.

"There was I time when I was alone
No where to go and
No place to call home
My only friend was the man in the moon
And even sometimes he would go away too
Then one night as I closed my eyes I saw a shadow flying high
He came to me with the sweetest smile
Told me he wanted to talk for awhile
He said
'Peter pan that's what they call me,
I promise that you'll never be lonely' and ever since that day

I am a lost boy from Neverland
Usually hanging out with peter pan
And when were bored we play in the woods
Always on the run form captain hook
Run, run lost boy they say to me
Away from all of reality
Neverland is home to lots boys like me
And lost boys like me are free [ect.]"

Music was super fun. After music we went to gym and finally did something. The other cheerleaders and I ended up practicing instead of playing basketball. Lee's not allowed to play because he has practice tonight. Fos and Molly sit out with him so he can talk to someone. But it was still super fun. After school there was swim team tryouts so Fos, Percy, Molly and I went to the pool. When tryouts were done Percy and Fos were co captains of the boys swim team and Molly and I were co captains of the girls swim team. When we left the school I was wearing my new varsity swim team jacket over my cheerleading uniform and a new swim bag on my back. This is going to be a busy year.

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