chapter 3: multiple POVs

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Piper's POV

The mansion was huge and that's coming from the girl that grew up in a mansion. It's got at least 11 floors. Behind me I heard a guy snickering then the sound of someone getting hit. We walked into the first floor and into the foyer with a staircase and an elevator and from the first floor you could see the skylight and I was right 11 floors. To the left was the kitchen/dining room. The dining table has 15 seats around is and the kitchen has room for 20 people to work with plenty of elbow room. All the appliances are top of the line (no doubt made by Hephaestus) and the fridge and pantry are staked for the next decade but knowing the boys it might last us a month. To the right of the foyer is a living space with a 100 foot flat screen TV, 2 fluffy L couches and 4 reclining chairs with a huge coffee table between. On the coffee table were a map, blue prints and a letter from the gods. Annabeth emidietly grabbed the blue prints and her and solisse started talking about the architecture. Should I be worried about losing my BFF. I brushed it off and looked down at the table where Fos and Jason had laid out the map for us less nerdy people to look at.
First floor: front door, foyer, garage, backyard door, kitchen, dining room, living space

Second floor: campers rooms

Third floor: man cave, lady cave

Fourth floor: training rooms

Fifth floor: pool

Sixth floor: archery range

Seven floor: forge, work space

Eighth floor: spa, hot tub

Ninth floor: arcade, roller rink

Tenth floor: date room, movie theater

Eleventh floor: Solisse and Fos Olympus apartment

Roof: pool, garden cent-

Wait did it say apartment! Who are these people.


Fos's POV

When I reading over the map I see that Solisse and I have our own apartment. I walk over to Solisse and tell her,

"We need to tell them our parent situation."

"Yeah, I saw it to but shouldn't we wait till after they explore?"

"No, the longer we wait the angrier they get."


She then walks away to tell Nico that we're going to tell them and ask if he can help. He seems to agree and comes back over with her.

"Um.. so are you guys still wondering about my brother and my parentage?" They nodded so she continued,

"I will tell you if you promise to not be mad and only ask one question each when I'm done." Wow, campers really like to nod.

" we don't have just one godly parent *sigh* my brother is a child of athena, Zuse, Hera, kionie And Poseidon. I'm a child of all the gods and goddesses, major and minor both Roman and Greek."

There faces have expressions of shock and curiosity, except Leo his nose burst into flames. They seem to be shocked to silence. I don't blame them. After about 3 minutes of silence  the young girl... Hazel breaks the silence,

"Well my name is Hazel Levesque, as said earlier, I'm  a daughter of Pluto and you said we could ask questions" Solisse answered even if it was more of a statement,

"Yes, do you have a question?"

"Sorry to ask if it's sensitive, but I don't trust anyone if I can't see there eyes. Can you take off your glasses."

"Yes but no staring..."

When Solisse takes off her glasses they all gasp. Solisse's eyes are every color that you may get from being a child of the gods in a kaleidoscope pattern. Annabeth asks the next question and this is one I was expecting,

"Prove it"

"I'll give a demonstration but if you want my sister to prove it we could be here for a long time" she nodded so I took some water from the air and made it into a life sized pegasus then froze it. I used the winds to draw a book from the shelf, bring it back to me  then I read the book called  the hunger games in 5 seconds, gave a brief summary of it. Then for Hera I summoned a peacock. Haha, the look on there faces!

Solisse's POV

"So does anyone else have a question?"

"Well I'm Frank Zang, son of Mars and I was wondering what you're weapons are?"

"Ok, I have my charm bracelet where if I consentrate on a charm the weapon that it represents will appear in my hand and I can use any weapon but my preferred is the twin blades τσουνάμι and κατολίσθηση λάσπης (tsunami and mudslide). My brother has a leather band with symbols that work the same as my charms but his preferred weapon is the bow and arrow set σεληνόφωτο (moonlight)."

"Those weapons were destroyed long ago!"

"No Annabeth, It's Mcshizzles turn to ask a question. I now he can't but can you use fire like me?" I shrugged and made my left hand burst into flames.

"Like this?"

"Yes! Another fire user! Yeah!"

"My turn. Jason Grace, son of Jupiter. How do you have so many parents?"

"We honestly don't know."

"My question now, Piper McClain daughter of Aphrodite. So why were you only saying good bye to athena and Poseidon who were holding hands?"

"Well you thought that one through. Well we said goodbye to the rest of my parents the night before. But Poseidon and Athena were out on a date so we had to say goodbye to them when they returned, witch was just then."

"I guess I'm the only one who hasn't asked a question. Will Solice son of Apollo. Can you show us one of your powers and one of your weapons?"

Piper's POV

Where did those swords come from? Or that bow?

"These are our preferred weapons. τσουνάμι is made of celestial bronze and imperial gold. κατολίσθηση λάσπης is made of sagarin iron and cursed amber."

"And my bow moonlight is made of magically encased moonstone with a wolf fur string."

"Now what power should I use?"

"Can you make a storm inside?"

"Okay" with that her eyes started to glow or at least the light blue, see green and very pale silver part of her irises. Then a full out storm with rain, thunder, lightning and howling winds started inside the mansion! All of us minus Nico and Fos we're looking at here with shocked and scared faces. Her eyes started to dull and the storm went away.

Nico's POV

I'm glad to see Solisse and Fos again. They  are some of my best friends in the underworld. But anyways, the look on my camp friends faces was priceless! But I could tell that Solisse was getting  uncomfortable so I broke the silence.

"What does the letter say?"

1117 words wow this was a long chapter don't expect them to be this long. This took way too long.

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