chapter 10

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Hazel's POV

Every one hears Percy's screaming. It's Thursday morning so I try to block out the screaming knowing that Annabeth will calm him down. But it doesn't stop after 5 minutes so I get up and go to Percy's room. Every one's there, even the not-so-demigods are there.

"What is he screaming about?" Solisse asked

"Probably Tartarus and... there friends damasene and bob sacrificing their lives so they could escape." At the words the twins paled and started talking in hushed voices. 3 minutes later Annabeth wakes percy up and the twins walked over to them.

"We are very sorry, we thought the gods told you... We also went to Tartarus but our journey was because of the destress beacon Bob made subconsciously. We found Bob alive, still pressing the up button but damasene was already gone. We fought and killed the humanoid form of Tartarus, he is still alive but now stuck in the pit. But we took bob out of Tartarus with us and returned him to hades."

"Bob's still alive?" Percy choked out. the couple then burst into tears and Annabeth kept mumbling stuff like 'thank the gods Bob's alive' and 'the fates have been kind, for once'.

"Again sorry for not telling you sooner.  The gods said they told you..."

"No, gods, thank you Solisse. Bob's alive and happy. Did he get to see the stars, moon and sun?"

"We made a skylight all the way to the underworld so he could see it whenever he wants." The rest of us left because it was starting to feel like a private moment. It is 4:45 so I just got ready for school.

Time skip and POV change brought to you by mount Olympus

Solisse's POV

I can't believe the gods didn't tell them! During lunch hour Lee and the football team have practice so the cheerleaders and girls swim team sat on the bleachers to eat lunch. The football team was really good and during gym class us cheerleaders got a cheer and routine ready for tonight's big game. First game we're playing against saint Louis high school and everyone's super nervous. The cheerleaders and jocks stay at school till after the game, even if the game starts 3 hours after school ends. Lee had to leave for a minute so I stay with the other cheerleaders. We're in our private changing room and just talking.

"So Solisse, you're dating the quarterback?" Rena

"Yeah, we've known each other since we were little kids and just grew closer over time."

"How long have you been together in a loving relationship?" Kathryn

"Two years as of today."

"So it's your 2 year anniversary?" Zoë

"Yes. Why are you all so nosy?"

"Well I saw he had a ring box with him today so we got curious." Trish

"I wouldn't be. He's very sweet and it's probably just a gift."

"Ok so how do you explain how gorgeous it is with a silver band studded with sapphires and diamonds? That's not just a sweet gift." Corrine

"Like I said before, he's very caring and probably went above and beyond."

"I wish David Was that caring." Ruth

It went on like this for an hour then we started warmup. Already in our outfits when we came to school, we just did 10 minutes of warmup in the change room grabbed our pompoms then went out to do 10 with the boys. After warmup we went to the entrance of the football field and got ready to introduce the team.

Time skip 

We won the game and us cheerleaders nailed our routine. This is the best moment of me life. Then Lee grabbed the microphone, walked over to me and got on a knee. He opened the box and the ring is beautiful. Just how the girls described it but so much prettier.

"Solisse Olympus, I love you and I can't imagine a life without you. You are my everything. The reason I get up in the morning. You understand my family and know my family, heck you have a replica family, but still don't turn your back on me. You are kind and sweet and everything a guy could wish for so I, with this ring swear on the river Stix to love you forever and promise to be everything for you. So Solisse Olympus do you except this promise ring and promise to be with me?"

"Yes, yes a million times yes!" With that he stands up, puts on the ring and gives me passionate kiss right on the football field. Everyone is clapping and a lot of the girls also yell at their boyfriend for not being so sweet or being able to Express their feelings to everyone. I brake apart and turn around to show my team and the football team the ring. All the girls on the cheer team sound me in a big hug.

Tiny tiny time skip

"I wish David would do something like that." Ruth

"Yeah, you got probably the only good one at this school." Maddie

"Just because I have Lee doesn't mean that there isn't someone just as sweet at the school."

"If you can find one then please send him our way." Bree

"Let's see. You'd have to find someone
Giving and
Willing to die for a girl." Emma

"Good luck with that" hailey

*knock knock*

We made sure everyone was decent then claire opened the door to reveal the football team and some of the boy cheerleaders.

"Can we take you lovely lady's out to dinner in 1 hour to celebrate?" Asked Ethan as the girls started filling out.

"Sounds good. Where are we meeting?" Hannah has a crush on Ethan and I think the feeling is mutual.

"How about my place?"

" Sounds good. where do you live?" David

"239 W 122nd St. Upper east side."

"Ok see you in an hour" Lee
Then the boys walked off to get ready.

"Wait we only have one hour to get ready!" Ella

"We'll go to my place so we'll have a few more minutes. And trust me we've got makeup and dresses covered."

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