Percy Jackson

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I'm happy to see Solisse out of the hospital but the prophecy, the numbers and the anger from a month ago keeps going through my head. Solisse has healed and is already doing swimming and cheerleading. Lee has never left her side since the accident. Even if she just got better she's the fastest swimmer on the girls swim team. Fos and I are barely keeping up with her and that's after a month of no physical activity on her part. Today's a big swim meet at midtown high. All 17 qualifying teams are there for states.

The girls and boys swim teams are getting onto the bus. When everyone's on the bus starts and Solisse gets a text.

"Listen up! I'm going to pass around the list with everyone's events. Read, find out what you're doing then pass it on." She tells everyone. Then she hands the phone to Molly. 5 minutes later I have it and I'm swimming in almost every event. But I'm not worried about that, Solisse is in every event for girls. She just got out of the hospital a month ago and now she's going to push herself. I pass the phone to Mike as I think.

When we get there Solisse has her phone back and we go to the change rooms. After getting changed we go out onto the pool deck. The team is used to mine and the twins scares (Solisse only has scares on her upper back and shoulders) but everyone else stares so all of us have on our school jackets. For her it isn't that bad but for us boys you can see our chests and back. More visible skin= more visible scars. About 3 minutes into the meet Solisse has her first event. She's in heat 4/4 so she'll be the last to go but the only swimmer from goode in this event 400fly. The most dreaded event. When she takes off her jacket I can hear the gasps of the spectators, volunteers and other teams, just wait until they see us boys. She walks up to the block and gets the signal so she gets on in a start dive position. Then the start goes and there off. Her and the girl from saint Joan's are neck and neck for the first 300m. The other girl gets tired and slows down to be in the back of the pack. Solisse finishes with 20 seconds before second place. When she gets out of the water she doesn't even look the slightest bit tired except for the fact that she was willing herself to be wet. The goode team envelopes her in a hug when she gets back.

At the end of the meet their are only 4 events left. To make it less sespishis the twins and I let ourselves loose the events that we know somebody on our team will already place. But because of this we are tied for first with midtown high. The last events are relays. 2 boys, the first is 400back and the second is 800free/front. The girls are 200I.M. and 400 free/front. Solisse is in both the girls, Fos is in the 800, I'm doing the 400 and Molly's doing the 200. Fos finishes his relay team and we get gold. Solisse's 100 got her relay team first as well. Mine got my relay team second but the team overall first. Solisse's relay finished it off with a gold. We all placed in all our events.

After the medals and getting changed we meet with our friends who congratulate us. I'm really happy that Goode's going to nationals this year.

By now we're going back to goode to put the trophy in the case. There's still 10 minutes left of school so everyone on the team came back to school on the bus. When we get to the school. The bell rings so alot of the team goes to talk to teachers and friends. Solisse has to run off to cheer practice, even if she's already in her uniform, and Lee has football practice. Molly also has waterpolo practice and Leo's meeting with some of his new friends. After Fos and I put the trophy in the case his appearance flickers for only half a second. You would have thought it was a trick of the light if you didn't know.

"Shist" he curses under his breath and goes to check on his sister and Lee. I decide to go check on my friends too. First I check the pool where Piper, Jason,Annabeth, Frank and Hazel are watching Molly's practice. Everyone seems to be ok so I go to the metal place and it seems Leo's okay too.

Everyone else is outside watching the football and cheerleading practice so I make my way to the bleachers. Rena, Magnus, Nico, Will, and Thalia are all okay but they keep talking and looking at the field. The others must have had similar to Fos but when I look over to the field no one's there except for those 3 and ... Apollo? Why does he look different? The others are in ther Roman forms. Then I remember hearing Annabeth say something about Apollo having the same name in Greek and Roman.

I turn my attention back to the field and they're clearly talking but I can't hear what they're saying. The boys practically had to hold Solisse back when Apollo said something and quickly fled. It's November and the field Normally is covered with frost but now there's a big circle around where the god was standing. I'm taken from my thoughts by the storm that has gathered above us. It's almost beautiful with the dark grey clouds blanketing the sky, the flashes of white that are followed by thunder. But no rain. I know that the twins are tied and yet I have a feeling this is their doing. Even if they had to will themselves weat all day Solisse's eyes are glowing.

"What's meat head doing here?" I ask my friends. As I see the minotaur coming to the boundaries

"Our guess is as good as yours." Thalia yells back over the storm. I look down again to see all 3 of them look like the minotaur is starting to get easy. Witch apparently it is. After seeing and approaching the minotaur it takes them about 3 seconds to kill him.

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