Astrlee (Lee) Luna

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The party on Friday night was amazing! But sadly now it's Monday morning. I'm on Olympus so it takes me 1 hour to get to school and I get to school at 7:30am. At least I can watch Solisse at her cheerleading practice.

Time skip to after school because I'm lazy af

I'm going to the demigods mansion today and Solisse told me that I need to tell them who my dad's are. This may take awhile. I'm driving with the others from Olympus. I'm so nervous that my ADHD is going into overdrive and I can't stay still. Solisse is trying to calm me down but everyone knows it won't help. I know that most of the camp demigods fought one of my father's and now hate both of them. This can go wrong in so many different ways. When we finally got to the mansion we all went inside to see all the demigods trying (and failing miserably) to act like mortals. I can't help but snicker a little bit and apparently nor could Fos witch earned us both an punch in the arm form our girlfriends.

"Guys, Lee's one of us." Molly reassured them.

"So he's a not-so-demi-God?" Leo asked.

"Is that the name you all came up with? ... well it's better than the gods name." Fos added witch seemed to shock the campers. I know he doesn't talk much to people he doesn't know well but it looks like they have only heard him talk once or twice.

"What's the name the gods gave you?" Asked Annabeth curiously.

"Hybrid demigods, even though I'm not technically a demigod." I replayed emphasizing the god part.

"If you're not a demigod then what are you?" Percy said as he put his hand in his pocket where riptide should have been if I didn't take it. When he figured out that his pen wasn't there he looked shocked.

"Lee give him back his sword." Solisse scolded my so I tossed him the ballpoint pen that had appeared in my pocket once I'd stepped into the door. Then everyone (other than the hybrids) looked utterly shocked.

"How did you do that?" Percy asked sespishisly "and what are you?"

"Fine but you might want to sit down." After the campers sat down on a big couch and looked at me I continued. "Technically I'm a 'demi-titan'. As to how I got your sword. Riptide is a cursed blades so I have control over it."

A.N I know this never actually happened but bare with me.

"But no ones been able to take riptide away from me since kronos..."

"That would be one of my father's but I have another father who Jason knows better than everyone else, krios." When I finished emidietly questions where shouted at me. "Slow down, I'll answer 3 questions."

"Why don't you have any visible signs of being there child?" Jason asked. So I dropped the mist that covered the real color of my eyes witch is bright red with gold flakes. As soon as I dropped the mist the campers gasped so I covered them again.

"There's a reason I keep them covered." I answered bluntly.

"What are your powers?" Percy asked.

"I can control the stars, weapons and time." The lack of emotion in my voice was almost scaring me.

"Prove it"

"This is your last question... ok." with that I made a time bubble around all of us as my eyes glowed gold, kind of like Solisse's when she uses her powers, and make time stop, then reverse, then fast forward.

"Ok that's really cool." Said Leo amazed but I was almost completely drained and started swaying. Just then I hear Solisse say something I couldn't make out and the world went dark.

Demigods go To Goode high School (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now