Percy Jackson

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"She shouldn't have." Was all I managed to get out but I heard everything Apollo said. Everyone looks at me. I look around the room starting with Annabeth who is on my left. She was crying and I desperately wanted to give her an hug and comfort her, but I had to settle with a pathetic excuse for a smile that turned into an expression of pain. Then Apollo who just smiled. Then Fos whose looking at his sister with worry and admiration. Then Lee who has the same expression as Fos but with disappointment and anger. I hope that his anger isn't directed to me, he's terrifying. Then to my younger sister whose sacrificing herself for me. For the first time ever she called me her brother then she decides to put my life before hers. I squeeze her hand to let her know I'm fine and to save her energy.

"Percy, she saved you for a reason. We might not know it yet, but she's the smartest most powerful person I know. She knows and that's all I need to know." Fos's words are helpful. He would know her best and if he isn't even mad then I shouldn't worry. A minute passes in silence then Molly and Mike come into the room. I can't hold it in, I give a sigh of relief. At least Solisse's plan worked. No broken bones, just a few bandages. Mike looks at me and relief washed over his features. When Molly looks at me her face is blank. But then both there eyes settle on Solisse. Molly comes over to comfort Fos but I feel like they both need each other. Mike leaves, then sits down on a chair that's in the hallway and cries. I notice Molly and Mike left the door open. I could see everyone of my demigod friends standing in the hallway so I motion with my eyes for them to come in. My friends come in then it's quite other than the machines and Mike. I know what all the demigods in the room are thinking... how can someone whose been through so much and look so prepared all the time be so helpless and injured. At least that's what I was thinking. Then the demigods rapped fired questions. It was giving me a headache.

"Quite." I mumbled. Annabeth, Lee and Fos were the only ones who heard me.

"Shut up!" Annabeth yelled over the demigods as Lee and Fos shot death glares at the campers. Wow, those two could give the whole camp a run for our drachmas. I flinched and they weren't even looking at me. The temperature in the room dropped at least 10 degrees. Apollo ran out of the room and the demigods looked like they wanted to follow. They all took a few involuntary steps back. Then the 2 couldn't keep in there laughter in.

"If you think that was scary, both of us together don't even compare to Solisse." They said between laughs. Then Molly started laughing too. I don't want to be in the same room as her when she gets mad or even annoyed. Then everyone else started laughing.

"Seaweed brain, you flinched at their glares and they weren't even looking at you." Annabeth manages to say between laughs. I just grin sheepishly.

"Seems like you're already getting better." A new voice says. I look up to see Artemis standing in the room with Thalia. Thalia's looking at me but Artemis is looking at Solisse. Artemis makes her way to Solisse and takes her daughters hand. The other 3 back away whilst the demigods who could, bowed.

"How's the general?" Thalia speaks up again with genuine concern in her voice.

"She will be fine." Artemis says to Thalia in a sad voice. Artemis instantly shot a godly glare at me. Then she turns her attention to Fos who put on a blank face. Then she does the unexpected for the goddess. She hugs him and Lee. Artemis holds onto Lee for a noticeably longer amount of time, it almost looked like she was crying. He whispers something to her and She pulls away from him.

"Latent, you are to stay by the generals side until she heals." Artemis says to Thalia. "You will have the full power of the hunt at your disposal if needed." Then she puffs away. Thalia then huges Fos and Lee.

"How are you 2 doing?" She asks the boys.

"As good as can be in this situation." Lee tells her. Then something happens. Solisse's clothes and hair change and for only a second and so do Fos's. Then in walks Belona with Reyna. When Jason sees Solisse's new look his eyes widened then he bows to both the unconscious girl and Fos.

Demigods go To Goode high School (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now