percy Jackson

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I've been hospitalized for 2 days now and I need to go outside. But I also can't leave Solisse. At least now Apollo is letting me walk around the room or sit on a chair. He's way to cautious.

It's around 6 in the afternoon and everyone, with the exception of Fos, Lee, Annabeth, myself, Bob and Solisse, went to get food for everyone. I look over and see Fos standing beside his still unconscious twin and Lee sitting on the edge of her bed. I'm sitting on my bed with Annabeth and Bob's standing in the corner. We're all watching the boys. Then Lee's eyes glow red and gold.

"What's happening to him?" Annabeth asks Fos as Fos rushes to his friends side trying to snap him out of it. Lee blinks twice and his eyes go back to green.

"What happened? Was it them again?" I can barely hear Fos's words to Lee but the only thing Lee can do is nod. He's really pale and then Fos gets pale too. They exchange a few words I can't hear.

"What happened?" Annabeth repeats her question.

"Don't worry about it." Then the rest of our friends walk in with food. A few minutes later I remembered something.

"Pinecone face, when Artemis was here you said something about a general?"

"The general of the hunt. I'm really the generals second in command but the general's almost never there so I take over her duties when she's gone."

"Whose the general?" This time Piper asks and Fos responds.

"My sister. Being the only daughter of Artemis she over ranks everyone and even scares Artemis when she's angry." Then he laughs at some of our faces. "Wait Grace, did he just call you Pinecone face?"

"Did you just call her Grace?" I say back befor Thalia could respond. "And she didn't kill you? You should run. Fast."

"Grace what's wrong with the campers?" Now Lee's doing it?!

"Boys only Hunters or friends of the hunt call me Grace. I'm not a fan of my Last name but I know that's how the hunt runs."

"Amy never told me. Do you want us to call you something else then?" Lee asks.

"No, you already know me as Grace so you can just keep calling me that." The boys nodded so we continued eating. After we eat we get an unexpected visitor. The Twins and Lee's appearance changes again but this time the twins are dressed in all black with Fos's hair now done in a military cut and Solisse's pulled back into a high braid that goes from black to red and blue. Lee's now dressed in weird black armour and his hair turns red.

"Ugh!" Lee exclaims as a god I've never seen before walks in with... Annabeth's cousin?

"Magnus, what are you doing here?" Annabeth asks but before he responds  Fos and Lee get up to address the new god by shaking his hand and Magnus drops to one nee and bows his head.

"Protectors of Asgard." Magnus says still in a neal.

"I see our ranks have stayed the same." Fos says to the god.

"Yes they have. I have come to see the fallen warrior." The god says. "Come Magnus." He beckons for him to follow so he stands and follows without acknowledging the demigods or even his cousin. As he's walking he reaches for his sword but finds it isn't there. Then he looks at everyone and sees Lee examining it.

"Nice blade,the sword of summer has killed many, use it wisely." Lee says befor giving it back to Magnus who can't wipe the surprised and terrified look from his face.

"I will return the information of her condition to the other gods. Magnus you are to stay here." The god said before disappearing. As soon as the god disappeared the Twins and Lee's appearance changed back. Magnus looks confused.

"Molly, why don't you change your appearance when gods from different parthenons come?" I didn't even notice that she didn't change. But that's just how amazing my Wise girl is.

"These 3 are the 3 most powerful beings on Olympus and are the only one that change." She said matter of factly. It also made Lee and Fos send a soft glare her way.

"More importantly who are you, who was that and why did you change to different appearances then you're Greek and Roman ones?" Rena asks. Annabeth being Annabeth and knowing all the answers replied.

"That's my cousin Magnus Chase, that was the Norse god of summer, also Magnus' dad and that, I'm guessing, was there Norse forms."

"So there are Norse gods too. I know of the Greek, Roman and Egyptian gods. But another?" Leo said like his brain was going to explode.

"Yes." was Magnus' answer. Then Magnus addressed Fos and Lee. "What are your names?"

"You know us as _________________." I don't understand the last part of Lee's sentence. "But you can call us by our names in these forms Solisse, Fos and I'm Astrlee but everyone calls me Lee." He says the names as he points to the person.

"Nice to meet you..."

"You are dead."

"Yes I am your highness." Magnus says with a small bow to Fos who has returned to his sister's side.

"Don't call me that. I left that life." Fos says almost angry and Lee stands between them. When did he change back to the Norse form.

"That means you're the head guard to the heirs?" Magnus asks.

"Yes" Lee replied still standing between the two boys. Then Solisse took in a sharp breath and everyone turned to her but her breathing turned back to normal. Lee's now back in his Greek form looking at his hurt girlfriend. The look on his and Fos's faces make me very worried.

"Fos, what's wrong with Sunny?" Nico asks.

"I'll tell you later." Then Lee whispered something in a language I didn't understand. No one seemed to Understand but Bob, Fos and Nico who all paled.

"What language was that?" Magnus asks.

"Titan." We all turned to see Hades standing at the door. "Don't blame yourself little brother."

"He warned me..."

"He said the same to me. You were smart not to act on his wishes. My wife is in the same state. Can you come help?"

"Yes but I will not stay. I must return." Lee finishes then puffs away with Hades. 2 minutes later he's back. "Nico, persephone wants to talk to you." Nico shadow travels away and we just sit there for a few minutes then Nico comes back and walks over to Lee who gives him a hug and talks to him in that weird language. Will look's sad that his boyfriend didn't go and find comfort in his arms.

"Thank you." I hear death breath say to Lee.

"No problem."

"Are you really the only one who can help in that situation?" Nico asks as he pulls away from the hug.


"I'm sorry, it must be difficult and confusing. They also told me yours and the twins situation. Let me know if you need anything." Then Nico walked over to Bob. Leaving a slightly shocked Lee and Fos behind.

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