Lisa McCarthy

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I got a text this morning from Molly for the first time in 5 months. The whole school's been trying to get ahold of at least one of them but everyone who lives in that mansion fell off to face of the earth! Percy and Molly disappear but never in the middle of the school year. Last year percy went to a boring school, but at least he didn't do a few months then come back for the last 2 months. I'm so going to kill them when they get back. Then I see Lee's head above a huge crowd of people. Lee's probably the tallest in the school. I push through them to see that a lot af cheerleaders are crying ... wait, where are the twins?

"Guys they'll be back. They just had a family matter. They should be back this afternoon." Annabeth rehashes everyone. Everyone disperses. Molly, percy went with the swimmers and Lee went with the football team. The others and myself are the only ones left.

"Where did you disappear to?! I thought we were friends but you leave for 5 months and don't tell anyone where!" I yell at them.

"We're sorry Lisa. The twins, Lee and Molly had some... family business that they had to do so we went with them." Piper tells me with a very persuasive voice and I emidietly calm down.

Time skip to lunch?

When I leave my AP Greek class I see a lot of people crowded around the doors. I can see Lee's head over the little 9th grader's and... the twins!

"Calm down. We just got back. We didn't die." Solisse tells the crowd that emidietly quiets. Lee steps back and I can see both of them clearly now. Solisse and Fos are wearing new bandages. Fos's left arm up to his shoulder is bandaged and is in a sling. I can see a few bandages coming over Solisse's right shoulder and disappearing under her shirt. Then Lee grabs her left hand and leads her to the cafeteria. She grabs her brother's not ingered hand and drags him behind her. When they get past me I follow into the cafeteria. All the swimmers and cheerleaders are there with the twins and Lee's house mate's. When the cheerleaders see Solisse they run over to crush her in one of there famous killer group hugs when Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, hazel and Frank make a human wall between them.

"Stop!" Piper yells at them and everyone in the cafeteria stops what they're doing to look at them. "She's hurt so no big hugs." Everyone agrees and the wall goes to sit down. The cheerleaders start asking questions and giving Solisse gentl hugs one by one. I can't hear everything so I sitdown and eat my lunch. About 10 minutes later the couple sat down and started to talk with the others who just got back.

"So sunny, what was the empire state building like today." Nico asks Solisse.

"Fine today but they want to talk to you all. We got you a few days but we have to go back tonight." She addresses all of them. Why would they need to go to the empire state building?

"We'll come we shouldn't keep them waiting for to long." Jason says. His words got a few grumbles from Percy, Lee and the twins all in different languages. But I couldn't understand the 3 of the languages but percy was speaking Greek so I picked up on a couple words that didn't make any sense. Drama queen ..... owls...Mr.D ..... peter Jordan. This is really confusing.

When schools done the roommate's all go to the cars in the parking lot. Then drive off to the empire state building. I decided to follow them so I got on a bus that was going there.

When I get there percy is yelling at the doorman. And there with a few others I don't know. One girl has spiky  back hair, electric blue eyes, she dresses like a female nico except... is that a tiara? There's another girl whose brown hair is pulled back into a braid. She's dressed in a purple tshirt and jeans, all I can see is her back. There's also a boy. He has blonde hair that's cut short and he's wearing a gray shirt and jeans. He's also got his back to me.

"Just give us the key!!!" Percy yells at the man.

"Kid I don't know what you're yelling about." The doorman says never looking from his newspaper. Then Solisse walks up to the desk.

"Give us the key." She tells him as she taps her fingers on the desk. Wait... is that frost! When she taps her fingers frost creeps closer and closer to the doorman. He shivers and looks up at Solisse. His eyes widen and he pails.

"O-of c-course, miss." The receptionists eyes land on Lee, his eyes widen and he pails. "Prince Astrlee." He squeaks. Solisse turns so I can't her face anymore and the room drops to -10⁰c. The doorman throws a key at her as he runs away. What did he mean by prince? Befor I could act they are all in the elevator and I'd swear The twins, Lee and Nico all started at me even if they weren't able to see me from that angle. This is too weird.

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