chapter 7

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Molly's POV

My sister and boyfriend are here! When we go to sit with the others at lunch there talking about what sports to join.

"You'd both be amazing at anything but may I suggest swim team and waterpolo?"

"I'll probably need a land sport too."

"You could tryout for football or softball or even cheerleading. You'd probably get on to any sports team Solisse."

"What are you guys talking about?" I still can't believe how oblivious Perce is.

"What sports theses two should tryout for."

"Definitely swim team." Typically Mike. "And Solisse should tryout for cheerleading. The tryouts are afterschool."

"Ok I'll tryout but I don't know if I'll be any good." With that from Solisse we ate our lunch and talked for the rest of lunch.


Fos's POV

We had music after lunch and we had to sing. Molly says that Percy, Piper, Solisse and I are the best singers in the class but she also has a beautiful voice. By the end the teacher said that Percy, Solisse, Molly, Piper and I had to focus on singing all year. After Music we had gym and we just got a long safety speech. Now we're waiting for Solisse to be done with tryouts. 10 minutes later she came out wearing a cheerleading uniform,

She has her jacket draped over her new bag and her pompoms tied to the handles

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She has her jacket draped over her new bag and her pompoms tied to the handles. Solisse's hair was now tied back in a high ponytail with the bow attached. You could also see her stomach between the cropped, tight top and tight short skirt that emphasized her curves. Also she was now wearing white sneakers. I could practically see the football team, that just walked in, drooling like dogs. When we got up to leave she ran over.

"I made the team and have been voted cheer captain!" I was happy to see my sister so happy.

"That's great sis." Then we all went to our cars to drive back to the mansion. Percy jumped in with Annabeth, Molly and Mike came with me and Lisa went with Solisse. When Molly and Mike saw the mansion there jaws were practically on the floor.

"There's a room for you with Solisse and I but you'd have to tell the others your secret." I whisper to Molly who is in the passengers seat. She nodded her head and said after the others leave.

Time skip (because I don't want to write) and POV change (because I need to have more words) brought to you by the Olympus hybrid demigod training program

Solisse's POV

I made the cheer team, was voted team captain and I can still do water sports because cheerleaders don't cheer on the pool deck. But now Fos and I have to explain to percy our parentage and Molly has to tell all of them.

"I'm just going to get straight to the point. My godly parents are all of them in both Roman and Greek aspects."

"Mine are Poseidon, Zuse, Athena, Hera and Kione."

"And mine are Aphrodite, Mars, and Night. And when she says all she means all even the bad ones."

Percy's expression is priceless and the rest of them look a little scared.

"Oh, and also Molly will be staying with us in our apartment."

With that us three went to our room and I unloaded the rest of my new cheerleading stuff in my room.

Extra everything plus other uniforms, training uniforms, track pants, makeup, stickers and another jacket

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Extra everything plus other uniforms, training uniforms, track pants, makeup, stickers and another jacket. Then I changed into some pajamas and went downstairs to see what's for supper. When I got there all the campers and Fos were there but I guessed Molly was still unpacking.

"What's for supper?"

"We ordered enough Chinese to feed a small town or the boys, if there starving." At the last part of Annabeth's sentence us girls snickered and the boys just looked confused.

"Well I'll be upstairs baking if someone could call me down befor the boys eat it all, that would be nice." With that I left to make some cookies. I got the recipe form a nice lady who's friends with Poseidon... I think her name is Sally? When I take the cookies out of the oven 10 minutes later Molly comes out of her room.

"Why are they blue?"

"I don't know but they taste really good. Try one." I cooled them off with wind and we both had one. Just after we finished our cookies I got a text from Annabeth saying that the food was here. We put 30 cookies on a plate and brought them down with us. When we got downstairs we hide the cookies in the foyer and went to get super.

Time skip to after supper

I went to get the cookies after everyone was done. I brought them to the living space and as soon as I set them down percy grabbed one.

"Where does all that food go?" I asked after he took a bite.

"The better question is where did you get my mom's cookie recipe and do you have more?"

"Is Sally your mom? She gave me the recipe after I killed a monster I'd been tracking that was trying to kill her. And no there's no more."

"Yes Sally is my mom and when was she almost killed by a monster?"

"Last year. She said her son was missing and ended up crying in my arms. But she really is a sweet lady...
Well goodnight everyone! See you in the morning!" A chorus of 'good nights' and 'hope you have a dreamless sleep' followed me out of the living space and into the elevator. When I got to my room I brushed my teeth. The other cheerleaders and I decided to where our uniforms tomorrow so I washed mine then went to bed.

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