chapter 6

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Percy's POV

When I got to school I saw 10 really cool cars parked in the school parking lot. I wonder whose they are? I figured I'd see later so I went in and walked up to my friends.

"Hey guys what's up?"

"Have you seen the new kids?" Classic Lisa always on top of everything around here. She's actually on the girls swim team. She's a few years younger than the rest of us, but she's really smart so she's with us instead of with the other 15 year olds. "One of the new guys is super cute and actually looks a lot like you." Lisa says to me.

"Yeah and the girl he was talking to is really pretty. " That's Mike, he's super shy and smart. He's the same age as Lisa but looks alot older. He's also in the same grade and on the boys swim team with me.

"Dose whittle Michael have a crush?" Scott is really annoying but we let him hang out with us because he doesn't know anyone else and he's in the same grade.

"Stop teasing him!" Molly is a lot like me. She's super loyal and has a lot of boy's after her. She actually looks like a girl version of me. Long black hair, tan skin, tall (5 foot 11 inches) and fit. The only difference is her eyes are like piper's and seem to change color. I think she's a daughter of Aphrodite. She's also on the girls swim team and the Waterpolo team. She says she has a boyfriend whose younger, is homeschooled and his name is apparently Fos and he has a twin sister... I think her name is Solisse. "Personally I haven't seen the new kids yet but apparently all of them are in our grade."

"Maybe they'll have one of the same classes?"

Just then the office door opens and the seven, Nico, Will and 2 kids I've never seen before come out. I run to my friends.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here? Don't take it wrong I'm super happy to see you all." I give all my friends a huge and Wise girl a kiss. "Also who are they?" As soon as I finish Molly runs over and kisses the guy, he does look a lot like me, and Molly gives the girl a hug.

"What are you doing here I thought you were still being homeschooled?" So this must be the boyfriend and sister Molly's always talking about.

"I thought we'd surprise you." His voice is actually pretty deep.

"Well this is a great surprise! What are your schedules like?"

"We don't know. And you know we're dyslexic." She seems sweet... Wait are they demigods?

"Sorry I forgot. Dyslexic and ADHD." Molly then took there schedules. "We have the same classes. Come on I'll show you where homeroom is."

I turn back to my friends. "So what do your schedules look like?" All our schedules mach witch means that we also have same schedule as Molly and the new twins. They look like this


with Paul



AP Greek





We have A good schedule this year. This is going to be fun.

"So why were Solisse and Fos with you?"

"They were sent by the gods along with all of us." Only Jason can say that with a straight face and level voice.

"Okay, so who's there gody parent, wise girl?"

"We will let them tell you and remind me to beat you up later for leaving with so much as a goodbye."

With that we went to home room.

Time skip and POV change brought to you by the Goode high football team

Solisse's POV

"Greek, finally a subject I understand." We're walking with the campers, Fos's girlfriend and some of Molly and Percy's mortal friends to A.P Greek. Fos and I were introduced to Percy Jackson during homeroom. I don't think he knows who mine or Fos's parents are and that Molly is a Hybrid demigod (that what the gods call us demigods that
A) have more than one godly parent
B) train and spend most of there time on Olympus
C) are very powerful), she's the daughter of Aphrodite, Mars and night. Her and I are the only demigods that have the parent night.

"How can you understand Greek and not English?" I like this Lisa girl, very smart.

"Our first language is Greek." A simple but true response. When you grow up on Olympus you speak Greek more than English and if you pay really close attention you can hear a 'hybrid demigods' accent.

When we walk into the classroom all the demigods sit in the front row and the mortals sit as far back as possible. Then the teacher walks in and I instantly recognize him and so does Fos and Molly. Mercury (the Roman form of Hermes) stands in front of the class and looks me in the eye.

"I see we have some students who are fluent in Greek and Latin. Please raise your hand if you are fluent in Greek," the Greek campers, Fos, Molly and I all raise our hands, "and Latin?" The Greek campers and Fos put their hands down while the legionaries put theirs up and us 'hybrid' girls keep them up. "Will Solisse and Molly please give us a demonstration in both languages?"

Underlined is in Greek and this is Latin

"Greek first?"

"Okay, how are you liking school?"

"It's strange but fun and I don't understand why Mercury is making us do this if he's--"


"The one who taught us. And why would he want me to change languages in the middle of a sentence!"

"Hey, he's your dad not mine."

"Real classy."

"Okay, that should be enough girls. I have decided that we will be learning Greek and Latin this year. First 1/2 Greek, second Latin."
*ding, ding, ding*
"Class dismissed." Most of The class left but us 'hybrid demigods' stayed.

"So Mercury, what are you doing here?"

"Teaching. Isn't it obvious? I am the God of languages."

"Yes, but what I think Solisse was trying to say was, why are you teaching us Greek and Latin?" Thanks Molly.

"Because us gods want to keep an eye on you demigods and more specifically you three hybrid demigods." Once we left the classroom

"So now we get a babysitter?" Fos can be a little childish sometimes.

"Sorry Fos but he made it pretty clear. You and Solisse need a babysitter. I I've been at this school for 4 years and the gods haven't interfered. "

"It's actually probably because when us 3 are together things seem to go a little crazy... like the time we blew up the Olympus training track." We agreed and went to lunch.

A.N. I am bad at flashbacks so I'm just not going to do them.

Demigods go To Goode high School (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now