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It's been 2 days since my favourite
child was visited by Chaos. She is now partial primordial. All 3 of the children were cursed at the age of 2 or 3 by Giea. Although I don't know why she'd curse her own son. But we treat him like family. He is one of us. He ignores his biological parents. He has found comfort in my favourite child and her twin brother. We need to keep them safe but there fatal flaws keep them from putting themselves first. Solisse's is loyalty(much like preceus) , Fos's is generosity and Lee's is sacrifice. All 3 take the others to thrive. But the poor 15 and 16-year-olds are nearing their 5 war, 150th quests and on average 300th trip to the Tartarus. It takes much mist to trick the demigods but it must be done.

I look down on the children. Solisse has mostly healed but is now in a wheelchair (for now) with her left arm in a sling. Her arm has healed but her shoulder will take a little less than a month. Her leg is still broken. With the curse, she will be attacked by monsters as soon as she leaves one of the barriers. All 3 should return to Olympus. But then something happens. I look at the 3 again to see the twins smiling. They are usually quite sad but as Apollo tells them Solisse can leave they smile. Preceus had left yesterday and they had been saddened by his departure. Lee turns to Solisse and gives her a kiss. Then I hear a squeal from behind me. I turn to see Aphrodite.

"Ooh, there so cute together." When we turn back to the children they are back at the mansion. Lee's pushing Solisse into the living space where the demigods are. All there faces lit up. Fos walks in after them and the demigods all look at the 3 with a little bit of shock. Then Lee and the twins are changed into there Norse forms. Then Odin appears to the group, Magnus bows and the demigods follow his lead. The Twins share a polite greeting with the God and Lee moves to stand at there side.

"Come, children." He says to the Twins who move forward. "My raine is ending and you must be trained."

"We left. The only reason you found us is because I got injured." Solisse tells the Norse God.

"You are still the haires... and minors. You are coming."

"We're hardly minors. We've been on more quests than any others. And more wars then you can count on one hand. We've been to Tartarus over on average 250 times." Fos reminds the God. The demigods just look at the others with respect, amazement and fear.

"Stjarna, you, at lest have to come. Loki has returned and we need our head guard." Odin says now to the Norse worrier.

"No, her majesty the queen ordered me to never leave the heirs." He said back to the now slightly shocked Odin. Solisse decided that the conversation is over and sends Odin back to Asgard. Very soon after the god left the 3 changed to there Greek forms.

"What are you gaping at blondie?" Solisse asks without even glancing at the demigods.

"How powerful are you all anyway?" Magnus asks the trio.

"I'm the child of every god and goddess. Also I'm a primordial. My brother is the child of athena, Zuse, Hera, kionie, Poseidon, Odin, Lupa, Mars and Jupiter. Lee's the child of Frigga, the primordials, kronos and krios. He's also a primordial." Solisse told him. Then his jaw was somewhere on the floor. "You'll catch flys." She finished politely.

"So you 2 are stronger then any god from any parthenon?" He asks after doing what Solisse told him.

"All 3 of us are." Lee tells him. Then... Wait, what is my wife doing there?

"Lady Hera." The Greek demigods bow and the others follow there lead.

"Mother?!" The twins say at the same time.

"Children, we need to go. Now." She addresses the Olympians in the room.

"Why?" Solisse asks obviously annoyed.

"It's another prophecy." She tells them with sadness in her voice.

"What this time?" Molly asks getting annoyed herself.

"3 parthenons will travel hours

To the land beyond their powers

They must fight the foe of all

To meet the ones that never fall

There is a door or a fall

Choose wisely, for royalty fights tall

And prepare for the sacrifice of them all"

"Well that's not creepy." Percy says with sarcasm.

"Well that's 50." Lee tells the other Olympians.

"50 what?" Annabeth asks. She is much like her mother, always asking questions.

"Great prophecies." Solisse replies angrily. The demigods look at her with shock. then the ground starts to shake at a 7.6 earthquake, the wind speed picks up and Aliose comes into the throne room looking at us with frustration.

"Why didn't you all tell me?"

"It's not any of us." Aphrodite tells him gesturing to the scene in front of me.

"Magor meteorological events are happening all over the world. And you're telling me it's not a god?" Then his eyes fall on the angry twins and Lee. "Oh no"

"This can be worse than all the council getting mad." I tell them. Then I no longer see Hera with the children. I turn to see her standing by Hestia. Aphrodite noticed and starts yelling at her.

"Why would you do that?! The last time all of them were on Olympus where we could calm them!"

"I tried to get them to come!" Hera defeated.

"There going to destroy everything!"

"Look" aliose interrupts the goddesses argument. We turn back to the demigods and see Solisse calm down. After she's calm she puts her non ingered hand on her brother's arm and the pink part of her eyes glow. Aphrodite gets excited because Solisse chose her Aphrodite powers to calm him. When he's calm he pushes her over to Lee and she does the same thing. The whole world is now back to calm. The demigods start to cry into each other arms. The Olympians in the room turn to them and try to hold back their own tears.

"Let's put this off till it's an immediate problem. Until then let's enjoy our lives." Solisse offers. The others agree and they all start having a normal conversation.

Time skip to 10pm because I'm still lazy.

We've been watching the children for a day now and lots of other gods have come to watch after the little show that was put on earlier.

"Goodnight everyone!" Solisse, Fos, Molly and Lee call to leo, Jason, Piper, Thalia, Bob, Magnus and Nico as they make their way to the elevator. A few good nights follow them into the elevator. When they reach the 11th floor Lee pushes Solisse to her room as the other 2 go to their's. Lee picks her up and sets her into the bed. After making sure she's comfortable he goes to the other side of the bed and climbs in so her back is against his chest. He slept beside her when she was in the hospital. Aphrodite says it's cute but most of the gods think of her as their little girl. She and the other 3 are the only children to be raised on Olympus. They drift off to sleep together and Aphrodite starts silently but excitedly freaking out in the corner.

Demigods go To Goode high School (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now