Annabeth Chase

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"Aren't Solisse, Percy and Molly supposed to be back by now?" Jason has a point.

"They probably just had to deal with captainy things." Leo suggests. Just then Fos gets a call. He picks it up.

"Apollo, you're worrying me." The deepness of his voice still suprises me but then his words sink in and We wait a few seconds then we see fos pale. Then he puts the phone on speaker phone and puts it on the table in the kitchen that we're all sitting in. "Repeat." He says to apollo. Who talks to a god like that? He could get killed! Then Apollos voice fills the room.

"Fos I'm very sorry but a guy called Mike, percy, Molly and you're sister have been in a car crash. Molly and Mike are fine but Percy and Solisse are both in comas but we can't separate them. Just tell the campers plus Lee and come down here."

"See you soon then." Fos reply's and starts to go to the garage with everyone else. But I can't move. Seaweed brain's in a coma. We went through hell and he almost died in a car crash. Fos and Lee (whose still tired but came here to see Solisse after her practice but wasn't here when we got back) hold open the door to the garage. After everyone else is in they turn to me. I still can't move so Astrlee walks over, slings me over his shoulder and walks into the garage. He flips me into the back seat of Fos's car and then jumps into the passengers seat beside Fos whose driving. The car is deadly silent. When we get to the hospital we're meet by apollo at the front door.

"Father, what's wrong?" I can barely makeout Will's words.

"I'm just worried son." He tells Will.

"Lord Apollo." The rest of us demigods bow to him except for Fos and Astrlee.

"Aiden, where are they?" Astrlee asks with a deadly calm voice. The god looked scared.

"F-follow m-m-me." The god answered. Even gods are scared of him and apollo can even sense that he's weaker than normal. The demigods all keep a good distance between them selves and the not-so-demi-god and demi-titan. When we get to a room we stop.

"They are my patients and I say you can only go in one at a time." Apollo announced. Then he received two extremely terrifying glares from the 2 boys. "On second thought you can all go in." Apollo says with a shaky voice. None of the demigods can seem to go in so Fos and Lee drag me in with them. Seeing the unconscious teens in front of me I ran over to the boy a held the hand that wasn't already attached to the girls. I can't bring myself to look at there faces then I hear a groan and look in the direction it came from. Solisse looks like she's waking up but in terrible pain. Then I look at the 2 boys around her who have sad expressions. Then the boys expressions change to suprises, happy then sadness then understanding. It almost looks like there having a conversation. I then see her grip tighten on Percy's hand then go limp again. Now it's Percy's turn to look in extreme pain and I start to cry. Tears of sadness and happiness. He's waking up but he's in pain. I can't do anything  but watch. Then Apollo walks in.

"Percy only has a few cuts and a concussion. In a few days he can go back because he's waking up now. Solisse on the other hand took most of the force from both cars. Her right leg is broken in 3 places. Her right arm is fractured, her shoulder on the same side is broken. Her abdomen is cut and slightly crushed and her left arm is cut and bruised. She also has a bad concussion and insists on Percy being healed before her. She's actually giving her power to him and is the only reason he's still alive. She can't leave until she wakes up and 2 days after but after that she'll be good as new, if she actually keeps her power." The boys just nod and I cry some more silently thanking the girl whose probably the most powerful being to ever live. The boys just nodded like they already knew. Then the unexpected happened.

"She shouldn't have." Then all heads turn to the now awake percy.

Demigods go To Goode high School (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now