chapter 2: multiple POV's

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Will's POV

It's 6AM and everyone is at the van ready to go except for death breath and I wasn't the only one to notice,

"Hey sunshine, can you go get your boyfriend so I can go see mine?!"

"Okay Annabeth" I call back as I run down the hill to the hades cabin.

I knocked on the door but no one answered so I opened it to find a sleeping Nico. He's so cute when he sleeps but if I don't wake him up and get him to the top of the hill within the next 20 minutes Annabeth will have my head. So I gently nudge Nico but he doesn't wake up so I resorted to the backup plan and yell in his ear,


and instantly he's awake with his sword in hand and both feet on the ground in a fighting stance. Awe, he's such a good boyfriend!

"What in my father's name did you do that for!"

"Calm down Neeks! We were suppose to be on half blood hill 10 minutes ago. Go get changed then get your podex up half blood hill so Annabeth doesn't have both our heads."

After a minute of grumbling we were leaving for the van.

Time skip and POV change brought to you by Sally Jackson's blue cookies

Annabeth's POV

We left camp about 10 minutes ago and are now pulling up in front of the Empire state building in New York. I look outside the window to see 2 teens a girl and a boy who look around 15. The girl is about 5 foot 9 inches with long wavy hair that went from black at the roots to paper white at the tips it looked completely natural and framed her face beautifully. She was wearing sunglasses so I couldn't see her eyes but she has a sprinkling of freckles across her nose and cheeks. Her skin was naturally tan and I couldn't help but notice that she also doesn't wear makeup or at least nothing noticable. She's fit and has a Greek style black dress on that huged her curves perfectly with a pair of matching gladiator sandals. The boy who I guessed was her twin brother has short wind sweeped hair that went from black to light brown and eyes that were 3 different shades of blue and a silvery grey. He's tall about 6 foot 4 inches and was wearing a black v-neck t-shirt and dark blue jeans with blue and black converse high tops but other then that and their gender difference they're identical. So in other words they looked like aphrodite kids but it looked like they were saying goodbye to athena and Poseidon. But that isn't even the most shocking thing I see, athena and Poseidon were holding hands! I decided not to bring it up but just then the teens spotted us and came over. I unrolled my window to talk to them.

"Are you the kid's from the camps?"

"Yes, I'm Annabeth and you are?"

"I'm sorry I was being rude befor. My name is Solisse Olympus and this is my brother Fos Olympus."

"Nice to meet you! As I said earlier I'm Annabeth Chase, these are my friends, Leo Valdes, piper McClain, Jason Grace, Hazle Levesque, Frank Zang, Will Solice and-"

"Neeks! It's been forever how are you?"

"Fine and you? It's been awhile. How are things on Olympus?"

"Fine and of course the parents are annoying but things are great on Olympus."

"Hey Fos do you still let sunny do all the talking for you?"

"No" wow, so he can talk. And he has a deep voice for his age.

"Sorry to interrupt your little reunion but shouldn't we get going" at that they hoped into the van on the same bench as Nico and Will. Nico continued his conversation with them and about 5 minutes later Will asked the question that I think was on all my friends (except Nico's) minds,

"So whose your godly parent?" At that the car fell silent.

"It's probably best if we tell you where there's more space..." well that isn't strange at all. She just became very ominous but yeah nothing strang

Time skip and POV change brought to you by Sally Jackson's new blue chocolate chip waffles

Solisse's POV

I can't believe Neeks is here! And he has a boyfriend!!! There so cute together! We are driving into the front gates of the mansion and I can't help but marvel at the architecture, even if this is the second time I've seen it. I'm glad to see I'm not the only person gazing at beautiful Greek style mansion with the white marble walls floors ceiling and columns of the exterior. Athena said I'd have someone to bond with me over the architecture and one look at Annabeth and I knew it was her. The campers unloaded their bags and walked up the steps to there temporary home. My brother snickered at the campers expressions and I hit him in the arm... hard. He gave me a glare that could make a normal mortal or demigod recoil in fear but still paled in comparison to the one I shoot back at him.

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