to learn ✍︎

334 13 3

Bold writing is Japanese until further notice.

_________ ✍︎

Jane had always excelled in languages, being fluent in French, German and English. Yet, as she looked down at her phone, waiting for app to load and continue her Japanese lessons, she felt a deep seated reluctance tethered to her dislike for the country erupt in her stomach.

Beneath her the aeroplane was already rumbling, ready to depart from the security of Britain.

"Miss, would you please turn off your phone, we'll be departing shortly" an air stewardess ordered as politely possible, pulling her pink lips into a wider smile.

Jane simply nodded, fearing if she were to open her mouth she would be sick; already she was experiencing that sensation of your mouth salivating and becoming warm, readying you to eventually throw chunks.

She pocketed her phone without looking down as the aircraft jolted forward, slowly traveling toward the runway with an air of anticipation.

The Frasers were three of five people going to Japan as British citizens, the rest were returning and rather reluctant at that. Faces were slightly forlorn while children eagerly readied themselves in their seats: they were excited to fly. Jane would've given her sanity to be as carefree as the five-year-olds glued to their Nintendo's.

Being oblivious to the flight
-as well as the destination- seemed to be a whole lot better than shaking at the thought. Ghoul's clouded Jane's mind then, she could remember the lessons of ghoul biology and anatomy clearly. That's one of the three things that set them apart from human's: biology along with diet and mentality. With the appropriate papers, Jane's college were allowed to hire and teach the graphic material of ghouls to their students in hopes few would carry their knowledge toward a profession affiliated with the CCG. 

The flight was a gruelling eleven hours, providing that the travel was so long, Jane took the opportunity in her stride and tried to effectively absorb the Japanese language. As well as the hours which were in her favour, Jane also took the time to ask questions from those native to Japan.

"I see you are trying to learn Japanese" a heavily accented voice said from beside Jane. It originated from the woman beside her, the woman's hair was messily topped upon her head and her eyes were bright black as she sparked the conversation.

"Yes, I don't want to be behind in my studies because of a language barrier" Jane answered.

"I wouldn't mind helping you, if you won't be-" The woman mumbled something under her breath (Jane assumed it was in Japanese), "- fluent, but I can help".

"Thank you so much" she said before proceeding to speak what little she could to begin the conversation. In the end, this proved to be far more helpful than her app as the woman continued to correct her here and there; giving constructive criticism as Jane said certain words incorrectly it made a mistake in her grammar.

"Where a-are you from then?" Jane asked informally as the words felt heavy and uncomfortable in her mouth, you could obviously hear her South London accent peeping through the complex language.

"I am from the 5th Ward in Tokyo" the woman, who's name was Honoka, answered, her words melting off her tongue easily as Jane carefully thought over answer.

"Where is the...",

"5th Ward" Honoka assisted.

"Where is the 5th Ward?" Jane asked once again to receive a soft smile from Honoka.

"It borders the 1st Ward and is one of the safest, I go to University there",

"What does Uni-University mean?",

"I mean University" Honoka clearly explained.

For the next seven hours, Honoka suggested Jane take a break from learning, knowing that the teenager would only be burnt out from forcing so much information into her brain all at once. However, she didn't know that learning was a saving grace, it took Jane's mind off of her inevitable fate.

Despite Honoka's intentions, Jane immediately took a book from her carry on bag, it was titled Ghouls: the beasts, the bad, the ugly.

After half-an-hour of reading, Honoka took notice of the cover and was silently shocked such a girl like Jane was studying such a gory subject.

"Rereading again?" Mark asked his daughter as he acknowledged the rugged paperback. The bottom of the spine was peeling while the whole thing was cracked, breaking the protection of the paper and pulling it up. Meanwhile, the front of the white book had a hot-chocolate ring across the corner, right beside the curled up pages which had been fiddled with as Jane read every word. She drunk down every word Ron Hemmings wrote, as a renowned, leading scientist in Ghoul researcher she drunk down his every word. She didn't aspire to be an investigator as her father and his co-workers suspected, she wanted to craft quinque's and develop anti-ghoul weaponry.

"I could never get tired of this book" Jane smiled toward her father, she could practically feel his body radiating with pride.

"What part are you up to?" Mark asked.

"The Ghoul diet, if only they had something else to sustain their appetites",

"If only, but then I'd be out of work" Mark chuckled.

"I don't think so, probably just a different department of the police" Jane theorised.

"Doesn't that sound fun" her dad sarcastically countered.

"The day will come soon I'm sure, at least where we live- where we used to live had slightly allowed ghouls to live somewhat peacefully. We're doing most that other countries, allowing people to apply if they would give their bodies to ghoul charities. At least the world is trying".

Her dad remained silent for a minute or two.

"You know, it won't be like that in Japan, right?".

Jane sighed heavily, finally closing her book at the reminder.

"I know, I just...",

"I get darling, it's not what you wanted but imagine the opportunity. Their ghoul countermeasure training centre is immaculate, with my work you're an exception to the tuition fee and will be taught by top instructors. There are so many benefits to this change, you'll see that soon enough Jane".

_________ ✍︎

I'm sorry if you guys want to see Uta already.

But don't worry, I usually publish in bulk so one to two (or maybe three) chapters at a time.

This is why I posted the first ten parts so you guys got to see Uta at the beginning of the book and my interpretation of his character.

Not everything may add up in his story line because I haven't read or watched Tokyo Ghoul: Jack.

I try to be as canon as I can and research as much as possible so I'll probably cringe if I read Jack and something doesn't add up.

Please comment and vote, I really appreciate it and do truly see it as a form of payment because it does excite me to see someone enjoying my work.

What is the best fanfiction you've read on Wattpad?

If I'm gonna choose, it would probably be the Veal and the Venison (a Tomione fanfiction). It's really fleshed out and I recommend it if you support the ship and haven't read it yet.

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