new kid ✍︎

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It was Monday and Jane wasn't up for school. Her hair wasn't brushed as well as her teeth and she just couldn't find the will to leave the bed. It was comforting and warm unlike the early morning wind.

The student had simply forced herself to stare into her new uniform and assess if getting up was even worth it. She had GCSEs, Jane had her qualifications from high school, she didn't need any more. She knew she should've called Amber and apologised by now but she shook away the guilt with a deep sigh of relent.

Luckily, this was her first day and nearing this end of Grade 11. She wasn't as familiar with the school system but she knew that meant she had one more year before graduation. Earlier that morning and yesterday that night after leaving Uta, Jane had her head down to learn the new language. Thankfully, after a week of pacing herself she became somewhat comfortable and understood most who spoke to her. Honestly, the teen was extremely proud of herself.

As the sun peeked through the window and began to burn her shin, warming her skin to a high degree, Nancy called from the downstairs. It was clear from Jane's half opened eyes and groggy movements she wasn't ready for this day. Her body felt foreign and weak like she was wearing a meat suit, however, she still managed to waddle toward the bathroom (somehow forcing her eyes wide in the meanwhile).

Once she was dressed in the knee-length, navy, pleated skirt, red tie, white shirt, long socks, loafers and red tie, Jane clambered down the stairs with a heavy reluctance building on her shoulders.

"You'll be fine" Nancy reassured at the sight of her daughter.

Already a few breakfast bars were in her hands and a smile placed on her face, she had to make the best out of the situation, despite how much it boiled her blood.

"I know, love you",

"Love you too honey" Nancy farewelled before Jane slammed the front door behind her.

Like the exhausted teen, singular or grouped students in her uniform walked toward Shinjuku high school. They were all determined and hardly fatigued as they went by in blurs of blue.

As Jane followed behind, it was clear she caught a few eyes. Some openly stared while others glanced a time or two before reaching the building. She was a new face; a westerner at that.

For the first forty-five minutes of her day, when her hands were stuffed with books, indoor shoes and a schedule, Jane proceeded to question every action she performed. Consciously, the teen straightened her back and shoulders and took longer strides than usual, she wanted to impress her peers and be more than the crazy English girl who moved to Japan.

"Today we have a new student-" Miss Hara began, her posture immaculate as she gestured for Jane to enter the classroom. "- she's from England and doesn't know a lot of Japanese, please treat her kindly".

For a few seconds the whole class waited for Jane's introduction before she understood that was expected.

"Hello, my name is Jane Fraser, it is nice to meet you all" she barely managed, taking a seat toward the middle after her awkward first impression. Already the student could feel the stares burning into her skin as tutor continued.

Most of what Miss Hara said went through one ear and out the other, especially when she proceeded into history. Most students assumed Jane didn't care about her education with her bored expression and they would be right. She was qualified enough to enter whichever school she desired; Jane simply had to get through the next year of school problem free.

When lunch finally came around, a pair female students stayed in the classroom and ate from a lunch box. They had brought two desks together and huddled together, seeming comfortable enough. As Jane sat with her earphones in -listening to whatever came on shuffle- said girls kept flickering their eyes toward the westerner.

Their glances scratched at Jane's flesh and forced her to shuffle in her seat (like it would make her somewhat invisible) until finally, the bubble of frustration burst in her gut.

"What!" She exclaimed across the room, making the two students jump in their seats.

The pair remained silent.

"Have you got something to say? What's wrong?" She tried before one suddenly dressed her expression emotionlessly. At first, it punched Jane in the gut with fear before the girl stood.

The two metre walk the girl made was somehow the longest moment in Jane's existence. She never met a girl so intimidating.

"I was curious-" the girl began, purposely talking slowly to patronise Jane, "- I guess you're nothing special anyway".

Jane pulled out her earphones and met the girl face to face.

"If you want to say something..." she said in the heat of it all.

"Come on Akira, leave her alone" the other girl spoke.

This one was the complete opposite of her friend. Instead of long, straight black hair with a plain face, the mediator of the simmering argument had cute, high up bunches with perfectly painted nails and natural makeup.

Akira -due to her friend's interruption- deeply sighed and turned back to her seat without a second glance. Jane had to say: she was a tough cookie.

"I'm sorry about her, I'm Yui Kurokawa and that's Akira Mori. I was just wondering if you wanted to sit with us" Yui happily asked, almost bubbling with sunshine as she smiled widely.

They were total and complete opposites.

At first, Jane looked at the girl as if an alien, extremely reluctant to accept the offer. But, now that she looked over the two she realised this were a redo of high school.

Since a year ago, Jane had already become comfortable in her skin and acknowledged that she was quite pretty.

What a golden opportunity this is she thought before tugging out her other earphone and approaching the table.

_________ ✍︎

Hello! I see I've already got a few readers so here I'm saying Hi!

I hope you're enjoying it so far and continue to do so.

What is your favourite anime besides Tokyo Ghoul?

I can watch and read Ajin again and again. (I really recommend it)

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