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((Ah shi--Here we go folks!! Please don't kill me. I'm really nervous. Ignore the picture. ))

Midoriya's POV:

I looked around in a dark room as I was hand cuffed to a table. I stared at the desk before he looked directly to no one. He beamed,"Hello! My name is Izuku Midoriya. Let me tell you the experience I had in middle school. So uh--where to start?-Oh! I know! I had this childhood friend named Katsuki Bakugo..ah yes, Kacchan" I glanced away and sadly chuckled to himself before I began again,"So..uhm, We weren't the best of friends during that time-" there was a long pause. "You know what? A flash back should explain things better."

//Flash Back//
It was a usual weekday, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping but that didn't matter to a green haired and freckled faced boy.

Midoriya stared dead at the ceiling and waited for his mom to come up to his door. Which in que, Inko had knocked on twice with her normal sweet voice,"Izuku, dear, it's time to get up and get ready for school." Midoriya sighed a bit and sat up on his bed, he responded in a fake happy tone, "Okay mom! Thanks!", before he got onto his feet. He grimly grabbed his school uniform and slowly puts them on. His reflection caught his own attention, Midoriya stared blankly before he told himself, "I can do this-!" In a small whisper with a clenched fist. Midoriya nodded to himself and grabbed his bag, then out of his room to head down the hallway.

   Inko had packed her sweet Izuku's lunch then handing it over, "You're not going to eat breakfast again?" with her usual concerned expression. Izuku shook his head with a small smile,"Nah mom, I have to get going!" He gave Inko a small peck on the cheek while he made his way to the door. He grabbed the knob and stopped for a moment with a deep breath. Inko had spotted the short pause and spoke,"Is something wrong Izuku?" Midoriya snapped out of it and glanced back with small laugh "Heh, sorry mom-just a small thought. Bye!", he walked out and now started to head down the sidewalk.

"What to do?! Should I just skip today..? No, mom would be asking why all of a sudden I ditch school like that. Uhg--I don't want to go back there..not with kacchan and his so called friends..damn bullies-" Midoriya's thoughts jumbled in his head. He gripped his backpack straps and his lower lip quivered as he made his way closer to his middle school. Izuku made his way inside and ignored everyone since it was a few minutes early, before he opened the door. His ears caught a familiar voice from far down the hallway. He turned his head to the left and can visibly see the hot headed ash blondie. Izuku yelped and head inside the classroom and hurriedly sat down onto his seat. He puts his head down and grumbled,"I wish Kacchan would leave me alone..at least for a day-" but then let out a small squeak when he heard the door open and he gulped. "Here he comes," he thought.

Katsuki gave out his usual growls with his two friends on each side when they got inside the classroom. His red eyes spotted the little Deku,but before he could open his mouth to say something ugly, the bell cuts him off. He mumbled under his breath before the hot head went over to sit down in his own seat, of course putting his feet up on the desk. Katsuki crossed his arms with a small huff. The class did their usual learning and activities.

At the end of the day Midoriya was minding his own business as always by writing down notes into his hero book. Until Katsuki grabbed out of poor Midoriya's hands. Which he recieved gasp from the poor Izuku and got up from his seat "K-kacchan! Give it back!" Which only amused Katsuki and snickered back,"What? This thing?" He waved it around before he clamped it with his hands, the sound of small explosions crumbling and burning the notebook. Midoriya's eyes widen and clenched his fists in disbelief, "A-all my hard work.." Katsuki laughed at his expression and throws it out the window "You'll never get anywhere with out a quirk Deku, just face it-in reality, you won't be able to face anyone. ", and made his way back to his friends. Katsuki added, "Oi! why don't you just jump out of the window and hope you'll suddenly fly? Or die and wish your next life you'll have a quirk." he smirked and turned his back away at Midoriya.

That's what made Midoriya draw the line on the floor, he slowly made his way towards the window with his hands dead beside him. One of Katsuki's friends shook Katsuki a bit and pointed at the window,"Bakugo! He is going to jump for real!" Katsuki was stunned for a bit but then turned his head to see Midoriya already on the edge gripping with his hands. Midoriya looked back as he smiled weakly,"Hey Kacchan..maybe you're right-I should try. It wouldn't hurt to-", he closed his eyes and slowly let go and let himself fall back. Katsuki dropped his bag and ran towards the window and shouted,"DEKUUU!!" he tried to grab him but he missed by a few inches. Katsuki heavily panted as he just couldn't watch him fall, so he jumped out of the window to try to stop him one more time. Midoriya waited for impact


Everything was black but there was an eerie sound ringing in Midoriya's head. He felt someone shaking him, "I-Im still alive..?" Was the one thought that sprung into his mind. He slowly opened his eye but all he saw was something yellow..and a bit of red. But he finally heard what the figure was screaming out...

((Thank you for bareing with my first chapter, I might add another one tomorrow qwq. So for now I love you for reading this even if I dont know you--- and see you soon!!!))

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