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Sorry for the AN (I hate writing them because I know people want to read the stories) but I need inspiration.

@ShadowHellhound (if I didn't get your name right I am so sorry, I have crappy memory with names) requested either a reverse AU or a fallen!Gabriel AU.

I chose the reverse AU but I need your opinion on things for the story because I can't figure out what you want to read. If you actually read this and want to help with the story process, answer these questions:

-Smut or no smut?
-What would Beelzebub's angel name be? (If they have one already tell me because I have no clue)
-Would you want their to be conflict?
-Should their relationship be found out?
-Should I switch to calling Beelzebub 'ze' and 'zer'?
-Do you have any other requests or ideas that you would like to incorporate?

I know nobody probably read this but if you did and you would like to answer, comment your answers in that order! I actually really love seeing who voted on and read my stories because I don't really have much confidence and it helps me feel confident enough to post more stories. If you read this, thank you and remember, you are ineffably loved.


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