Chapter 38.

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Tuesday 8.00am-
I woke up early, and had another quick read of Michelle Obama's book. Before folding the tip of the page as I did not have a book mark. I closed the book, and placed it on my bedside table. I was really getting into reading now, as there was nothing better than getting lost in a good book. I stretched, said my prayers and headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

I felt extra amazing as, last night was the first night in days that I had, had a full nights sleep. No nightmares, or interruptions. No Bradley, I was happy!

I got dressed in my cropped pink puma jumper, blue jeans, and let my braids be free today. I put on my pink ankle socks and walked downstairs. My dad had set up the kitchen table ready for breakfast. My parents were officially home from work for the next few days for Christmas break, so they were really making it count.

It was breakfast time. My mum had prepared, bacon, eggs, waffles, sausages, pancakes and a fruit salad. My dad walked over to the table with a tray of tea, milk, sugar, hot water and mugs.

"Careful with that" mum said , laughing.

"I know, I know" dad said, rolling his eyes jokingly.

"Dear God, thank you for waking us up today, thank you for my family and providing us with this amazing meal. Protect and look after us today, please Lord. In Jesus name we pray Amen", Isla prayed.

"Amen" we all responded in unison, and we all started to eat, there was complete silence as we ate. The food was so delicious, occasionally we looked up at each other, and smiled before going back to devouring our meals.

"Plates in the sink, plates in the sink" mum announced, waving her arms pointing to the sink.

There was no such thing as 'I will wash it later' my parents did not have that later mentality. Everything must be done now! I started to wipe down the table, and clear away all extra cutlery before I was asked to do it because once I get asked to do it. I do not want to do it anymore!

Dad, Isla and, I put our plates in the sink. Dad started to lick his plate, "just making sure it's extra, extra clean for whoever is on washing up duty" Dad said laughing.

"Dad that's gross" Isla said as she, started to pull up her sleeves. She poured washing up liquid onto the sponge, and lathered it up.

"That is way too much soap, you do not need that much". Mum said, standing over Isla's shoulder.

"Mum I will buy you more precious washing up liquid if it means that much to you, I didn't even use a lot. Chill out".

"That's enough of that ladies, come on enjoy the day. Mum come and sit next to me, Isla join us when you're done" dad said, trying to be the peace maker.

"Annoying" Isla said under her breath, but we all heard her anyway.

As we all sat together in the lounge, I figured this was the perfect time to tell my family about everything that happened yesterday. Although the police spoke to my dad, I wanted to tell my side.

I could never keep secrets away from my family, I felt like there was a waistband around my guts. I felt so bad chatting, and laughing with them as if everything was ok.

I took a deep breath and said, "I am ready to talk about what happened yesterday".

"Take your time sis" Isla said, emphatically.

"Well go on, tell us". Mums voice broke as she spoke in total panic.

My dad did not say a word, but he had a deep frown painted on his face. He stared at me with anticipation.

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