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"yah, did you see the camion last week?" jeno said, cycling from the front seat of his bike.

"camion? what camion?" jaemin from behind his best friend asked.

for the last two weeks, jaemin had been to his grandparents' house, as some kind of holiday from his parents saying. in the meantime a family had transferred one house apart from his.

"really?!" jaemin exclaimed nearly making both of them lose their balance on the vehicle.

"jaemin be careful!" jeno stops, to scold his childish friend. quickly restarting their ride, not wanting to be late on their first day of school.

na jaemin, the one on the back seat, starts today his second year of high school. he is quite a popular kid among all kinds of students. especially girls, to be honest. he's the bubbly type, who anyone wants to be friends with. loud, naive, kind and sometimes dramatic. he plays basketball as a hobby and likes to go to karaoke with his friends in his free time.

in the past year, he experienced his first friendships, other than his neighbor jeno, and relationship. after being homeschooled for years.

not used to being confessed to, he felt too bad to reject someone, so just ended up dating pretty much whoever asked him to, until the girl got bored of the lack of attention.
jaemin was everything but an expert when talking about relationships.

right now he is dating, or better, he was being dated by shin bora, one of his classmates. to be honest, jaemin liked her, her being chill and respectful made him relaxed when around her.

lee jeno, on the other hand, was single. even though he was as popular, if not more, as jaemin. he just disliked the idea of dating random people. he too was a good presence to be with. he has been best friends with jaemin since he can remember and is planning on being so in the future too, they know too much about each other to be enemies. the would devastate each other spreading rumors in three days at the best.

the story of their friendship is pretty much an everyday story that most people experience themselves. basically, they lived in the same neighborhood since they both were 3 years old.

actually, their houses confine with each other. and they can also see the other from their respective bedroom's window, cliché, but still the coolest thing ever in their mind.

they go to school together every day. not this way though.

before jaemin's visit to his family, he broke his bike, so jeno now had to carry his friend to school in the back seat of his.

because of that and the snacks they bought along the way, which wasn't the best idea in jeno's opinion, they arrived late to school.

after luckily sneaking in without the homeroom teacher noticing. the sat at the only empty seats. theirs.

"mr. na jaemin, mr. lee jeno! late the first day?" haechan, one of their friends, fake gasped looking at jaemin, sat the one desk beside his.

"what are you talking about sir.haechan?" jaemin asked faking a shocked expression in his direction, before taking out his stuff.

"jaemin! jaemin! look!" jeno from behind him whisper shouts. indicating a guy with a red beanie in the second row.

"he's our newest neighbor!"

"isn't she jinhwa?" he looked behind him only to receive a slap on the shoulder by his friend.

"yes, she is. but i'm not talking about her at the moment, you dumbass. one desk in front of her!"

"oh, you're talking about the new kid? you missed his introduction, he seems pretty cute. he's my type" haechan entered the conversation focusing his attention on the boy, cluelessly sitting and enjoying the introduction the teacher was talking about.

"it means nothing, since being your type means having a dick." jeno replied to haechan gaining a frown from the classmate.

"he's really pretty tho, all the girls were giving him their full attention. apparently he's chinese, still, he's so good at korean. he seems quite the nerdy type, i bet he reads a lot!"
haechan continues to explain the little information he has about the new guy.

"lee haechan, shut up, will you?" one of their classmates who was actually listening to the introduction, turned around to heachan.

the other just pretended an 'i'm sorry' expression only to continue his explanation to his friends.

"but is he jaemin pretty or more like jungwoo hyung pretty?" jeno asked, quite curious of what his new neighbor looks like.

while haechan and jeno kept on gossiping about the chinese classmate, jaemin was completely focusing on renjun.
waiting for the guy to slightly turn his head on the right side just to view a part of his face.

for somewhat reason, he was so curious about how he looked like and haechan continuously praising his good looks didn't help his curiosity.

"he looks like this, you look!" haechan shown his badly drawn sketch of the guy.

after contemplating the stickman for some time the two of them looked at each other and laughed at their friend drawing.

"lee jeno, na jaemin, do you what to spend your afternoon in detention on your first day?" the homeroom teacher teased.

the two guys immediately serious at her statement, for at least a second, before laughing again at a much lower tone, hoping to not get caught once again.

at that moment renjun turned around, as well as pretty much everyone in the classroom. after being scolded you become the main focus of everyone's attention, and renjun was no exception.

after scanning the first one, in the front, he moved his eyes on the second guy. jeno eventually noticed the other, staring at his, as if he was trying to figure out why he seemed familiar.

they locked eyes, with each other. renjun turned around, facing the blackboard, once again.

"yo, haechan is right. he's quite pretty."

"WHEN DID YOU SEE HIM?!" jaemin screamed, with way too much frustration given the situation.

"NA JAEMIN, you'll spend your afternoon in detention." the teacher thought so too.

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