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"yo, jaemin calm down i'm getting an headache listening to you throwing a tantrum over your crush." jeno huffed, carrying two tables on top of each other. "as you said they have no chance with him, you don't have to worry about that. just focus on those chairs, 'cause you already bended one of its leg!" he pointed at one chair he threw just now. "whatever! let's get this done before i pick up a fight with the class president!" haechan said before stomping away. "why is he this salty anyway?" the younger asked, "group two delivered to mark's class." they looked at each other and cracked a smile and walked after their friend.


"can't believe it took this long! everyone is gone home already. at least mark is waiting for me at the gate, frick you single ladies!" haechan hopped away longing to be with his boyfriend. "i suppose you're going to renjun, i gotta run some errands for haneul, see you tomorrow i guess." jeno waived at jaemin as he walked away. jaemin grinned, renjun messaged him earlier saying he would be waiting inside, it made appear a big grin on his face, it lasted a long time.

he walked inside, happily rushing upstairs, arrived at their classroom he didn't see anyone inside as he checked through the window, he frowned sliding the door open, but it soon disappeared as he saw renjun peacefully sleeping on a desk. jaemin smiled at the sight and tiptoed his way up to him. he gently turned a chair to sit opposite from where he slept. renjun was sitting near the window, sun kissing his skin, it seemed a scene from a movie. jaemin sat there laying his chin on his hand, brushing renjun's hair with the other one.

how is it possible, he gets prettier each day. am i going nuts? jaemin tried to brush off a lash from his cheeks, he didn't expect him to be this sensitive to his touch. renjun's eyes fluttered open, revealing jaemin's favorite set of orbs, looking at him. "you're here." renjun rubbed his eyes attempting to wake up quickly. "you looked so ethereal, i didn't want to disturb you." renjun lazily smiled "i didn't notice at first, but your skin got tanned, it looks good on you." he was still partially leaning on his arm as he tapped jaemin's cheek. he's the prettiest, i can't. the younger thought.

jaemin slowly leaned towards him, renjun still immersed in his flawless and slightly tanned skin, when he lifted his gaze, jaemin was inches away from him. renjun was the one who closed the gap, slightly getting up from his laying position. renjun's lips were soft, they tasted sweet, like cotton candy. he might have eaten some before taking a nap. their first kiss didn't last long, it resembled more a peck. when the older pulled away, jaemin caressed his cheek and caught his lips, the kiss was deeper and more desperate, passionate but still sweet, the taste was his favorite. they pulled away only when the oxygen was short, leaving both gasping for air. jaemin still looking deep into his eyes a silly smile filling his face. renjun was extremely red, suddenly he felt shy. "why are you looking away? is this pink i see on your cheeks you blushing?" he giggled stroking both of his cheeks, the blush getting a deeper shade of red.

renjun mumbled something under his breath, still not locking eyes, jaemin didn't understand a thing. "what?" he giggled at his cuteness, was he a bit dizzy because of their sweet kiss, yes.

"it was my first kiss."  he turned jaemin's face around, he couldn't bare his eyes on him any longer.

jaemin's cheeks became an even brighter shade of red, he turned back to him taking his hand and kissing it, "and second." he smirked, then pecked him once again, twice and again. "oh, stop." renjun covered his mouth. picking up his things and walking outside. "renjun, wait for me!"

the bell finally rang signaling the start of lunch break, renjun didn't feel like eating. the night before he binge-watched a drama and ate lots of snacks, he was still nauseous from that. "you aren't going today?" asked haechan approaching his best friend casually taking a nap, or at least trying to. he shook his head, "i don't want to."

jaemin was chatting with jeno, he wasn't too focused thought, he occasionally glances at renjun, to be honest he didn't even understand the topic of their conversation. "so mark kissed him and now apparently they are a thing ? like he held back for years just for mark to do the big step." jeno explained with a dubious tone as he wasn't entirely sure of what he was saying himself.

"mark kissed who? haechan knows?" jaemin asked surprised when he finally came back to earth, jeno flicked his forehead, "are even listening to me? mark kissed haechan, of course he knows!" jaemin was surprised but not impressed, he knew mark had a crush on haechan for a long time, it was subtle, but easy to catch when you know mark's habits. "good for them, i guess. let's go to the cafeteria, renjun probably won't eat, he's most likely gonna nap." jeno nodded and followed jaemin, when his sight caught a familiar face he tapped his friend "something came up, see you later."

"wait, what?" jaemin turned but didn't see him, he vanished in thin air. he scoffed an continued his way, arrived at the door he saw his worst enemy, one sided enemy. xiaojun. "what are you doing here?" he blocked him from entering the classroom, the shorter forced a smile, pretty awkward, "i came to talk with renjun about this matter,, emh, yeah." jaemin scanned him. pink blush on his cheeks, he's avoiding eye contact, he's embarrassed, huh. he's fidgeting something in hands, what's that? "what are you holding?" he snatched a letter from his hands a pink envelope, 'renjun #4' was written in pen on one side. what the fuck?! is this dwarf sending love letters to renjun?!

"mind your own business ugly." said renjun taking the letter from his hands, "let's go xiaojun, don't mind this kid, he has no sense of privacy." he glared at jaemin and proceeded to walk away with the shorter. "wow, he called you both a kid and ugly, what a man."

"shut up hairychan."

♡ ♡ ♡

helloww, it's been a while hasn't it? :(
im so sorry for updating once in a blue moon but i have been packed with school assignment and super unmotivated,,,
but on the bright side they finally kissed!! im a sucker for slow romance so yeah, don't hate me please.
as long as my teachers don't give me lots of homework during the winter break i might try to finish writing this story. i still have a few chapters in the drafts  ,,, there might be about 10 chapters left probably, plus some extras :)

have a nice day and stay safe!!♡

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