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"DID YOU MAKE US FUCKING RUN BECAUSE YOU AREN'T PLANNING ON APOLOGIZING TO ME?" there was silence until jaemin breathed out his sudden realization, still, renjun didn't spare him a glance, it infuriated the other even more. jeno begging his best friend to not fight the shorter for some unknown reason to him, by just holding him back from his shoulders.

usually renjun was a fair person, but in this case, he already stole a bike, he couldn't do worse. he took a deep breath before sprinting away once again.


"HEY YOU! i can't belive you made us walk all the way to school while you just effortlessy rode the bike!" jaemin exclaimed as he slammed the door open, directly going in renjun's direction. the other was just doing his things, scribbling on his sketchbook, earphones in, listening to some random ballad that came out from his playlist.

he didn't hear jaemin, for sure the only one who didn't in fact. jaemin noticed and got annoyed, but as he got closer he recognized the sketchbook renjun was scribbling on. he leaned forward, hands on the back of the chair as a support, not so subtly peaking renjun's work.

damn so he draws, he's pretty good. not only he's the prettiest guy i've ever seen, but he's also this talented, wow. jaemin blushed at his own thought.

in any case, he was not so distracted as not to notice the guy, that was now observing the landscape of pines that he was sketching. he lifted his arm from the desk and hit the other's stomach with his elbow. yes, renjun was oftentimes violent, on jaemin especially.

the other took a few steps back trying not to lose his balance, ending up finding support in the desk behind him. he clutched his stomach as he returned to his own desk in defeat.

"she's coming, ten meters away!" haechan said, running in the classroom, he was embracing four bags full of snacks and some beverage. he hurriedly made his way to the front of the class, dropped one on renjun's desk, ran back to his and his friends' desks, dropped one on jeno's desk and the smallest one on jaemin's, obviously keeping the biggest one for himself.

as haechan announced, the teacher was now in class and quickly started her lesson.

"what's the meaning of this!?" jaemin whisper shouted in haechan's direction. he was already eating whatever he had bought for himself and looked at jaemin with a confused look.

"what do you mean? it's not the first time, it's that day of the month, if you don't feel like it i'll take it, no problem!" he said, reaching for the younger's bag. they had this monthly thing, one random day of the week each of them - haechan, jaemin and jeno - had to buy snacks for all of the group. next week was jaemin's turn.

"not what i meant!! i mean, why did you give one to renjun as well? and why is my bag half empty?!" jaemin was so confused by the situation, first jeno, now haechan, is he claiming them one by one?!

"the other day we meet up haechan and bora at the library, he asked renjun to help him with math and he accepted." jeno from behind their back, eating as well, joined the conversation. haechan could only agree, bora was sick of helping haechan studying.

"aah, ok. but why did you give him half of my snacks!?"

"don't know what are your plans, but today i'm going to the school library to study, see ya!" renjun said, not really wanting to hear his reply, it probably was the usual 'ok see you' anyway. yet, jeno's answer wasn't what he expected.

"can i come with you? i don't really study, my grades are average, some study will do." was that the response renjun expected? no. was that the response he wanted to reply with? absolutely not. renjun leaving so abruptly surprised him, he wasn't mentally prepared to pass the afternoon home, running away from his sister trying to beat him with some kind of weapon, because he didn't do the dishes the day before. so i guess it's fine eighter way, if it doesn't include the beign home part.

"don't get me wrong, i'm gonna STUDY. i'm not trying some creative way to avoid you or anything."

"let's get going before i regret my decision. FAST."

"omg, i can't believe i actually said i would have studied. i'm bored as hell and we just got here." jeno groaned, complaining under his breath. he was already regretting his decision, but still he would have felt bad to leave renjun after saying he would have come with him.

"did you even bring a book or something?" renjun laughed at his friend, sat opposite from him, hands in his hair cursing to himself. quite amousing to him.

"oh, hi there!" a girl, unknown to renjun came from probably nowhere, bending down to their height. haechan beside her, dragging what was probably her backpack.

"what a sight! haechan in library!" jeno was now a bit relieved, probably because the thought of studing was temporarily removed.

"right! his father said he'll kick him out this time if his grades don't improve!" the girl and jeno laughed remembering the time heachan's father shaved his son's right eyebrow. 'the good looking one' in haechan's opinion.

the target of the conversation sat beside renjun, while the other two continued with the teasing. he dropped her bag, and turned to renjun to properly introduce himself, holding his hand in the older direction.

"haechan, i'm in your class, jeno and jaemin's friend."

renjun lowered his hand "renjun, but i guess you know me already, no need to be this formal, it's weird"

" you seem like a smart kid, maybe smart kid shake hands, dunno." haechan sighed in relief as he swung his hand around renjun, hugging him, bringing him close to his chest.

"PLEASE BECOME MY TUTOR I'M BEGGING YOU, I LIKE MY HOUSE" haechan began screaming as if he wasn't in a fricking library. faking some kind of cry for help.

"oh my, poor you! i'll help you!" renjun started to knock on haechan chest, faking a cry as well. the other was left stunned looking at him, eyes wide open, he believed renjun was kind of weak and naive, but not this much.

renjun dried his fake tears, composed himself, sat leg crossed and extended a hand in the other's direction. "that will be 100$ a lesson."


in the mean time, the girl and jeno ended their conversation, she sat in front of heachan and both of them listened to their conversation which was escalating quickly.

as renjun demanded to be paid they both laughed.

"i'm bora by the way! nice to meet you."

"renjun." he looked in her way flashing a smile. bora took his face with both her hands and started admiring him in all his beauty.

"i get why jeno is trying to get in your pants now! you're so damn pretty! if you made some affort you'll pass as a girl!"

"why are you insisting on me wanting to get in his pants! is it wrong if i want some new friends?" bora relased the other's face and looked at jeno.

"absolutely not! haechan told me so."

"dude you've been ditching us, that's so unusal of you. and for a guy this pretty, we thought you suddenly turned gay all at once!"

"don't tell me about beign gay, you twink! last semester you said mark from the upper grade looked hot and then you replied, i quote, ' i be gay sometimes i guess'!"

"this is not about me!" haechan tried to defend himself as the argument became more heated.

"not to be the mood breaker, and believe me i'm really enjoing the drama, but we are in a library... so wanna fight outside?" renjun asked as his mood progressively moved to a more expecting one, he was just exicted.

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