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"is that your new house?" kun asked as he dragged his luggage through the gates of renjun's house. "yep, it might look spacious from the outside but it's not. since dad is back to china with mr.dong, you can sleep in my room." kun chuckled, "can't wait to smell your usual paint scented room."

renjun scoffed, "i know you missed it.", " of course i did, you still owe me a painting.", renjun skipped inside the house. he will never give him a painting he's sure his cousin will slam it on everyone's faces to brag about his little cousin.


"welcome back renjeon!!!" haechan ran towards his chinese friend. "call me renjeon one more time and i'll file a restriction." haechan gasped hugging his waist tightly, pleading him not to. "okay, i got it, i won't. now stop it's attracting everyone's attention." he tried to slip off his grip; all the people entering the school gates was turning their way curious of what or who was emitting such a noise.

"take your dirty hands off my renjun." jaemin said quickly pacing towards the gates. "ohoh, your renjun? what's up with this confidence?" haechan remarked snuggling up to renjun's chest, laying his chin on his shoulder. he stuck out his tongue to the taller. "you little!!" jaemin was ready to throw hands, haechan started running away, jaemin chasing him.

"you're jaemin's now?", jeno asked. he swung jaemin's backpack on one of his shoulder. he abandoned it on the ground before running after the other. "i guess? yesterday he confessed."

"WHAT? so you are a thing now???"

"no." renjun said as if it wasn't much of a deal, he's been pretty chill after punching jaemin, almost absent. "i thought you liked him as well." jeno said. "i might, but don't tell him yet. i need to do something before giving him my answer."

"you're really calm, is something wrong?" jeno asked waving a hand in front of his eyes. he turned to his side smiling, "i'm just deep in thoughts. can you help me with something?"

"sure." jeno tilted his head, he's been weird since yesterday, i wonder what he needs help with...

when the bell finally rang the break started, people, rushing downstairs to get to the cafeteria earlier than others. slowly picking up their things to meet up with friend and lovers.

renjun didn't have time to get up from his chair, xiaojun was already at the door to greet his friend.

"renjun? oh, you're back!" he cheerly acknowledge his presence, "how was the trip?"

"it was fun, nothing new for me, seeing family is always nice though." he ruffled his hair heading outside. "what about lunch?"

"i forgot to pack something for lunch, let's go to the cafeteria."

jaemin was going to catch-up with them if it wasn't for jeno, who stopped him demanding explanations. "so you confessed, huh?"

"hey- wha-what ,,, how?"

"YOU DID? i would've bet renjun was the one to confess first." haechan, sighed. "WHO TOLD YOU?"

"your boyfriend did." a pink tint grew upon jaemin cheeks, my boyfriend?
"ARGHH, he's not my boyfriend! .... yet."

"ew, man that's disgusting." haechan said, jeno agreed. "things are getting cheesy between you two, i'm honestly here for it." the younger said. "but hurt him ONCE! and you're dead." he mimicked slicing his throat. jaemin sighed and shooed away the others clinging to him. "i'm gonna catch up with renjun, bye."

haechan waited for the younger to be out of view before turning to jeno. "you need a boyfriend i won't let you be the only single in the group."

"boyfriend? why are you assuming i'm gay?"  he giggled, before he carefully went through his sentence again. "YOU ARE NOT SINGLE?!"

"and mark isn't either." he proudly said folding his arms in front of his chest, "what? spill the tea. you finally were brave enough to confess your feelings after years of carefully keeping it a secret from him?" haechan sighed dreamily thinking about his boyfriend. "it happened at johnny's movie night."

"you confessed with the hyungs around? wha, you're on another level haechan." the younger shook his head, "we were heading home, to his apartment... and one thing led to another, we kissed and we are boyfriends." jeno patted his back congratulating him. "we are drifting away from the main subject, you. so renjun is taken, any suggestions?"

"yo, you're asking me for suggestions for my relationship? what's wrong with you, dude." he got up laughing but the other held him back. "no, i'm being serious! you wanna be fifth wheeling us?! come onnnn, anyone cute in your sight?" jeno rolled his eyes and sat back where he was. he browsed his memory for a while when he was reminded of a cute student who uses to walk by their classroom to steal glances inside, "..yiyoung, class 4 probably?". "nice jeno! i know her, she's friend with sicheng's girlfriend, didn't think your standards would be this broad, from renjun to a sweet yiyoung.."

"argh, drop this renjun thing. i just thought he was pretty, no more than platonic feelings." jeno scratched the back of his neck, "whatever."

"but sicheng has a girlfriend, since when?!"

"renjunn, wait up for mee!" jaemin pleaded the older rushing down the stairs to catch up with him and xiaojun. when he finally reached them he embraced renjun in a hug from the back, snuggling into renjun's nape. the shorter's face fired up, he tried to shake him off but he was too persistent. jaemin glared at xiaojun, subtly stating his dominance over renjun. he was playing a game with xiaojun to prove his advantage over renjun, but his opponent didn't reply his attack at all.

"you..! get off me, you smell!" jaemin frowned squeezing his loved one harder. when he finally peeled off renjun they basically arrived at the cafeteria. the meal was quite awkward, jaemin switched from a loving pair of eyes reserved for renjun to a deadly glare directed towards xiaojun. renjun made a mental note to never hang out with both of them at the same time.

the next day the whole school started organizing events for the autumn festival, a tradition the school brings every year since the arrival of the second headmaster many many years ago. not every class had to plan an activity, some helped with decorations and props. jaemin's class was one of them. divided into three groups, one had to take a number of tables and chairs to the yard where most of the food boots were going to take place. the second had to distribute useful things such as garbage bags and towels. the third group, mostly made up of girls, was in charge of the artistic part, the had to make banners and other purely esthetic factors to make the school look pretty.

"i can't believe they pushed me into group one while that wimp renjun is in class chilling being fanned by chicks!" haechan complained as he was carrying a couple of chairs, drowning in sweat. "ARGH! they are delusional if they think renjun is gonna give them even a glance." jaemin was fired up, a while ago he got upstairs to visit him and take a break, a sip of water and hopefully encouragement from renjun, instead he was welcomed by a huge group of girls all around the older swooning over him.
"what the actual fuck, huh?" he exclaimed throwing the stack of chairs on the ground, "he's been this pretty ever since, but now! now that his victory has become public and his talent is being showcased!! all those chicks wake up and think they even have a chance with him??!!"

"yo, jaemin calm down i'm getting a headache listening to you throwing a tantrum over your crush." jeno huffed, he and another carrying two tables on top of each other. "as you said they have no chance with him, you don't have to worry about that. just focus on those chairs, 'cause you already bent one of its legs!" he pointed at one chair he threw just now. "whatever! let's get this done before i pick up a fight with the class president!" haechan said before stomping away. "why is he this salty anyway?" the younger asked, "group two delivered to mark's class." they looked at each other and cracked a smile and walked after their friend.


pdl is number one in the renmin tag, so to celebrate there's an update !! :)
thank you for reading, have a nice day and stay safe ~

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