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"so... i've wanted to ask you since before.. what are you sitting in front of my house for?"

the next day jaemin woke up as per usual. his alarm started ringing, he got up from the bed, washed his face and received his morning message from his girlfriend.

'good morning hun!' bora has written a message like this every morning since they got together. jaemin replied and continued his morning routine, taking a shower, brushing his teeth and dressing up.

he opened the window, the one that faces jeno's window.

"LEE JENOO!" he screamed from the window.
after not hearing a reply for a while he screamed his name once again. he then heard some scattering sound coming from the other house.

"DAMN NA JAEMIN SHUT UP" at his surprise the one replying wasn't his best friend jeno but his older sister.

"wait. WHERE'S JENO?" jaemin screamed quite surprised, was jeno mad? usually jeno tends to ignore him if he's mad for something he said or done.

"He's already at school, there's no need to scream, now let me sleep i have afternoon classes." and like that the girl closed the door and went to sleep once again.

jaemin was left there stunned. was he really mad?

"LEE JENO, I ASK FORGIVENESS!" jaemin slammed open the door of his classroom expecting jeno to be in there. but he was not.

what the heck? he thought by himself.
he went straight to his desk as if nothing happened, as if he didn't just scream and startled everyone in class, even though it wasn't the first time he did something like that.

haechan reached for him and banged on the desk with his fit lightly.

"you don't know where's jeno is? did you FIGHT??? OH TELL ME THE GOSSIP." haechan excitement was easily shot down by jaemin.

"I don't knowww," he whined. "i got up as usual, went to the window and called him, but his older sister said he was gone already." jaemin continued explaining.

"did you message him or something?" haechan asked. jaemin nodded, and laid his face in between his elbows.

"he didn't reply, what did i do this time?" jaemin pout.

"maybe because it was your fault if yesterday you were late?" haechan said thinking of what could upset the kind hearted kid.

"i don't think so, after classes we talked about random topics as always... OH MY GOD WHEN IS HIS BIRTHDAY?"

at that very moment the door opened and revealed jeno and renjun laughing probably about something funny jeno said.

jaemin immediately got up and down again to jeno's knees begging forgiveness.

"IM SORRY I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND WHY YOU'RE MAD I'M SORRY DONT IGNORE ME AGAIN PLEASE." he pleaded, shaking jeno's knees, a drama queen. not as much as haechan though.

jeno flicked his forehead with middle finger trying to send away the younger.

"good morning jaemin, what rubbish are you talking about this early in the morning?" he said walking to his usual desk dropping off his bag and taking his seat, while jaemin understood the situation.

jeno ditched him for renjun.

"YAH DID YOU DITCH ME FOR HIM???" jaemin snapped at his best friend while the chinese boy nonchalantly walked to his desk and set up his materials for the upcoming class.

the teacher entered the classroom and jaemin sat as well, while still frowning because he had been ditched.

"i see, jeno is trying to get in the transferred student's pants." haechan said teasing his friend who heavily blushed immediately denying what was just said.

"tsk, tsk, i thought renjun was more jaemin's type. i guess i was wrong." haechan nudged his desk mate with his elbow while he continued with his teasing.

jaemin rolled his eyes and directed his look to the one he had been ditched for. if he had to be honest he would have ditched jeno for renjun too. only if he had the chance.

for some reason he found the other just so pretty and for some reason interesting. even though in the first actual meeting he had punched him in the face, or probably really because of that, he thought he was intriguing.

he didn't look like a tough guy, but still that punch kind of hurt. he wouldn't recommend getting punched by him.

he felt someone calling his attention from behind, it was jeno.

"jaemin, bora sent me a message, why aren't you replying to her?"

bora is jaemin's girlfriend, they have been a thing for some less than a year. she is caring, a nice girl, jaemin would probably be one of her close friends if they weren't going out.

she is quite the curious type, but still she's not annoying, actually talking to her is really comfortable and easy, you'll probably end up talking some gossip to her even if didn't want to.

to jaemin she's really she's really kind and understanding. in fact he isn't skilled in relationships, he has always been homeschooled, and before starting highschool the only interaction he had were either with neighbors or jeno and haechan. no wonder he had no past relationships.

jaemin took out of the pocket his phone,bora had sent more than one message.

'wanna have breakfast together? ^^'

'i guess you're busy, no problem'

'i'll wait for you at the usual place at lunch, ok?'

'are you alright?'

all of the messages sent with a pause in between each of them, she was just concerned. even though jaemin was popular and naive, he had been in a fight before, and it didn't go well as you might expect.

that time. he joined to help out the one who being beaten up, but ended up the same way, just be saved by jeno who is a lot more of a fighter than him.

jaemin reassured his girlfriend sending a message agreeing to meet up before lunch, even proposing to come pick her up at the door of her classroom.

when the lessons ended and lunch time officially started jaemin got up and faced his two friends.

"i'll go to bora's classroom to pick her up, see you there." he said expecting to eat lunch as usual with his group of friends.

but jeno had different intentions. he stopped jaemin by the forearm, making him turn around once again. slowing down his pace to see his girlfriend.

"actually today i'm going to eat with renjun." he  laughed to break the tension he received from his best friend glare.

"wow jeno, you really want to get in his pants don't you?"

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