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"look, mom made cookies. hope you like halves, if not, i guess i'll eat them by my self." renjun said as he entered a tray of cookies in hand. he laid it on the ground and sat patting the other side, signaling jaemin to sit down with him.

jaemin did as he was told, they ate cookies as if they didn't eat for days. renjun's family is really talented, jaemin thought as he gulped down cookies one after another.


renjun brushed away the leftover cookies crumbs on a paper tissue and passed one to jaemin as well. he got up and got an easel from under the bed, to hold the canvas he wanted to use, a vertical 5:7. he decided that same morning which one of his sketches was going to end up being the final painting.

"sit on the bed." renjun instructed the other while he was still setting up his brushes and utensils. "which pose are we using? did you choose one already? hope it's some pose i can keep for some time without dying inside."

"emh, about that.." renjun took the paper sheet he already had got from the backpack. as he examined the pose a frown appeared on his face. "come on! really?!" jaemin complained. "that's exhausting."

"come here, sit down and shut up." renjun said as he showed an apologetic smile, patting his shoulder trying to cheer him up, useless to say it didn't work. "i'm fast at sketching, you know that." renjun lightly moved his head around by his chin. then moved his hands, and finally explained what kind of expression he wanted him to show. jaemin sighed and stayed still, just expressing whatever expression renjun wanted.

"that's it! you can relax for now, i'm going to draw your expression last, just don't move your hands!" jaemin did as told, his expression did relax for a second, before becoming a pout. "i'm thirsty."

"you what." renjun peaked from behind the canvas. cute, jaemin thought. "do you want me to call your girlfriend or what?"

"NOT THAT THIRSTY, WATER! WATER!" jaemin screamed. "ok, i mean, i can leave you here and ca-"

"WATER." the older laughed, as he threw him a bottle of water from the desk. he usually use it to fill up the paint water, but you can still drink it.

he drank his cheap water renjun gave him, totally breaking off the pose.

renjun calmly sighed and walked up to jaemin. he took jaemin's hand. the taller locked fingers. "what are you doing?" the other said focusing on moving his hands, even if tangled with his own. "do you hate me renjun?" at first he didn't reply. his question was indeed out of the blue. his expression was calm, as if ready to embrace any answer, could it be positive or negative. renjun drops the other's hands midair and sits on the other's lap, engulfing him into a tight hug. "i don't, stupid." obviously jaemin was surprised, he could have expected either response, but he didn't think about the possibility of renjun hugging him. maybe he really didn't hate him.

jaemin reciprocate the hug, slowly, not sure if he was allowed to. he laid his chin on the other's shoulder, "i'm glad." they rested a bit in this position, before continuing the painting for the contest. renjun didn't feel indigo one bit at the moment. red, yeah, red would be a better description.

in the end they went to the park in their neighborhood. after finishing the sketch and passing by jaemin's to get a basket ball, they walked up there. it's been quite some time since their last match.

"last time i won, do you remember?" jaemin reminded the other, he shoot the ball totally missing the hoop. "yeah i remember, what kind of lucky day that was, huh?" renjun laughed, teasing him for not getting the ball into the loop. he caught the ball rolling over and shoot as well. "1 point for me." he noticed to the younger."tsk, don't get your hopes too high, the game just started." he ran up to the bouncing ball and threw it again, this time getting it into the hoop. he winked at renjun, his expression blantly saying 'i told you', he fired up renjun's spirits, he sprinted to keep on going with the game

"let's call it a day." renjun dropped on the floor, heavely breathing. after half an hour, the scores ended up beign tied. he laid his head on his palms, staring at the stars, yeah it was pretty late. jaemin outstreched beside him. "let's do a bet."

"on what?" renjun asked, today jaemin really came out with the most random things, huh. "the contest, what do you think about it?" he turned to renjun's side, "i don't really know anymore. i've looked up the list of participants, they're so good. i'm not so confident anymore..." he sighed. "ok! i you don't win what do you wanna do? something to cheer you up, you know?" jaemin chuckled. renjun thought for a bit, his eyes wondering on jaemin's face, "i don't like your eyebrows. let's shave them." the younger eyes widened, "i mean... does that cheer you -"

"what if i win?" he asked in between laughs, "hmm... let's go to the sea! with the others too, what do you think?" renjun nodded, "that seems great." he rolled over to jaemin, he wanted to use jaemin's stomach as a pillow. "w-what are you doing?"

"the ground is uncomfortable. your stomach isn't comfortable eighter, but at the moment it seems the best option." jaemin laughed. "i like skinny guys, but you're way too skinny, eat something please, where did those cookies go?"

"wait, you like guys? hahaha." jaemin could sense renjun stiffen over his stomach. "what are you talking about?" he laughed, but it sounded so fake to jaemin, as if he was forcing it out. "it's so late, i'll get going." renjun quickly got up and brushed his back, he wasn't running but he walked really fast.

did i say something wrong? he didn't even say 'bye' or 'see you tomorrow, as he usually does, jaemin thought as he watched the older's back desapairing into the dark.

arrived home renjun slammed the door open, startling his mother who was chilling on the bed watching some drama. "oh dear god, renjun! you scared me. what's wrong?"

"mom. i think he knows. jaemin." he didn't need to mention anything else for his mom to undestand the situation. renjun walked upstairs, with the same pace from before. he entered his bedroom and locked the door, his heart beating rapidly. this can't be happening again, no way. i won't let this happen.


800!! thank you 😭
this chapter is weird, I know, I'm sorry :")

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