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"so it contains drawings!" jaemin exclaimed, jeno looked at him and connected the dots. "i can't believe you got punched because of that sketchbook." jeno laughed as he was being hit by his embarrassed friend on his side. "no way! what happened! i need to know!" haechan pleaded the other, wanting to know that juicy gossip.


"jungwoo hyung texted me yesterday, he asked to go to the karaoke one of those days."
jeno and jaemin were outside of their local convenience store snacking some stuff they just bought.

"really? yeah sure! it's been a while since the last time we went." jaemin swung his arm around the older shoulder dragging him down.
"yah! you made me spill my soda!" jaemin just giggles.

"oh! do you think jungwoo asked out that guy he liked? should I ask him for some advice?" he released the struggling friend trying to finish his drink, "i mean, you could..? I don't think there's really need to. things between you and renjun are great." he paused to take a sip of his soda. "also your style and jungwoo's are totally different."

"hh, what do you mean! are you trying to insult me?" jaemin confusedly asked. style? are there different styles?? of what tho???

"my sister said that there are different types of people when flirting. confident, panicked, etc..." jaemin listened, all ears open focused on his next word. "jungwoo hyung is totally confident in each move he does, each word and reaction. you on the other hand..."

"DONT LEAVE ME HANGING KEEP GOING! WHAT ABOUT ME!" jeno was taken by the collar, jaemin dreading his analysis.

"you're a coward na jaemin!" jeno exclaimed, "that's absolutely not true!"

"oh yes, you are." jisung came out of the store, his uniform still on, ice cream in hand. he works there part-time, some hours after school and during the weekend.

"you brat, shut up! none of your business." he pointed one of his hands at his younger brother, treating him of being hit. jisung ignored the warning and just sat beside them.
"in any case. even if you asked jungwoo for some advice, you'll probably fail and make it extremely awkward." jaemin just dropped his head backward.

"doesn't jungwoo hyung like guys? why do you need his help?" the three of them just stared at each other.

"SO JAEMIN HYUNG REALLY LIKES RENJUN HYUNG?!" jisung started laughing hysterically, trying to dodge his brother's attacks.


jaemin was back home, he took off his shoes and left them scattered in front of the entrance, he greeted his mother, busy reading a book. then skipped up the stairs to go to his room. once there he laid on his bed.

his phone buzzed, it was jeno. 'jungwoo asks if he can bring a friend' jaemin read. 'yeah, sure' he replied back.

he sighs and gets up to the bathroom to take a shower.

mrs. na heard a knock at the door, she bookmarked the page she was reading and places her glasses on the coffee table. she reaches the door and opens it.

"good evening, mrs. na, i'm huang renjun, one of your neighbors." the guy standing outside of the house formally greeted the elder. "sorry for the trouble at this hour. i came to ask jaemin if he could lend me his math textbook, I accidentally left it at school."

"oh what a diligent kid! renjun, right? come in, do as if it's your house. jaemin come down! asap!" the older lady shouted to his child.
she lightly brushed one of renjun's shoulder inviting him once again to come in. renjun took off his shoes and did as told.

"na jaemin! come down!" the lady shout once again. meanwhile, renjun sat at the sofa, in front of the stairs, looking around, lastly focusing on the book on the coffee table.

"MOM I'M BUSY" jaemin rushed halfway down the stairs, hair wet, only wearing a towel around his waist. the two locked eyes. a red blush quickly spread on jaemin cheeks.
while renjun struggled to hold his laugh.

"have some dignity kid! come back wearing something!" his mother shout at him, he was already running back to the bathroom.

"oh dear." jaemin's mother sighed as he shakes his head. "you better wait for him in his bedroom. he brings a change of clothes into the bathroom every time, don't worry." renjun nodded, he was still laughing. "the second room on the left."

renjun entered the room and sat on the bed, he took out his phone. just to do something as he waited, he played a random game he had installed.
soon after, jaemin came in, he jumped a little as he noticed the older. he didn't expect him to be there.

"what brings you there?" jaemin asked, standing still by the closed door. "i forgot my math textbook at school, i passed by jeno's, but he said he left it at school by accident too."

there's no way jeno forgot something at school! he never did. jaemin though by himself. if it wasn't for the past event, he would have been on knees thanking jeno for pushing renjun at his home, but the timing wasn't the best.

"hey! there's no need to be awkward, it's not like i've never seen a naked guy." renjun said. "you have?!"

"i'm a guy, duh." renjun got up from the bed and spinned around looking for somewhere jaemin could have placed his school books.

he went closer to the small library he had on the side of the room, near the window as he spotted some school textbooks. jaemin followed his every move, not far behind him. after scanning them he got the book he looked for. by chance he spotted a frame some shelves lower.

"woah~ a baby jaemi. you were so cute, look at those cheekies! is that jisung? oh god, you really look nothing alike." renjun bent down to take a look at the photo the frame displayed.

"mh, people say i look like our dad and jisung like our mom." jaemin sat on the bed amused by renjun reaction, a small smile on his face.
"mrs. na really does resemble jisung."
renjun said.

"so, did you choose the subject for that contest? isn't the deadline by the month after the next?" renjun nodded. "i was planning on doing a human subject, i asked sicheng to pose for me, but he's too shy. at least so he said, i was planning on ask-"

"i'll do it for you!" jaemin shut the other.
"are you joking? you got embarrassed just by me seeing you shirtless just now. what if i wanted to do a naked portrait of you?"

the request now seemed less appropriate, i mean, jaemin did like renjun, he knew that if things went well they will end up naked in a bed, but he's just a bit embarrassed at the moment. what if renjun likes muscular men? he's not that fit...

"i guess i'll have to deal with it." jaemin broke the eye contact they had been holding for a while now. "i didn't think you'd change your mind this easily, but ok. congratulations na jaemin, from now on you're my model."


merry Christmas! hope you'll appreciate my small gift. if you don't celebrate Christmas, happy holidays :))

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