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"you like chenle, don't you?" renjun glanced over at him, "w-what?! no!! no absolutely never! hahaha." he almost tripped, too immersed into the stressed laugh he was forcing out, how does he even know?!

"ok, i was going to give you his number but if you're just bros there's no need to."

"b-but still! you have jeno's number and you're bros, d-don't friends have each other numbers usually?" he immediately replied when he heard the reward, he had a fat crush on chenle it was obvious.

"if you say so. then.."


jisung sat himself on his brother's bed, he was playing games on his desk, neither of them minded the other. jisung often came by jaemin's bed, the younger had a bunk bed with only the upper bed, as he grew older going up and down the stairs became more and more annoying. "how was it?" jisung asked stretching his limbs, jaemin glanced at his younger brother, since when was he this interested in my life? he didn't even ask him if he was ok that time he dropped the shelf on his foot, why asking about this regular day? by the way, his foot hurt so much that he couldn't properly walk for the next few days and jisung still didn't care!

"emh, it was great?" he stopped the game and turned the chair in his direction, "last time i had seen jungwoo hyung, was during my first year of highschool."

"don't talk about last year as if it was decades ago." jaemin rolled his eyes, a chuckle escaping his lips. "ok, ok. did you want to come too?" jisung shook his head.

he got up from his laying position, he squatted to jaemin height and took out his phone from his pocket.


"good night." as if nothing, he exited the room, jaemin was surprised but didn't think about it much, he continued with the game. he's going to beat renjun!

the weekend was finally here, jaemin got up later than usual, but still at a decent time. 10 a.m to be precise. he stayed in bed for a while, in the end, he decided to do something. in the past months, he has gradually been thinking about renjun more and more. as of now, he reached the point in which he was the first thought as soon as he woke up. so his painting came to mind. the end of the month was approaching and for weeks now things have been awkward between them. as if renjun was avoiding him. to be honest, it was quite obvious, but he didn't want to admit it to himself.

he thought of messaging him, meeting would probably be uncomfortable, but he really wanted to see his pretty face up close.

reached the gates of renjun's house all his confidence was gone. he really regrets not sending him a message instead.

i swear to god na jaemin!! why are you always this impulsive, let's just go back like nothing ever happened-

"oh jaemin! what a pleasant surprise." he froze up, fortunately it was no renjun calling, just mrs. huang, she was probably outside enjoying the weather when she noticed a figure standing in front of her gates.

"good morning, mrs. huang." he bowed as the older woman invited him inside, he accepted following her. "you must be here for renjun, he's outside though.."

"ah, actually... i just was wondering about the painting, it's been some time since i've seen it."

"he finished it the other day, it really looks like you, i'll bring it here for you to see it, wait a second!" the lady excitedly rushed upstairs, leaving a surprised jaemin.

he never thought renjun had such a nice memory to remember his face enough to replicate it.

"tada! it's great right?" the motherly smile she had on her face showed his much she was proud of her son's work. jaemin was really surprised by the outcome. renjun warned him not underestimate his painting skills, but still..

"wow, it's really awesome."

chenle had just finished his piano lessons as usual, he was really good at it, it's been years since he started but he really wanted to be a professional so he continued on with lessons. occasionally he attended some dance lessons with his brother but lately he had less free time than he used to.

he waived his teacher goodbye before walking through the spacious hallway, other than the maids and the teacher that was now leaving he was home alone. his parents departed yesterday, they are doing some work-related stuff, he forgot what it was precisely.

some time ago sicheng went out with renjun, 'an emergency', they said. chenle was quite jealous to be honest, why didn't renjun ask me for advices! i'm much more familiar with social interactions than he is.

he's still frustrated just to think about it.

the young man was wondering what he could do, school related things were out of question, he was contemplating between a swim and a film in the screening room.

in the end he choose to just take a nap, being home alone sucks, he could ask some of the maids to play with him but they're all too much work focused to agree.

'yah zhong chenle.' his phone, resting on the nightstand, light up. an unknown number he had never seen wrote him on kakaotalk. he looks at his profile picture for a hint, a cartoon character?

'who r u?' he replies back, the stranger laughs at him, but when he warns them saying he'd block the number he revealed his identity, jisung.

what?! how did he get his number? he doesn't remember ever telling him.

jisung, from his bedroom was giggling by himself at how cute chenle's way of writing was, the cute emoticons and choice of words really made him seem another person.

he threw his cellphone on the bed when he wrongly dialed a call, he was totally panicking, he can't just say it was by mistake it would make him look stupid, he didn't have enough confidence to just !!!

"jisungg, who gave you my number? tell me~~"

jisung froze upon hearing his charming and high pitched voice coming from his phone.

"jisungg, are you there??"

"emh, yeah. renjun did." he cleared his voice trying hard to make it look more appealing instead of the post-nap voice he had at the moment. "renjun? that hyung i swear t-"

"you didn't want me to have your phone number? i see.." even though chenle couldn't see him he was full on acting, he was stiff but those expressions were on point.

"that's not what i meant!" chenle instantly regretted his actions, "so you wanted my number? hello? is any-" chenle was fast to hang up, throwing his phone it the air, badly missing the bed and destroying the front screen.



hii, sorry for the long wait. last time i opened this draft was on the 6th of january, no comment.
it might be a bit disappointing, there not a lot of renmin, but i want to give you some infos on chensung's friendship development, ig ???
i just think they are cute.
also, my teachers are giving us a shit ton of homeworks, most of them being drawings and sculptures (tmi ,, i attend art school :D), so i don't have much free time. i'll try to update some of the chapters i've wrote time ago (as of now i'm writing chapter 32 !!). have a nice day :)

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