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"actually today i'm going to eat with renjun." he laughed to break the tension he received from his best friend glare.

"wow jeno, you really want to get in his pants don't you?"

and so he did, jeno hopped to renjun's desk, giving his friends an apologetic smile, hoping for them to forgive him, today he won't be hanging out with their usual group of friends. It's probably the first time this happened.

he greeted renjun and laid one of his hands on his shoulder, they walked away going to the cafeteria to eat something.

weird that jeno didn't notice jaemin's burning glare on his scalp, who's was extremely upset because of his best friend behavior. today he had experienced many "first-time "s.

first time not going to school with his friend.
first time not hearing his friend, and neighbor, shouting back from the window.
first time not going for snacks with his friend.
first time being ditched for another neighbor.
first time he felt really envious
first time he didn't know of who he was really envious of. also why did renjun let jeno touch him?!

a big question mark, once the anger got away, was floating in jaemin's mind. is it renjun or jeno i'm envious of?

let's make it clear. he was dreaming to be renjun's friend, hoping to get closer to someone that probably hated him, proof the fact that on their first actual meeting he was punched by him. renjun wasn't intriguing only for his look, which by the way stunned jaemin to the point of thinking he had been punched even before the actual punch, or his laugh.

it had only been two days since the start of school, but he managed to pick jeno's interest in such a short amount of time. he has a mysterious aura and doesn't seem really the extrovert type of guy.

not to forget his diary, which jaemin was coveting to read. what could have been written in there to have been snatched with such a hurry?

but seeing the two of them, jeno and renjun, getting along far more than him and renjun, made things way more complicated.

jeno is seemingly interested in renjun, but so was him.

"aren't you going to bora's classroom?" haechan nudged his arm. no matter what was going on with his feelings, he had a girlfriend, and he won't be two-timing. he respects bora and cares about her as a person.

"yes, see you at the cafeteria." he quickly gathered some of his things scattered on the desk, swing his backpack over his shoulder and rushed out to pick up his loved one.

"oh god, really?" jeno asked renjun while munching to his sandwich surprised by the story he was telling about his school life back in china, plus saying some random things having the role to break the ice between them. you know random things you tell to someone you're becoming friends with.

they have been sitting on one of the cafeteria's table, pretty much minding their own business, not noticing the burning glare jaemin was directly throwing at them. while the rest of the group, made up of haechan, mark, and bora, was dealing with haechan being a drama queen, convinced that random dude who looked at him for a fraction of second had a crush on him.

going back to the noren duo. you might be wondering why they are randomly hanging out, ditching jaemin and the others. what actually happened yesterday in front of renjun's house?

"so... i've wanted to ask you since before.. what are you sitting in front of my house for?"

"oh, right it might seem pretty random." jeno got up from his sit on the sidewalk, quickly brushed off his hand on the back of his thighs and extended his hand towards the other.

"wanna be friends? you seem an interesting guy." he stated showing one of his most efficient weapons. eye smile.

renjun was taken aback. they literally just had something comparable to a conversation and he was already thinking 'what an interesting person :D'. weird. renjun was somewhat unordinary indeed, but that's not the point at the moment.

"ok, i guess...?" he replied after some seconds of thoughts, confusion was still visibly spread on his face and jeno noticed easily. "i can read what you're thinking, yah! i'm not a weirdo, we are literally neighbor, every time i go out from the back door i can see you sat upside down reading a book, if there's a weird one between the two of us that's you!"

a wild red spread across the shorter cheeks, now replacing the previous confused, judging look he was showing. "IT'S A GOOD THING FOR CIRCULATION!", he tried to defend himself, even tho it was the truth, it sounded a lot more of a fake excuse than anything.

"then what about that time you taped one page of a notebook on the tree and then started trowing paint on it? OH yes, i nearly forgot, not before covering the rest of the sketchbo-"

"OK I GET IT! I'M THE WEIRD ONE, stop embarrassing me or i won't EVER utter a single word to you for the rest of my life." he abruptly stopped the other, being aware of dumb stuff he has done since moving here.

"wait i haven't catch sight of other weird events... are there many more i'm not informed of?" jeno laughed it off, while renjun was this near fighting him.

"ok sorry, sorry. i'll stop. anyway, are we friends then?" the judging look was back on renjun's face. tired after this shameful conversation he started his way to the gate door. "don't leave me hanging! i'll follow you inside of your house!" he clung to the older arm and then continued conversating, or better arguing inside.

yesterday they talked for quite some time, and they somewhat became friends. actually, they found each other pretty funny, their humor was similar, it wasn't too hard for them. renjun was still deciding which one of his two neighbors was the most annoying. at least jeno isn't a fucking pervert, he thought.

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