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he handed him a pile of probably hundreds of paper sheets, each of them full of sketches and words, chinese and korean, sometimes even english. "WHEN?" jaemin was shook.


in the end they could only sketch a few poses before the classes started again. jaemin helped renjun with his things. they meet haechan and jeno halfway, "where did you go?? bora was looking for you." jeno said. "you bitch, there's no need to ditch your girlfriend for your homies. we won't judge you." haechan added. oh, right i have a girlfriend.

honestly in these days jaemin totally forgot about bora. well, since renjun came. he discovered that probably he liked bora not as a girlfriend, but as a girl friend and renjun as a boyfriend instead of a boy friend.

he had to tell so to bora, it wasn't right. it didn't feel right. he wasn't really cheating yet, but he was close to crossing the line. at least it was his final goal. he had to break up with her. "oh, yeah. haha, i'll text her." jaemin said visibly uncomfortable. jeno noticed, he knew the reason behind his awkwardness but didn't say a thing.

the lessons went on normally, other than haechan being his usual self, everything else went smoothly.

"renjunnie, let's leave those plebeians." haechan took renjun by the side. "since when do you even use those terms!" jeno exclaimed. "you've changed! fake!" jaemin raged, as he shook the broom in the air. "clean up quickly, i'll wait up for you." renjun announced before laughing his way out with haechan.

"don't." jeno said as soon as renjun and the other couldn't be seen anymore. "don't what?"

"don't go home with renjun. or talk with bora first at least." jeno said, he continued to swing his broom meticulously. he's a good cleaner.
jaemin nodded. the mood between them was heavy, you could probably cut it with a knife. "i'm not mad at you. it's just that it's unfair for both of them."

jaemin sadly smiled, "yes, i know."

haechan dragged renjun down the stairs by both arms. holding him by the whirst.
"do you really want to wait for them? why don't we go to the game-"

"hey guys." bora was down the stairs as well, seemingly waiting for someone."bora! you're waiting for jaemin?" haechan asked. she replied with a nod. "i'll be waiting for him, you can go on. a date at the game cafe? that's so cute!" she squealed, loving teasing the pair. "yah! don't tease us, i would never date this piece of trash." renjun said, haechan replied with a weird noise.

"let's go to a date then!" haechan stomped his feet and took renjun's hand in his, forcefully tangling their fingers. "i'll snitch you from jeno! hehe."

"i'm not going after renjun thought." jeno said as he hopped the last three steps of the stairs. "we're already dating." he tangled his fingers with his as well. jaemin came too, "ha! don't talk nonsense!" a slightly irritated smirk on his face. renjun was laughing, he wanted to play along. "babe, let's go on a date." renjun's lips now forming a pout. jeno suppressed a laugh and agreed. the older shook of haechan's hand. he was amused, but still a bit offended. he chose jeno over him? what a betrayal.

bora hummed his way to an horrified jaemin, "double date!" it was more of a order than a question. he didn't even reply, he just followed renjun and jeno, hand in hand with bora. "am i fifth wheeling or what!" the last of their friends, totally ignored, would never miss such an event.

they really went to a game cafe. in the past year they visited that place many times, at that time haechan favorite game came out and he begged all of his friends to come play with him, because he felt lonely playing alone among strangers. "yas! we're finally here!" the said guy exclaimed as they entered the place, renjun holding jeno's hand leading the way.

through all the way, from the stairs where they met each other to there, neither of them let go of the grip. they were just playing along, yeah. like, yes, there's no actually feeling don't worry. oh well, jeno loved his soft hands. but that's it, they're just soft and warmth. still, jaemin tried more than once to signal jeno to stop, his burning glare firing up his scalp.

sat on their respective stations, coupled up together a small talk about which game they would play, finally they chose the lucky one.

overwatch was. each of them logged in and they made a party. "what does 'hngrjwngya' mean?" jeno asked analyzing renjun's user. "it stands for 'huang renjun got your ass'." he strikes an aegyo pose. everyone laughing, except jaemin, he has bad memories about that nickname. "he got jaemin's ass for sure! i haven't told you about that time have i?" haechan took the chance to tell an embarrassing story about his friends, he never missed one.

after a while renjun's phone buzzed. he nudged jeno to let him now he was going outside. he rummaged into his backpack, taking a stack of paper. jaemin was watching the other, he played the 'bathroom' card to sneak out, we all know the reason.

he saw the other standing outside of the entrance, "ren-" jaemin was interrupted when someone else called the older. the said guy was slightly taller than the other, messy bleached hair, he was wearing the same school uniform as them. he goes to our school? jaemin asked to himself.

"how could you forget to bring it! next time i'm not going to take it for you." renjun said. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry. i'll be careful next time." the other guy slightly laughed. "hm, wanna come inside? i'm with some of my classmates." he shook his head

"i'm not good with strangers, it would be awkward. he he." the light haired guy scratched the back of his head. renjun nodded understandingly. they bid their goodbyes and the guy walked away.

"who's he!" jaemin suddenly opened the door, scaring renjun to death. "yah! you asshole." he spontaneously hit his forearm. jaemin screamed, why the heck is he so violent!

"stop hitting me!" jaemin blocked both of his arms, preventing him from striking any unexpected hit.


happy new year :)

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