Not Again

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-Akari POV-

"Absolutely not! We decline this mission!" Kiba yelled at Tsunade, Akamaru standing in front of me protectively growling at the Hokage. Hinata stood off to the side looking frantically between us, and Shino stood next to her shaking his head at Kiba's outburst.

"You don't have much of a choice Kiba, your squad leader already decided who she wanted to go." Tsunade then motioned to me, and Kiba turned and looked at me, as I stared at Tsunade in shock.

"I'm not the squad leader? Kurenai is? I am just a chunin I thought-"

"I can select whoever I want to lead this mission, and I chose you for it, it's simple really," Tsunade seemed annoyed with all of our reactions, "You told the interrogation team that since you escaped that hideout will be abandoned correct?"

"Knowing Orochimaru, yes, he would be long gone by now," I answered and looked at Kiba who was still glaring at the Hokage.

"He could have potentially left some kind of clue behind as to where his other ones are, we could use that information, so as my top sensory team I am sending you all in." Tsunade looked at each of us. I stepped forward and grabbed Kiba's hand, squeezing it slightly.

"We will accept this mission, when do you want us to head out?" I confirmed, ignoring the look of protest I was getting from Kiba.

"As soon as possible, Akari I believe you will need more effective mission clothes, so after you do that then be on your way." Tsunade had a point, as of right now I was wearing a long sleeve turtle neck shirt and a pair of shorts. That was it. I hadn't really been deployed on missions or a ninja for a long time now, I didn't need mission clothes.

"Yes ma'am, Hinata and I will go do that, Shino and Kiba you two prepare for the journey and meet at the gate in an hour, we need to leave before sundown." I instructed the boys and grabbed Hinata's hand, dragging her along with me.

I had to get away from Kiba before he started pounding me with question and prying at me, all so he could prove I was scared for this. Of course I was scared for this mission, going back there was a risk no matter how long it had been. Orochimaru was smart, and did whatever he could to make sure that Sasuke stayed loyal to him. I am sure bringing me back was at the top priority, right below turning Sasuke into the perfect vessel. I could feel it in my stomach that Sasuke was getting closer each day, and the amount of panic that filled me was heartbreaking. I shouldn't be scared of him finding me, but I had a feeling it wouldn't be a heartwarming reunion.

"Hinata why don't you go get ready for the mission too? I can find some clothes on my own." I grinned at the girl and she nodded her head before quickly heading off.

I walked through the doors of the shop where everyone seemed to buy their gear. I ran my hands over some of the outfits before finding one that stood out to me.

An orange jacket much like my old one was hanging up, the differences being this one was cropped and thinner. I found a new black shirt to wear underneath, it was basically the shirt I had on now but sleeveless and exposed my midriff. I decided on just keeping the black shorts I had on, and finding a pair of leg coverings that reached just at my mid-thigh. A pair of black ankle sandals replaced my torn up blue ones.

I paid for the clothes and tossed my old shirt and sandals aside. When I looked in the mirror at myself I couldn't help but realize how much I finally looked like my old self. All except for the fact my hair was down, so I quickly pulled it up into a ponytail, letting a few pieces frame my headband that sad proudly on my forehead.

The shopkeeper smiled at me as I waved goodbye and took off toward the gate. I had about twenty minutes before I needed to be there with the rest of the team. So that gave me twenty minutes to say goodbye to Naruto really quick, but I knew I needed to lie about what I was actually doing.

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