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-Akari POV-

Naruto had seemed to enter a state of anger and depression when we returned. That wasn't the only thing that was different though, the entire air seemed to have a different feel to it. It was as if the world was missing someone or something. Maybe I was just dealing with the fact that I had come back here without Sasuke. I knew the other three wouldn't let anything happen to him, but still I couldn't help but feel uneasy at the thought of him being with the Akatsuki. Would he really be okay with them?

"Hey, Akari, do you think Sasuke would ever attack the village?" Naruto mumbled as I laid my head on my brothers chest. Neither one of us wanted to be away from each other right now, but it was definitely easier sharing a bed when we were children.

"No, Sasuke might be insane but he isn't an idiot, besides I think he knows that I would have to kick his ass in front of everyone." I said nonchalantly ignoring my brothers serious tone of his random question.

"Akari, you say that with a lot of confidence but-"

"Naruto, not to sound conceited but I'm here, Sasuke wouldn't do something to hurt me," I leaned up to look at my brother, "Besides I choose to believe that he still cares about all of you too."

Naruto seemed content with my answer, grinning a bit to himself. He pulled me into another hug, and I just smiled against my brother's chest. Moments like this have been slim and few for us. I had missed my brother more than I even realized. Judging by the fact he had seemed a little more over protective he had missed me just as much.

"You know, we never got much a chance to talk about your years off with Orochimaru, your years with Sasuke?"

"He went a little dark for awhile Naruto, but he's okay now and besides-"

"Akari, you and Naruto need to come with me." Kakashi knocked on the window gaining our attention was crouching on our roof looking through at the two of us laying in Naruto's bed. I raised my eyebrow at him, wondering what was going on.

"Where to?" I asked, as Naruto sat us both up to gather ourselves to go with Kakashi.

"Lady Tsunade has requested you both." Kakashi said softly, looking at me with a worried eye. Something was wrong, but I had no idea what was about to come our way.

"Kari, come on it could be information about Sasuke." Naruto smiled at me, trying to comfort me. Even despite all the anger and rage he held for the fact that he can't catch up to Sasuke. Naruto was still trying to help me.

The three of us walked along to the Hokage's office, both of us watching as the office came into view. Except two of the toads that Naruto could summon were outside of the office. I looked at Kakashi with even more worry, why were they here?

"Let's go." Kakashi said sharply, leading us up to the office. I worriedly looked at my brother, who glanced down at me. We walked into Lady Tsunade's office, both Sakura and Sai were in the office. Along with a few other toads. Lady Tsunade looked more tired than usual. Something really was wrong.

"So this is Jiraiya Boy's student is it? And the wonderful twin he spoke about?" The older toad said and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Hard to believe that the old perv would give me any praise at all.

"Yes, this is Naruto and Akari Uzumaki." Lady Tsunade motioned to the both of us, "The children of prophecy you spoke of." Naruto and I looked at each other and then back at everyone else in shock. What was she going on about?

"What's with the old geezer frog, who's he?" Naruto said in a snarky tone and I face palmed at my brother's arrogance.

"Watch your mouth Naruto, he is one of the two great sages of Mount Myōboku, Lord Fukasaku, he traveled all the way just to speak with you two." Lady Tsunade snapped, and I judged my brother with my elbow glaring at him for being rude.

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