Fulfill the Promise

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-Akari POV-

Being sent out on a mission without my usual people was a lot different than I expected. They were supposed to be protecting me, just in case the Akatsuki targeted me but instead they were sleeping. I couldn't lie that I missed Kakashi, as weird as that was for me to say. That wasn't the only thing distracting me though, I couldn't help but constantly think about Kurenai for the five days I had been gone.

Asuma was dead, killed in action by the Akatsuki member Hidan. I had left right after his funeral, and my heart broke at the sight of Kurenai and Shikamaru. Kurenai was trying her best to cope with it, and asked for me to still hold up my promise with her future child. Shikamaru on the other hand was still not speaking to me, at least not like we used to so I knew there was no point in me trying to explain it all to him right now. He was grieving and I couldn't blame him.

As students we tend to form bonds with our teachers. I especially couldn't imagine if something were to happen to Kurenai or to Kakashi for that matter. Knowing what was inside of me, I would probably just let Kurama take control. Just because being a ninja comes with risks, doesn't mean that their loved ones are prepared for the consequences.. Even if we are ninjas ourselves. I think we know that their comes sacrifices though, and I think that's why some people choose to opt out of it, and just be shop keepers or work a basic job. Some just choose to be parents, and that's okay.

Being a ninja was just always something I felt I had to do, something that was almost expected of me. I could never shake that feeling, that overbearing weight of expectations. For a long time I never understood why I believed I had to do it, it never made sense to me. Then once I discovered that my Dad was the Fourth Hokage, it all began making sense. It was in my blood, I guess. He was a war hero after all, and Kakashi said from the way things were looking, we needed to prepare for another one.

Maybe one day, there would come a time of peace. A time where it wasn't expected to become a ninja if you were able. Where lives weren't lost, where we didn't need to constantly worry. That is the kind of future I want, and I think that perv Jiraiya strives for that too.

Kakashi told me he once asked my parents why they choose the name Naruto, and the name Akari. One was a fishcake, and the other could be interpreted as "light". He said that Dad choose Naruto because of a book he had read once, a book saying the main hero's name was Naruto. Kakashi couldn't remember why my name was chosen, but he said he believed my mom just thought it was pretty.

I wonder what she would think if she knew that I have been described as the "light." For people, if she's anything like Kakashi said she was, then I'm sure she would brag happily about it. I guess her personality was a lot like Naruto's, so maybe she would tell everyone that is what she intended.

Then again, she might be disappointed. I couldn't save Sasuke after all, no matter how hard I tried. I followed him through the darkness, hoping that if I stood by his side I could keep him from being consumed by it all. That was good enough though, because he began taking larger steps and I couldn't keep up. Soon enough he was so far down that tunnel, there was no pulling him back out, there was no way for him to see me anymore.

As I looked up at the sky from my spot a little bit away from the campsite I couldn't help but feel my heart clench at the sight of the full moon. I once described Sasuke and I as the sun and the moon. They both chased each other, never being able to catch the other. Watching each other from a distance they felt their love grow stronger. At that time he had told me that we were nothing like that legend, because we were together. Turns out he was right about us not being like the legend, because he let himself become like a lunar eclipsed. Blocked by something so the light can't reach him, so I can't reach him.

"I can tell what you're thinking about, and I can tell how deep in thought you actually are considering you haven't noticed me yet?" I froze at the voice that was coming from a branch above me. I grabbed a kunai and stood up quickly but he was already behind me, staring at me with a heavy look in his eyes.

"Sasuke, you're getting pretty ballsy, there are three Jonin sleeping right over there." I growled, staring at him as he glanced past me towards the campsite to the three of the snoozing away.

"Seems as if they're not even the slightest bit interested, but you can put the weapon down I'm not here to hurt you," Sasuke sighed, and I continued to stare at him my kunai ready to attack at any second.

"Then why are you here?" I scoffed, "To kidnap me again? Try to kill me? What is it this time?"

"Orochimaru is dead, and I am going to find Itachi." Sasuke was blunt in his statement, and I just stared at him in shock, nothing in what he said was confusing to me, but it was still hard for me to even begin to process.

"You killed him?" I questioned, lowering my knife a bit, "How are you going to find Itachi?"

"Yes, you and some others are going to assist me." Sasuke looked at him, and from the reflection of the moons glow I could almost see a flicker of hope.

"What makes you think I even want to help you?" I laughed a bit, "You hurt me Sasuke, you absolutely broke me."

"Akari, I did what I had to do, but hurting you was never my intentions," Sasuke was being uncharacteristically gentle with his words as he talked to me, "I understand why you turned your back on me, that makes sense, but I'm asking you now to finish this with me."

I stared at him for a moment trying my best to not lose my cool with him. Also trying my best to not break down crying at the way he was looking at me. For a brief moment it was as if the person I always knew was there was coming through.

"What happens once this is done? When he's gone?" I questioned softly, not wanting to push his buttons.

"I can't think that far ahead, you know this, but I need you with me, he didn't just kill my family he took away our time."

My heart jumped at him saying he needed me. A million thoughts began running through my head. For a brief second, the memories of us were at the front of my head. As soon as they came though, so did Kiba. So did Naruto. So did Kurenai... Could I really do this to them again? I knew I wouldn't leave permanently, but yet the thought of having to leave this version of Sasuke worried me. He was slightly acting like before, and I knew that it would be hard to walk away. Despite everything I have with Kiba now, I still cared for Sasuke..

"I'll come with you, on one condition." I stated firmly and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"What is that?" Sasuke sighed, staring at me.

"Come back to the village with me, once it is all done and over with." I looked at him with hopeful eyes, and watched him take a deep breath contemplating.

"You'll have no reason to tell me no, you'll have your vengeance, you haven't committed any large crimes other than abandoning the village, I am sure that they'll treat you the same as they treated me." I explained, before he could come up with excuses.

We both looked at each other, before he finally gave me a slight nod. I turned on my heals to sneak back into camp to grab my stuff, and leave a small note. Trying my best to not wake them up I left three notes..

Kakashi, I'll keep up on my training while I'm gone. We can pick up where we left off when I get back, I promise I will be back, tell Kurenai that please.

Kiba, I'm not leaving you again... Just don't give up on me, please?

Naruto, I will bring him back, I swear.

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