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I ran as fast as I could towards the battle area. Naruto was facing off against these freaks. I had to help him. If I had to sacrifice myself then I would, as long as it meant he got to live out his dreams. I guess that is how things have always been, I was never the sibling who had dreams to live out. So all I could do was help Naruto live out his. I knew that they would kill me, I knew I wouldn't survive the extraction process.. That was okay though.

Sasuke and I were clearly no more. He was too far gone for even me to reach. Just thinking about how he would let everyone in the village die due to some idea he probably put in his own head.. That wasn't the Sasuke I knew, and maybe that was okay. After all, if he could willingly do this, and know that it could have killed my brother of all people.. I didn't want anything to do with him anymore.

Kiba... Kiba would be hurt. Hell Kiba's heart will probably break in two but I just couldn't find it in me to tell him what I was planning. Maybe it was always Kiba for me, maybe we could have found a way to make it work some day. After I realized who Sasuke was of course.. He will find his person though. I also know he will take care of everyone here for me, and will help them cope too.

All of my friends would say the same thing, that I did what i always do. Protect Naruto from it all. That is all I have been doing my entire life. Protecting Naruto. I had to keep up my end of the deal so he could become Hokage. Maybe one day he will do what I couldn't and bring Sasuke home.

Naruto would be angry, hell he would probably go a little off track for awhile especially with Kakashi gone too. I knew him though, and I knew our friends. They would all be able to keep him on track, and make sure he didn't do anything too stupid. I knew Naruto and I knew he wouldn't let anyone die without making sure we were avenged the right way. Me, Jiraiya, and Kakashi.. Hell the entire village that we knew and loved.. He would make sure that they paid for what they've done.

That's just who my brother was.

As I approached the area I saw a sight I never wanted to see. Naruto was being held down with the poles. Hinata was standing in between Naruto and the Akatsuki.. She was protecting him. She was going to get herself killed though. I ran as fast as I could to get to them, trying my best to avoid the debris and disaster area.

"Wait!" I yelled, grabbing the attention of all the people standing in the clearing. Naruto's eyes slowly widened as he realized what was happening.

"Akari, no get out of here!" Naruto screamed at me, panic filling his voice as he struggled to get free. I just kept running though, towards them.

"Take me! You need a tailed beast, take me." I looked at Pain, trying to ignore how freaked out I was by his eyes. Hell how freaked out i was by all of this.

"Akari what the hell are you doing?" Naruto's panicky voice came from behind me. I fought back the tears as I kept staring the thing that killed Jiraiya in the eyes.

"Actually, there is only one thing for us to do to you Akari Uzumaki." Pain spoke finally, and next thing I knew a sharp stabbing pain was spreading through my gut, then my arms, then through my chest.

I felt everything growing quieter. As I coughed up blood and struggled to breathe. Was this is it?

Kurama? Help.

I'm sorry kid, I can't this time, just breathe through it okay? It will end soon just like falling asleep.

What happens to you?

I go back to a free life, hidden away so they can't trap this half in a body ever again.

I smiled slightly. Kurama would be free.. It didn't show much but I could feel a difference within him. So at least one plus side comes from dying. As I fell onto the ground I looked at Naruto sadly. I didn't mean for him to have to watch. Him or Hinata. Hell no one I loved was supposed to see.

"Naruto," I whispered my voice quiet, "Don't get caught."

"Kari, no, no, no." Naruto whispered.

I sent my brother a small smile, and began closing my eyes. Except it didn't feel like falling asleep. Instead it was like I was just falling. Falling away from everyone here. Falling into a more peaceful place. A place so far away from being anything more than Akari Uzumaki.

As I drifted off two faces came through my head...

Sasuke.. How would he react to news of me dying?

And Kiba, dear sweet Kiba... I'm sorry.

Authors note.

The end.

Just kidding this is just the beginning

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