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-Akari POV-

Traveling with Sasuke hadn't been as terrible as I thought it would be. Uncomfortable was more the word I was looking for. I could see him in there, see him trying to break through a bit but all that anger and hatred was keeping him locked down inside. There was a small part of me that was hoping he would finally let me in, but that would require him to speak more than two words to me.

We had recruited three people to work along with us, Suigetsu, Karin, and Jugo. So far, Karin had not warmed up to me at all. Constantly telling Sasuke that he doesn't need my help because her sensory skills are more adapt than mine. Which was true, I could really only sense familiar chakra at a distance, and unfamiliar chakra up close. She wasn't pleased when he told her I had other uses for him, but because of that statement Suigetsu and I became friends. He had instantly retaliated to Sasuke's comment, calling him a perv. Which of course, made me giggle. So now him and I walked in the back of everybody, laughing at everything and he definitely took my mind off the heavy thoughts in my head.

It had been quite awhile, so I'm sure news of me deserting had spread all over the village again. I wondered constantly what everyone thought of me, and if they all believed I was leaving for good this time. Hopefully my notes would be enough for me to have a bit of an explanation, and bringing Sasuke back would definitely help my case with some people.

One person in particular though was going to be hurt I am sure. The constant thought of Kiba's reaction played over and over again in my head. I am sure he is going to be hurt, and upset. Which I understood, it would probably look like I am bringing Sasuke back for my own personal benefit but that wasn't the case at all. As far as my feelings go, I still had a lot I needed to figure out, a lot I needed to get done. I was happy in my times with Kiba, but I also still found my heart aching whenever I imagined losing Sasuke forever..

"Ayooo, Akari, are you even listening?" Suigetsu snapped his fingers in front of my face and I snapped my head up to look at him. He had his head tilted and his purple eyes looked a little concerned.

"Hm? Oh yeah, yeah sorry I was just thinking too much again." I sighed, looking forward at Sasuke's back. We were on our way to a small village, still in pursuit of Itachi. We had gathered supplies from an old outpost, run by old allies of the Uchiha family.

"About your lover boy back home?" Suigetsu smirked, nudging my side with a huge grin plastered across his face. I blushed furiously, pursing my lips together.

"He isn't my lover boy, he's just-"

"The reason you are determined to return to that village?" Suigetsu smiled knowingly, and i just rolled my eyes at his antics.

"Well, he is definitely apart of me wanting to go back, but I also have a brother there, plus my teacher is a bit scary so I wouldn't want to cross him." I laughed, thinking of Kakashi hunting me down and dragging me back himself. Out of everyone, I was sure him and Naruto had the most faith in my return.

"Kurenai is your teacher, isn't she?" Sasuke finally spoke from ahead of us, causing both Suigetsu and I to looked shock. Most of the time I was sure that he wasn't even paying attention to me, but this just confirmed otherwise.

"Well, she was, uh Kakashi trains me now." I answered his question and he tensed a little at the mention of his old squad leader. If it weren't for the fact I knew him, I wouldn't of caught the slight change in body posture.

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