From Lover to Prisoner

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-Akari, POV-

Coming back to my senses was like waking up from a nightmare to an even worse one. Did this really happen? Did he really take me against my will?

The chains around my ankles answered my question clearly. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my surroundings. I felt my body, I was still in the same clothes, but my weapons were gone. My head was pounding with a headache , and the panic that was beginning to fill my body was just making it worse. He had promised that the next time I tried to escape he wouldn't miss my heart.

Was this it?

I had just gotten my life back. My friends, Kiba, Shikamaru... Naruto, what was he going to do when he found out? Would he drop his silly goal of rescuing Sasuke? Would he realize how far beyond saving he is?

That jerk that had a soft spot for me was so far gone now. The sweet boy who was my best friend as kids was gone. I thought if I went along with him, just maybe I could be a small light in the dark. Sure, part of me made the choice to leave because I believed that Orochimaru could make me stronger. In reality though, I did this to protect the boy I cared about. When we were twelve I could see myself falling in love with him... Now we are fifteen and he is so far gone.

I failed at the one thing I prided myself on, being his source of comfort, being his light in the dark. He was so far gone that he couldn't even see me standing at the end waiting for him now.

Now, because of my stupid need to fix someone who was broken, I'm the one who's broke. Now I had been taken away from my brother, my teammates, my friends, my... my Kiba. What if they all believe that I went with him willingly again? Will they write me off a traitor and turn their backs on me?

Shikamaru already refused to trust me again, surely he would just believe that I left of my own accord. My best friend would believe that I was nothing more than a traitor who hurt his friends. Whether Shikamaru cared to mention it or not, he considered everyone our age his friends.

There had to be a way out of this, I knew there was a way out of this. I had to get back to them, I had to get back to my family.

"If you're looking for a way out of here, there is none." I heard a gruff voice from the door way and I snapped my head over to see the light that came through as Sasuke opened the door.

"What is your plan here? You going to kill me Sasuke?" I snapped, glaring at the boy.

"No, I could never kill you Akari, you should you know that." He sounded annoyed with me as he walked over to the lamp on the desk on the other side of the room and flicked it on.

"I don't really know much about you anymore." I mumbled and turned my back towards him.

"Are you going to act like a child forever?" The question sparked an unbelievable amount of anger within me as I whipped my head back around to look at him.

"Don't act like I am a friend to you, don't act I am whatever it was we were to you, as of right now I am your prisoner and nothing will change my outlook on that." I yelled at him, feeling my chest puff up and down. All he did was stare at me for a second with a blank look in his eyes before he stood up and walked out of the room. Slamming the door and locking it behind him.

As soon as I heard the lock click I felt my tears start streaming down my face, and felt my heart break entirely. He really was too far gone wasn't he? He was so far down his path for vengeance that he had lost sight of me.


It felt as though days had gone by, and I had not spoken to Sasuke since our first interaction. The only times I saw him were when he would come to bring me food, or escort me to a bathroom. I thought the first time he took me I would have been able to escape that way, but he was too smart for that. When my feet were unchained my hands were tighter, and vice-versa. He was also smart enough to put one of the seals that Orochimaru would use on me, on me constantly. So there was no using the nine tails chakra as long as that thing was on me.

I had never felt so helpless in my life.

Sleeping was about the only escape I had, although the dreams made it even worse. All I could think about was Naruto, and everyone else back home. Part of me had hope that they would come busting through that door, that they would come save me... I had a feeling deep down that day wouldn't come though.

I couldn't live like this though. I had already been refusing food, and I don't think Sasuke remembered that the seal seemed to drain everything out of me. I was weak and helpless, but I had a feeling that's how he wanted me. He wanted me to eventually give in and need him.

I would die before I gave him that satisfaction.


"Akari, you need to eat." Sasuke finally spoke, his voice still monotone, but this time he didn't just throw the food down in front of me. Instead he sat on the other side of me about four feet away. I stared at him for a second before shaking my head and looking the other direction.

"I don't want anything from you." I spoke, and he just let out an annoyed sigh.

"This would be so much easier if you just cooperated, all you have to do is eat." Sasuke demanded and I just let out a scoff.

"Leave my hands unchained, leave the room, and maybe I will."

"I can't do that, and you know why, you'll take the seal off and let the nine tails loose."

I turned my head to glare at him and then looked the other way again. After sitting for a few moments he finally got up and walked out of my room again.

That was the first time I didn't close the door.


"Put him in there with that one, since Sasuke took it upon himself to bring a guest in, it'll be temporary." I heard Kabuto's voice from the door, ah so the bastards finally make an appearance.

The door swung open and in walked a boy who had to have been close to my age. He resembled Sasuke in a way, with his dark hair and dark eyes. He was built different than Sasuke though, more lean than muscular, but I still couldn't advert my eyes from his exposed midriff. He was definitely attractive, but why was he with these idiots.

Finally my eyes registered the headband he wore on his forehead.

A Leaf Ninja?

"You must be Akari Uzumaki, I am Sai, your brother Naruto never seems to shut up about you."

The fake smile across his face should have been unsettling but somehow... It was comforting.

"Hi Sai, yes, I'm Akari, now tell me how you know my brother?"

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