A Broken Promise

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-Akari POV-

Sai stood in front of me, a fake smile painted across his face. He had given me a slight summary of how he met my brother, and about the temporary team Kakashi. When I asked how he ended up here though, he said that he didn't need to disclose that information to me.

"So tell me, do you have the same power as Naruto?" Sai questioned and I narrowed my eyes at him for a second, then finally it clicked in my head as to what he meant.

"Did, did Naruto-"

"He attacked Orochimaru and the Nine Tails seemed to consume his body, Captain Yamato wasn't even able to contain him." Sai informed me and I sat in fear.

Not because of Naruto being in the Nine Tails state, that scared me but not as much as the fact I didn't know. It was as if our bond had broken, it was as if we weren't connected anymore. I used to at least experience some of his outbursts as the Nine Tails. In one instance two years back I suddenly lost control while he must have too, it was out of nowhere for me but I could feel his rage.

I needed to get back to my brother.

"You really are much prettier than your brother, when I was told he had a twin sister I just imagined Naruto with long hair, but that's not the case at all." Sai mumbled, staring at me. His face held about as much emotion as Sasuke's did.

As if on cue, Sasuke came into the room and glared at Sai. He then turned his attention back towards me and walked towards me. Sasuke quickly unchained my feet and my hands. I stared at him in shock for a second but he just stuck his hands out to help pull me up off the ground. I stared at his open hands for a second before just pushing my self up.

"What are you doing?" I questioned him not trusting his motives. This was another test, I knew it was. This could also be the only chance I had to get away again though.

"Before you think about running, just know that I can catch you, I'm giving you the chance to walk civilly with me to what I need to show you." Sasuke stared at me, and for a split second the look in his eyes was different. For a split second the look in his eyes was the boy I once loved. That small flicker of hope I had seemed to ignite again.

"Lead the way." I answered calmly, nodding my head at him. What surprised me even more was when he took my hand and interlocked our fingers.

We walked out of the room, leaving Sai by himself in there. Sasuke dragged me along the long corridors, and I just stared at all the doors as I went along. This place was a tad bit confusing, and I couldn't understand how anyone could find their way around here. Sasuke seemed to be accustomed to it though, as he confidently walked along. I stared down at our intertwined hands and took a deep breath.

"Where are we going?" I questioned, my voice echoing through the hallway. Sasuke glanced back at me before huffing and stopping in front of a door. He opened it and revealed a room much like the one I had been trapped in, except it was evident that someone was living in here. I was led into the room and he shut the door.

My breath hitched in my throat as he walked forward and grabbed both sides of my face. He slowly began leaning in and I pushed away from him and stepped back.

"Sasuke what are you doing?" I looked at him in annoyance, was he serious? Was this why he brought me over here?

"I'm giving you what you wanted, you left because I stopped being affectionate so I'm doing it again."

Maybe it was the tone in his voice, or the fact that the cold look in his eyes was back. Or maybe, just maybe, it was my own self not wanting him to touch me... Whatever it was, a combination of all those things, I felt my heart break in that moment. That one last thread of hope I had for him had burned away.

"You think that affection is just you kissing me?" I mumbled, and looked at him with tears stinging my eyes. I refused to let him see me cry. I refused to let him see me be weak.

"What more do you want from me then?" He growled, clearly annoyed with me.

"Affection is so much more than physical contact, it's the way you look at someone, it's the heart to heart conversations you have, it's you know it's-"

"Everything you do with Kiba Inuzuka?" Sasuke's words seemed to put me into a bit of a shock as it all came flowing through my head. That was everything that Kiba had been doing ever since he showed up in the Hidden Sand village.

"Yeah, yeah everything I do with Kiba." I mumbled, not believing it myself. I knew I kissed him, and I knew the feeling I had while kissing him. Was this it though? Was I really truly falling for Kiba?

"You broke a promise to me Akari, you-"

"To hell with your damn promises! You broke me!" I screamed, feeling the rage finally spill over, "Ever since you took me hostage you've done nothing but go on about me betraying you and breaking that promise, but you left me no choice Sasuke!"

When he did nothing but stare at me, I let myself continue on.

"Ever since we were kids, I've done nothing but admire you, I even had this silly idea that one day we would settle down together," I scoffed before I began yelling again, "I left my home, I left my friends, I left my brother all for you! All to help you, because I had let myself believe that you would never shut me out, that I was some kind of light for you, but you've become something I don't want to know."

"You sound like a damn child, I would have never pegged you to be the one to be weak and let your emotions choose your path." Sasuke laughed dryly and that was the last stab at my heart before I snapped.

"You're right, I made a childish decision, maybe I should have realized back then how much better Kiba actually was than you." I growled, I could feel myself almost reaching the point of being able to tap into the Nine Tails.

I wanted to attack him, I wanted to rip him apart. The rage was building up inside me so all I needed was to let it spill over. Then I would be able to get past him. I could find a way out of this hell hole, and then be able to continue on to my home.

The other brat is here, I can feel his chakra.

The low growling voice from inside me was Kurama, and I knew what he meant. I could feel Naruto's chakra, Sakura, and Sai. There was another one that was completely foreign to me. I assumed that to be their new Captain.

I smirked at Sasuke before finally making my move. I would always do this in training, I was quick enough and small enough to get past him. Luckily for me we weren't far from the door at all. I was able to quickly get past it and make my way into the hallway. Before he could catch me though I took a deep breath and let out a yell.

"NARUTO!" My voice echoed through the hallways. The first person I saw though was Sai. He walked towards me and then looked at Sasuke.

"Your brother is back that way." He pointed down the hallway and I nodded. I looked back at the pissed off Sasuke one last time before taking off in the direction that Sai pointed me in.

After running for what felt like forever, I finally saw three figures coming towards me. One of them was unfamiliar to me, but a head full of pink hair and yellow hair was enough for my feet to move even faster. As I got up to my brother I jumped up and gave him another hug. He held me back just as tight, maybe even a little tighter.

"No more disappearing after this okay?" Naruto mumbled against me and I nodded my head.

"Akari, did you see another guy, about our age?" Sakura looked at me in a panic and I nodded.

"Sai is back that way but you guys-"

It was too late all of them were already taking off again. They weren't ready to see Sasuke as he is now. They weren't ready for what was about to come.

There was a huge explosion at the end of the corridor, right where Sasuke's room used to stand. All four of us stopped and I stared ahead for a second. Sakura was the first to run out there though, she grabbed Sai by the shirt and seemed as if she was going to attack him. Then she froze in her place, and looked up as if she had seen a ghost.

He was still here.

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