The Sun and Moon

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-Akari POV-

The hideout was a ghost town, but I still couldn't help but feel as if we were missing something. It didn't help that I only knew my way to the room and the medical room. So we had to walk around mindlessly trying to find where the important files would be kept. My guess was as far in the hideout as possible. We were having no luck with finding these things.

"Maybe we should split up, the hide out is abandoned so we won't have to worry about an ambush, just keep your guard up," I looked at my four teammates, Kiba was scowling at me ready to protest, "Shino, can you spare some bugs to each of us so if something happen we are able to communicate in some kind of way?"

"Yes." Shino released a bug to each of us, Kiba still glared at me clearly not okay with this plan.

"Hinata, you take the south end, Shino, east end, and Kiba you and Akamaru take the north end, I will be in the west end, which is better because it's the area I know the most." I gave everyone their orders and then nodded letting them know it was okay to go. Hinata and Shino left immediately, but Kiba and Akamaru lingered behind staring at me.

"Maybe we should stick together, just to be safe you know?" Kiba glared at me, and I just smiled at him before placing my hand on his cheek. I rubbed my thumb slightly over his red mark and chuckled a little as his cheeks went red at the action.

"I'll be fine Kiba, you and Akamaru go the other way, and we will meet back soon." I removed my hand from his cheek and began to walk in the opposite direction.

Before I could get too far away I felt my arm being tugged back, and turned to face Kiba again. His cheeks were still red and before I could even process what was happening he quickly leaned down closer to my face. My entire body tensed up and I felt my cheeks go red too.

"Tell me if this isn't okay, tell me if you want me to stop." Kiba whispered, his tone softer than I had ever heard before.

I stared at him for a second, trying to process what was happening, what I was supposed to do. I knew I still had feelings for Sasuke, but that Sasuke was long gone by now. Maybe this was what I needed, maybe a life with Kiba was my best option. Going on missions together, being happy together, creating a life together in the future.... We could have it all..

"Akari, if you're not okay with this," Kiba went to pull away and I shook my head before grabbing his face and crashing our lips together.

Kiba tensed a little bit but eased into the kiss and snaked his arms around my waist. His kiss was different than Sasuke's, like everything Kiba does he was more intense about it. His hands were digging his nails into my back, which in turn made me pull on his hair a little harder. He slowly walked us backwards into a wall, and pressed our bodies even closer together.

There was a mission to be done, and I am sure that either of our teammates could walk up at any time. I couldn't lie that I was happy while doing this though, so happy that when he pulled away I let out a small whine and stuck out my lip in a pout.

"Don't make that face, go look for those files, meet back here soon," Kiba was out of breath and kissed me again before looking at Akamaru who narrowed his eyes at both of us, "What?! Don't make that face either Akamaru we are back on track for the mission."

Kiba and Akamaru walked away and I just grinned at the pair. Listening to Kiba explain why it was necessary for that to happen, and that he should be happy for him.

I rolled my eyes and made my way back towards the west end, that's where the medical room was so maybe they saved some files around there. My feet echoed as I walked through the halls of the hide out. I spent a lot of time here, even after Orochimaru began moving from hideout to hideout with Sasuke. He left behind a few of his followers to guard this spot. The expendable ones, and left me here too after my little attempt to escape. Whenever they were gone though Sasuke made them keep my door locked and to not let me out for any reason at all. Then when he came back he would stop in to see me for at least twenty minutes before locking my door back up.

As I went to open the door to medical room I felt my body freeze up. There were now five chakra sources. All of them familiar to me, but the new one was not one I wanted to feel.

"How did you get here without me noticing at all Sasuke?" I turned around to face him. He was staring at me with the same bored and emotionless look in his eyes. The same look he gave me the last time I say him. The same look he had been giving me since I left.

"Seems like you let your guard down." His voice was flat but I could still sense the hint of anger. Had he been watching for that long? Did he know what happened between Kiba and I?

No Akamaru would've smelled him.

"Why are you here?" I growled and stared at him. A year had gone by and I couldn't help but notice that he had grown, his outward appearance had slowly matured even more.

"You made a promise to me, time to come back." Sasuke spoke so bluntly and I let out a laugh, which wouldn't stop. I just kept laughing. That must of set him off though because he charged forward and grabbed me by my throat. I choked out a cough as panic washed over my body.

"Sa-Sasuke let me go." I began clawing at his hand and he just stared at with an emotionless face. Was he really going to kill me?

"You're coming back with me Akari, where you promised you'd be." The lack of oxygen caused me to lose consciousness, but before I completely blacked out I noticed something.. His eyes seemed to flicker with a hint of sadness.


"Kiba!!" I heard Hinata panic which snapped me back to reality after riding on cloud nine for awhile. I kissed her and she kissed me back with no question.. This was it, it was finally happening between us.

"Hinata, what's up, why do you seem so panicked?" Both Akamaru and I stopped as she ran up to us. Just by the look on her face though I felt my stomach drop, something had happened.

"It's, it's Akari, he took her." Hinata was trying her best to hold back all of her emotions, "I couldn't make it in time, by the time Shino's bugs were able to process it she was gone."

The feeling of happiness that was in my stomach, due to the events that had unfolded between Akari and I, was soon replaced with an anger I had never felt before. The images of ripping Sasuke apart definitely flicked through my head... Damn Naruto for still believing in that idiot.. Maybe this would finally get it through his head.

Sasuke Uchiha was nothing more than an enemy of the leaf.

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