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This day was perfect. A few clouds scattering the sky, the sun shining bright against my exposed skin as I continued to train while Kakashi was off being Kakashi. Things seemed to be finding moments of peace, despite the chaos that was inside my head. First and foremost all I could think about was what Naruto was doing. I was constantly wondering if he was doing okay in his new training, if he was still sad over the loss of Jiraiya.. So many things were running through my mind I almost didn't have time to think about Sasuke..

I was expecting word from him soon, or at least expecting him to come back to me. We were supposed to always make it back to each other but I couldn't help but feel that maybe we were too far apart anymore to make it back. That thought alone was enough to make me want to hunt him down and fight him. Unlike my stubborn headed brother though, I understood that Sasuke needed to come back on his own terms.. Even if Itachi was dead, the village still held a lot of sour memories that I am sure he wasn't ready to face. Memories of his family, and of Orochimaru.

So instead of worrying too much about either of them, I decided to lay back against the warm grass, and look up at the sky. They were my boys, so I knew they would be fine. After all they were by no means week, I just needed to have a little more faithe in them than what I did. Not everything needed to be protected by me, in fact maybe this would help me realize I cant fix them until they fix themselves. Still, I knew it was killing Naruto, knowing he couldnt be the one that brought Sasuke back home now. I knew he believed he needed to be stronger, but I dont think physical strength had anything to do with it. Sasukes emotional connection needed to be higher to the village. So far though, I think I was the only emotional attachment he was willing to accept.

"Akari." I heard a voice, soft and sweet from the other side of the field, and I shot up. Sasuke was standing there, his version of a smile across his face. I felt my legs moving before my head could, and I launched myself around him. I thought that if I let go he would disappear from where he was standing. I mean he was back, he was really back. I kissed his cheeks, before kissing his lips softly. I smiled against the kiss before attempting to deepen it. After all no one came to this field but Kakashi and I, and he wouldnt be back for another few hours. Sasuke stopped me though, before smiling again. He pulled my hand slightly, and began leading me away from the village.

"Sasuke, come on you just got back, we have to take you to Lady Tsunade so she can see that you arent a threat to us, so she will let you back in," I explained tugging back on his hand, he turned to look at me with the same smile. That smile that seemed to be too long placed on his face. Even for me Sasuke never smiled as much, but here he was, grinning at me like I knew what was going on.

"Kari it is time to leave." Suddenly everything seemed to feel unreal. I was in a genjutsu, this wasnt Sasuke. Everything felt so real though, and I couldnt feel myself wanting to pull away. I knew what was happening but yet all I wanted to do was follow this fake Sasuke wherever he was leading me. Who was behind this though? An Akatsuki member? Did they find me? Oh no, what if they found Naruto next?

"Akari, you are safe, lets go home." Sasuke whispered.

"I am home though-" I couldnt finish my sentence before he placed another kiss against my lips softly. Making me melt against his lips. This felt like Sasuke, what if he was the one who put me under a genjutsu? Would he actually do that to me though?

I kept letting him pull me further and further away from the village though, by now we were in the woods. I had no sense of stopping him either, all I wanted was to be with Sasuke now. So maybe if I just kept going, it would take me back to him. Maybe he put me under a gentjutsu out of fear I wouldnt go with him. Still though, this felt stronger. Hell usually Kurama would be able to tell the genjutsu and warn me to break it. Yet he was silent too.

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